Forgotten Truths
The Face Reveals the Heart of the Man
Liberals and Progressivists often condemn anyone who judges other persons by their faces or exterior appearances. An analysis of one's exterior would be subjective and false because - they claim - appearances are fallacious, and a very good man can hide under a bad face. Therefore, anyone who makes an opinion based on appearances would be "judgmental," narrow-minded, and prejudiced.
In opposition to this liberal myth, Scriptures give us several passages that advise us to analyze people by their faces and exterior appearances.
Below, we present texts for your meditation.
- A man is known by his appearance, and a wise man, when you meet him, is known by his countenance (Ecclesiasticus,19:27).
- The heart of a man changes his countenance, either for good or for evil; the token of a good heart and a good countenance thou shall hardly find, and with labor (Ecclesiasticus 13:31-32).
- As the faces of them that look therein shine in the water, so the hearts of men are laid open to the wise (Proverbs 27:19).
- The wisdom of a man shines in his countenance, and the All-Powerful will change his face (Ecclesiastics 8:1.)
- The wickedness of a woman changes her face, and she darkens her countenance as a bear (Ecclesiasticus 25:24).
Posted November 25, 2005

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