NEWS: October 30, 2013
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Bird’s Eye View of the News
In its October 2013 issue, the magazine TAO (Argentina) features a photo of Cardinal Bergoglio with a Taoist monk on its front cover. A headline explains the photo: “Liu Ming, the Eastern physician of Pope Francis.” I believe that, triggered by this photo and caption, the online edition of
Perfil [Spanish for Profile] arranged for an interview with Ming and posted it under the title: “Francis will live until 140 years of age, says his Chinese physician.”
The information about Francis in today’s article is based on the answers Ming gave Perfil. I am summarizing other data about Taoism from various other sources.
Ming is a 45-year-old Taoist monk who moved from China to Argentina 10 years ago. He took care of Card. Jorge Bergoglio’s health problems for the eight years before he was elected Pope.
Taoism in pills
The Cardinal of Buenos Aires used to have many health problems. He was diabetic, had gallbladder surgery and constant problems of the liver. Further, he had lung surgery and serious heart problems. A team of physicians who examined him prescribed a heart surgery as soon as possible. Jorge Bergoglio was taking medicines for each of these problems.
In this critical situation, he heard about the Taoist monk Liu Ming through a priest who was one of his clients. Jorge called Ming and said: “I would like to schedule some medical consultations.” Ming went to see him at the Cathedral and, shortly, the Taoist was going there three times a week. This was in 2004. Gradually, fewer visits were required. At the end of three years, Ming was seeing Bergoglio only every three weeks.
The treatment consisted in sessions of acupuncture and massages following the methods of Taoist medicine. Ming explains: “I always say that with Chinese medicine you can live 140 years. We have two worlds: the external and the internal. Traditional medicine looks at the external but fails to consider that we have the solutions for everything in our own body. And this is the interior world.”
The monk applied his Taoist knowledge to Bergoglio, who was cured of his heart problem and all the illnesses he had. He stopped taking all his medicines and today stays healthy by applying what he learned from this monk.
Regarding the spectacular cure of Bergoglio’s heart, Ming explains: “It was in 2005, when a new election for pope was coming. The doctors wanted him to have surgery, but he did not want it. By means of my treatment, his blood started to circulate better in the arteries - which were obstructed. All I did was to re-direct the body’s energy. After that, he [Bergoglio] had full confidence in me. His doctors, all proud, became a little resentful except for one lady doctor who came here to learn Chinese medicine with me; she is Graciela Rodriguez.”
Bergoglio’s mission in the new Taoist cycle
The reporter asked: “Did you have chats on Eastern philosophy? Was he interested in it?” Ming answered: “Yes, we exchanged books. For example he gave me I Ching (or Book of Changes) in Spanish. I use it to give courses in Buenos Aires.”
Ming also had this to say about Bergoglio: “He is a very strong, healthy person who will know how to fulfill his mission. A new cycle started in this world at the end of 2012. This happens every 8,000 years. This world is horrible, but a better one will come, and the fact that Bergoglio is pope is related to this positive change.”
The interviewer asked: “Do you believe he can do it?”
The monk replied, “It is true, he is someone who has the difficult task of leading many people, but he does it without ego and this is rare to find. We are sent [for a mission], we are not the owners. We are nothing but a single instant on earth and we must be respectful of this. Bergoglio thinks very clearly [in this regard], he is a great wise man, as is the Chinese culture.”
Then Ming stated that Francis had telephoned him from the Vatican on September 8, 2013: “Doctor Liu Ming? Doctor Liu Ming? Jorge is speaking. Pope Francis…” Knowing that Ming was planning to travel to China, Francis asked him to stop on the way to see him at the Vatican. Ming agreed to do so.
Connecting the dots
Perhaps this affiliation of Pope Francis with the Taoist medicine-philosophy-religion can give us a key to better understand many of his novelties in speech and action.
When Francis affirmed that “he believed in god, but not the Catholic God,” was he not implicitly referring to Tao, the Chinese god allegedly immanent in all individuals, who identifies himself with the energy of the universe?
During this first seven months of his pontificate, is he giving free reign to his spontaneity - so unbefitting a Sovereign Pontiff - to practice one of the principal requirements of Taoism? Are his well-publicized simplicity and humility practiced to follow the “virtues” of Taoism rather than Catholic virtues?
I am raising these possibilities not because they are necessary to convince myself that Francis is a revolutionary. I believe he is revolutionary because, as far as I can see, he wants to destroy the Catholic Church as she always was until Vatican II. His fundamental principles are those of Progressivism, which took over the Church from John XXIII on. Thus, I am convinced that Francis is a total progressivist. Notwithstanding, it is revealing that this progressivist Pope has such intimate relations with Taoism.
The Holy Ghost teaches us in the Scriptures that omnes dii gentium daemonia, all the gods of the Gentiles are devils (Ps 95:5). Based on this, we can basically say that this philosophical talk of the immanence of Tao in one’s soul translates simply as the Devil’s possession of one’s soul.
Bergoglio, thus, seems to have a very good relationship with his “non-Catholic god” who inhabits him. In such circumstances, he was “miraculously” cured by the Taoist monk through his devilish arts.
Connecting the last dot: Could it not be that the magnetic gaze Francis displays on some occasions reflects the presence of his Tao-Devil friend who is there, well established in his soul, commanding the show?
In order to help my American readers grasp magnetic reflections in gazes, I put together below gazes of many personalities who I believe have this kind of gaze. They may analyze them carefully, compare one to another to see which one is more demonic, and then click at the bottom to see to whom each gaze belongs.
Card. Bergoglio poses with his Taoist practicioner
Ming is a 45-year-old Taoist monk who moved from China to Argentina 10 years ago. He took care of Card. Jorge Bergoglio’s health problems for the eight years before he was elected Pope.
