What People are Commenting
Wuhan Bishop, Genocide & Double Standards
A Communist Bishop for Wuhan
Dear TIA,
The Communist Pope Francis agreed to install a Communist-friendly Bishop in Wuhan, China – where the virus was released from the Wuhan lab. The seat has been vacant for 14 years. This is a joke & a slap in the face to the free and the faithful.
Father Giuseppe Cui Qingqi is the new bishop of Wuhan. He has stated his loyalty is FIRST to the Communist Party & Xi Jinping - as the party demands; then, to Jesus Christ. Xi is an atheist & so is the Communist Party.
The communist new bishop received the full approval of the Vatican, following the agreement made with the China government.
The Communist Pope Francis agreed to install a Communist-friendly Bishop in Wuhan, China – where the virus was released from the Wuhan lab. The seat has been vacant for 14 years. This is a joke & a slap in the face to the free and the faithful.
Father Giuseppe Cui Qingqi is the new bishop of Wuhan. He has stated his loyalty is FIRST to the Communist Party & Xi Jinping - as the party demands; then, to Jesus Christ. Xi is an atheist & so is the Communist Party.
The communist new bishop received the full approval of the Vatican, following the agreement made with the China government.
The exponential rise of world chaos and war is alarming. Certainly apocalyptic. And yet it is 99% lies and deception. I had been focused on TIA’s essential message connecting the destruction of the Church and abandonment of God as the necessary pre-cursor to what we are seeing unfold before our eyes-- the collapse of government, society, family and even reason.
Because of your essential mission, I hesitate to send you these long videos. But if you want to understand the medical aspect of the attack, the following interview with Dr. Zev ties the devil’s plan seamlessly with the collapse of medicine, and the descent into fear.
I personally believe “IT” is the beast of Apoc 12 which rises from the sea (the pagan nations) in front of the dragon. “IT” is an AI (artificial intelligence) network dominated by the CCP, served by the “special forces” of Satan which Atila fully understands. “IT” is not of human origin or nature.
The other reason I send this to you, is that you can discern what to forewarn others in the TIA staff and volunteers, so as not to waste their precious time. Just analyzing this attack can sweep our minds away from God and our mission.
The exponential rise of world chaos and war is alarming. Certainly apocalyptic. And yet it is 99% lies and deception. I had been focused on TIA’s essential message connecting the destruction of the Church and abandonment of God as the necessary pre-cursor to what we are seeing unfold before our eyes-- the collapse of government, society, family and even reason.
Because of your essential mission, I hesitate to send you these long videos. But if you want to understand the medical aspect of the attack, the following interview with Dr. Zev ties the devil’s plan seamlessly with the collapse of medicine, and the descent into fear.
I personally believe “IT” is the beast of Apoc 12 which rises from the sea (the pagan nations) in front of the dragon. “IT” is an AI (artificial intelligence) network dominated by the CCP, served by the “special forces” of Satan which Atila fully understands. “IT” is not of human origin or nature.
The other reason I send this to you, is that you can discern what to forewarn others in the TIA staff and volunteers, so as not to waste their precious time. Just analyzing this attack can sweep our minds away from God and our mission.
SSPX Double Standards
Dear Tradition in Action,
A few of my followers from my Instagram (@retrograde.convert) have sent me pictures of SSPX priories in Europe where the Divine Mercy image is displayed. Apparently, the Divine Mercy devotion is generally accepted by traditionalists in Europe.
A follower reported that the chief priest in Western Europe, Fr. Karl Stehlin, promotes the Divine Mercy devotion. A European follower confirmed that the SSPX in Europe has no problems with the Divine Mercy devotion, as they believe there are no theological errors with it.
The European follower shared a thesis with me by a Lithuanian priest, Fr. Edmundas Naujokaitis, called Sister Faustyna Kowalska and the Devotion to Divine Mercy (click here to read it).
Here is an excerpt from Fr. Naujokaitis’ thesis (the final three paragraphs):
“We see, that all these issues are not essential and have nothing to do with faith, morals, sound spirituality or the main issue of DM. The Diary itself remained virtually unknown until 1981.
“It is quite clear, that the critical edition of the Diary and more deep exploration of the whole Work gave enough strong arguments for the revocation of the Notification in 1978. The fact, that this revocation was made on the initiative of modernist Pope John Paul II, is not a proof, that the whole Work of DM is essentially connected with his ideas. Of course, the Work of DM is nowadays deeply modernised, but we can say the same about every school of spirituality: Carmelite, Ignatian, of Maksymilian Kolbe, of Fatima etc.
“It seems, that the new, deeper theological research of DM and actual worldwide devotion to DM could be ‘appropriated’ by Catholic Tradition, purified from modernist errors of universal salvation, exactly in the same way, as Society appropriates the Marian devotion of Militia Immaculatae and other good movements of the first half of XX c.”
What are your thoughts on this? I find it interesting that the SSPX in America seems to oppose the Divine Mercy Devotion while the SSPX in Europe generally approves and even promotes it.
Thank you for all you do to bring clarity to the many issues and confusions facing traditional Catholics today!
In Jesu et Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear I.R.C.,
Thank you for sending us these data.
