Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
New utensils for Communion in California
With the new trend in the Sanitary Church of reducing the practice of the Catholic Faith to what is allowed by the civil authorities and “science,” manufacturers of religious goods are offering to churches and the faithful “sacred” utensils that follow the hygienic rules, which, by the way, have proven to be useless.For a full screenshot of the advertisement above click here
In practical terms, the ad and the products themselves strongly contributes toward denying the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist and considering it as a symbolic commemoration. Something not so different from the way that Protestants approach their communion...
If we add to this the fact that the social distancing rule has prevented churches from receiving but a small parcel of their congregations – 30 to 50 people – we have configured one of the most terrible persecutions of the Catholic Faith we have seen in History.
The diabolic part of this persecution is that most of the persecuted are not even aware of it...

Posted August 2, 2020