Taoism in pills
- Ming’s religion-philosophy, Taoism, preaches that a fundamental energy makes up the universe. Tao is a name that simultaneously identifies the mysterious origin of the universe and the driving force that is present in it behind everything that exists. The universe is in cyclical evolution. Tao is immanent in each individual. Everything interrelates with this universal energy to attain harmony.
- This energy has two matrixes, the masculine, black, Yang, and the feminine, white, Yin. The interaction of these energies allegedly produced everything that exists.
- When individuals live spontaneously, they follow the harmonic process of evolution and everything goes well. When someone is egocentric and wants to impose his will, an obstacle appears to that flow of energy and a disruption of the process takes place. This disruption may cause social or individual problems.
- Naturalness, spontaneity and simplicity are indispensable for a person to be perfectly in tune with the universal energy Tao. The three principal “virtues” of Taoism, also called the “three pearls,” are compassion, moderation and humility.
- Thus, when some illness occurs in a person, Taoist medicine - the immediate consequence of that religion-philosophy - considers that the physical defect of the body is caused by an obstruction of Tao’s universal energy that should be flowing naturally through that person. When the person gives free course to that immanent force inside his soul, it reestablishes the broken energetic equilibrium and restores health to the sick organ.
- Along with astrology, divination and medicine, Taoism developed practices to attain longevity and even immortality. These practices are mostly transmitted from mouth to ear and are not in books.
TAO magazine: Liu Ming offering prediction of the future, secrets of Chinese medicine and food
The Cardinal of Buenos Aires used to have many health problems. He was diabetic, had gallbladder surgery and constant problems of the liver. Further, he had lung surgery and serious heart problems. A team of physicians who examined him prescribed a heart surgery as soon as possible. Jorge Bergoglio was taking medicines for each of these problems.
Taoist monk Liu Ming with short hair in his office in Buenos Aires
The treatment consisted in sessions of acupuncture and massages following the methods of Taoist medicine. Ming explains: “I always say that with Chinese medicine you can live 140 years. We have two worlds: the external and the internal. Traditional medicine looks at the external but fails to consider that we have the solutions for everything in our own body. And this is the interior world.”
The monk applied his Taoist knowledge to Bergoglio, who was cured of his heart problem and all the illnesses he had. He stopped taking all his medicines and today stays healthy by applying what he learned from this monk.
Regarding the spectacular cure of Bergoglio’s heart, Ming explains: “It was in 2005, when a new election for pope was coming. The doctors wanted him to have surgery, but he did not want it. By means of my treatment, his blood started to circulate better in the arteries - which were obstructed. All I did was to re-direct the body’s energy. After that, he [Bergoglio] had full confidence in me. His doctors, all proud, became a little resentful except for one lady doctor who came here to learn Chinese medicine with me; she is Graciela Rodriguez.”
Bergoglio’s mission in the new Taoist cycle
The reporter asked: “Did you have chats on Eastern philosophy? Was he interested in it?” Ming answered: “Yes, we exchanged books. For example he gave me I Ching (or Book of Changes) in Spanish. I use it to give courses in Buenos Aires.”
The god Laozi, above, is adored in Taoism as the incarnation of supreme purity...
The interviewer asked: “Do you believe he can do it?”
The monk replied, “It is true, he is someone who has the difficult task of leading many people, but he does it without ego and this is rare to find. We are sent [for a mission], we are not the owners. We are nothing but a single instant on earth and we must be respectful of this. Bergoglio thinks very clearly [in this regard], he is a great wise man, as is the Chinese culture.”
Then Ming stated that Francis had telephoned him from the Vatican on September 8, 2013: “Doctor Liu Ming? Doctor Liu Ming? Jorge is speaking. Pope Francis…” Knowing that Ming was planning to travel to China, Francis asked him to stop on the way to see him at the Vatican. Ming agreed to do so.
Connecting the dots
Perhaps this affiliation of Pope Francis with the Taoist medicine-philosophy-religion can give us a key to better understand many of his novelties in speech and action.
When Francis affirmed that “he believed in god, but not the Catholic God,” was he not implicitly referring to Tao, the Chinese god allegedly immanent in all individuals, who identifies himself with the energy of the universe?
During this first seven months of his pontificate, is he giving free reign to his spontaneity - so unbefitting a Sovereign Pontiff - to practice one of the principal requirements of Taoism? Are his well-publicized simplicity and humility practiced to follow the “virtues” of Taoism rather than Catholic virtues?
I am raising these possibilities not because they are necessary to convince myself that Francis is a revolutionary. I believe he is revolutionary because, as far as I can see, he wants to destroy the Catholic Church as she always was until Vatican II. His fundamental principles are those of Progressivism, which took over the Church from John XXIII on. Thus, I am convinced that Francis is a total progressivist. Notwithstanding, it is revealing that this progressivist Pope has such intimate relations with Taoism.
The Holy Ghost teaches us in the Scriptures that omnes dii gentium daemonia, all the gods of the Gentiles are devils (Ps 95:5). Based on this, we can basically say that this philosophical talk of the immanence of Tao in one’s soul translates simply as the Devil’s possession of one’s soul.
Bergoglio, thus, seems to have a very good relationship with his “non-Catholic god” who inhabits him. In such circumstances, he was “miraculously” cured by the Taoist monk through his devilish arts.
Connecting the last dot: Could it not be that the magnetic gaze Francis displays on some occasions reflects the presence of his Tao-Devil friend who is there, well established in his soul, commanding the show?
In order to help my American readers grasp magnetic reflections in gazes, I put together below gazes of many personalities who I believe have this kind of gaze. They may analyze them carefully, compare one to another to see which one is more demonic, and then click at the bottom to see to whom each gaze belongs.
To know to whom these gazes belong, click here