It is not rare to find the SSPX taking different approaches here and there on important matters.
In Germany for a long time the SSPX chapels have had dialogue Masses, with the faithful praying aloud the responses. In that country also, the SSPX priests are joining the local bishops in ecumenical meetings with other religions. Here in the U.S., they are presenting themselves as against these policies.
Now, you have shown us that the same thing is happening with the Divine Mercy devotion: In Germany, Poland and Lithuania they approve it; here they condemn it.
So, we can ask: Is the general directorship of the SSPX giving contradictory orientations for different countries? Or it is simply following its agenda depending upon the reactions it finds? In this case, the U.S. seems to be less 'advanced' than Germany.
Two consequences:
1. Their agenda seems to be revealed in Germany; here in the U.S. they are preparing their followers to go in that same direction;
2. They speak from both sides of their mouths; they do not care about telling the truth; they say what people want to hear. Is this a good policy according to Catholic Morals? Why should the condemnations they make here of the Dialogue Mass, Ecumenism, Divine Mercy not be under strong suspicion of being lies?
TIA correspondence desk
A few of my followers from my Instagram (@retrograde.convert) have sent me pictures of SSPX priories in Europe where the Divine Mercy image is displayed. Apparently, the Divine Mercy devotion is generally accepted by traditionalists in Europe.

Bydgoszcz, Poland

Saarbrücken, Germany (click here for the video)
A follower reported that the chief priest in Western Europe, Fr. Karl Stehlin, promotes the Divine Mercy devotion. A European follower confirmed that the SSPX in Europe has no problems with the Divine Mercy devotion, as they believe there are no theological errors with it.
The European follower shared a thesis with me by a Lithuanian priest, Fr. Edmundas Naujokaitis, called Sister Faustyna Kowalska and the Devotion to Divine Mercy (click here to read it).
Here is an excerpt from Fr. Naujokaitis’ thesis (the final three paragraphs):
“We see, that all these issues are not essential and have nothing to do with faith, morals, sound spirituality or the main issue of DM. The Diary itself remained virtually unknown until 1981.
“It is quite clear, that the critical edition of the Diary and more deep exploration of the whole Work gave enough strong arguments for the revocation of the Notification in 1978. The fact, that this revocation was made on the initiative of modernist Pope John Paul II, is not a proof, that the whole Work of DM is essentially connected with his ideas. Of course, the Work of DM is nowadays deeply modernised, but we can say the same about every school of spirituality: Carmelite, Ignatian, of Maksymilian Kolbe, of Fatima etc.
“It seems, that the new, deeper theological research of DM and actual worldwide devotion to DM could be ‘appropriated’ by Catholic Tradition, purified from modernist errors of universal salvation, exactly in the same way, as Society appropriates the Marian devotion of Militia Immaculatae and other good movements of the first half of XX c.”
What are your thoughts on this? I find it interesting that the SSPX in America seems to oppose the Divine Mercy Devotion while the SSPX in Europe generally approves and even promotes it.
Thank you for all you do to bring clarity to the many issues and confusions facing traditional Catholics today!
In Jesu et Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear I.R.C.,
Thank you for sending us these data.
It is not rare to find the SSPX taking different approaches here and there on important matters.
In Germany for a long time the SSPX chapels have had dialogue Masses, with the faithful praying aloud the responses. In that country also, the SSPX priests are joining the local bishops in ecumenical meetings with other religions. Here in the U.S., they are presenting themselves as against these policies.
Now, you have shown us that the same thing is happening with the Divine Mercy devotion: In Germany, Poland and Lithuania they approve it; here they condemn it.
So, we can ask: Is the general directorship of the SSPX giving contradictory orientations for different countries? Or it is simply following its agenda depending upon the reactions it finds? In this case, the U.S. seems to be less 'advanced' than Germany.
Two consequences:
1. Their agenda seems to be revealed in Germany; here in the U.S. they are preparing their followers to go in that same direction;
2. They speak from both sides of their mouths; they do not care about telling the truth; they say what people want to hear. Is this a good policy according to Catholic Morals? Why should the condemnations they make here of the Dialogue Mass, Ecumenism, Divine Mercy not be under strong suspicion of being lies?
TIA correspondence desk
I read with great devotion and interest the story of the founding of the Kingdom a Portugal, especially when our blessed Lord appeared to Don Henrique
He told him that the coat of arms should contain the cross and symbols of the 30 pieces of silver for which Judas betrayed the Lord
When I examined the coat of arms there are five shields in the shape of a cross but each of the five shields only contains five coins, so where are the other five coins?
TIA responds:
Hello M.D.,
After the Battle of Ourique Don Alfonso Henriques placed on his standard five small shields – escutcheons – with 30 coins of silver in each of them. The five escutcheons were to honor the Five Wounds of Christ and were set in the shape of a cross.
With the passing of time, each escutcheon came to have only 10 coins, see picture below; later the shields came to be represented with only five. So today, we actually count only 25 coins total in the five escutcheon… The number of towers also changed with the time.
You may read the full history of the evolution of the coat of arms of Portugal here (use Google Translate if you are not familiar with Portuguese).
TIA correspondence desk