What People are Commenting
Define Yourselves, Bartolo & Vaccines
What Is Your Position among Traditionalists?
Dear TIA,
I've been seeing your articles around and I personally love your videos on YouTube especially the one on Our Lady of Good Success. But I've wondering where you stand in the Church.
I attend the Traditional Latin Mass at the Chapels of the Society of St Pius X in my country Nigeria and I know a good number of traditional Catholics are against this congregation, either from the far right and left aside. So I'm trying to understand where you stand, are you Sede-Vacantist or Summorum Pontificum, Resistance, SSPX etc.
Please let me know, for I like your work but I will like to know to see how far I can involved in it.
Thank you so much. God bless.
Ave Cor Mariae,
U.N., Nigeria
TIA responds:
Dear U.N.,
It is understandable that in times so confused as ours, you should need a clarification when you begin to read interesting material on a website you know nothing about.
We are not Sede-Vacantists, as you may read in a previous answer or on the page Sede-Vacantism.
We take a position of Resistance regarding the points in which the Conciliar Popes teach or act against the 2,000 years of Catholic Magisterium.
Regarding the SSPX, we have several points in common, such as the mentioned Resistance, but we believe it is making an effort to merge with Rome and will become what the Fraternity St. Peter presently is: an approved traditionalist organization that has to accept Vatican II and the New Mass and obey whatever Rome and the local Bishops tell it to do. That is, a controlled opposition to keep those faithful who do not follow Progressivism under control.
We call this type of controlled opposition false-right and we believe that the two organizations mentioned above are included in this category. Questions/answers regarding the false-right, including the SSPX, may be read here.
We hope these explanations clarify your doubts.
TIA correspondence desk
I've been seeing your articles around and I personally love your videos on YouTube especially the one on Our Lady of Good Success. But I've wondering where you stand in the Church.
I attend the Traditional Latin Mass at the Chapels of the Society of St Pius X in my country Nigeria and I know a good number of traditional Catholics are against this congregation, either from the far right and left aside. So I'm trying to understand where you stand, are you Sede-Vacantist or Summorum Pontificum, Resistance, SSPX etc.
Please let me know, for I like your work but I will like to know to see how far I can involved in it.
Thank you so much. God bless.
Ave Cor Mariae,
U.N., Nigeria
TIA responds:
Dear U.N.,
It is understandable that in times so confused as ours, you should need a clarification when you begin to read interesting material on a website you know nothing about.
We are not Sede-Vacantists, as you may read in a previous answer or on the page Sede-Vacantism.
We take a position of Resistance regarding the points in which the Conciliar Popes teach or act against the 2,000 years of Catholic Magisterium.
Regarding the SSPX, we have several points in common, such as the mentioned Resistance, but we believe it is making an effort to merge with Rome and will become what the Fraternity St. Peter presently is: an approved traditionalist organization that has to accept Vatican II and the New Mass and obey whatever Rome and the local Bishops tell it to do. That is, a controlled opposition to keep those faithful who do not follow Progressivism under control.
We call this type of controlled opposition false-right and we believe that the two organizations mentioned above are included in this category. Questions/answers regarding the false-right, including the SSPX, may be read here.
We hope these explanations clarify your doubts.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of Pompeii & Bartolo
Dear TIA,
It is worth mentioning that Bartolo Longo, whom you describe as a disconsolate sinner on your post on Our Lady of Pompeii, was in fact a satanic priest! Thus the miracle and power of the Holy Rosary at Pompeii is even more glorious!
The apostolate Mary’s Dowry from the UK has done a wonderful film on him. Here is the full documentary.
Deo Gratias!
It is worth mentioning that Bartolo Longo, whom you describe as a disconsolate sinner on your post on Our Lady of Pompeii, was in fact a satanic priest! Thus the miracle and power of the Holy Rosary at Pompeii is even more glorious!
The apostolate Mary’s Dowry from the UK has done a wonderful film on him. Here is the full documentary.
Deo Gratias!
Murdered for Speaking against Immorality
Dear TIA,
Re: St. Angelus
Thank you for the great read about St. Angelus - I am learning more about Carmelite saints (still aspiring to become a Third Order) - so thank you for your coverage of this beautiful saint and his beautiful martyrdom.
It is sad to say that many priests or bishops would not do this now. I also liked St. Angelus that he met St. Francis and St. Dominic - wow three great saints at one time!
We really need more saints like this today.
God Bless you in your work,
Re: St. Angelus
Thank you for the great read about St. Angelus - I am learning more about Carmelite saints (still aspiring to become a Third Order) - so thank you for your coverage of this beautiful saint and his beautiful martyrdom.
It is sad to say that many priests or bishops would not do this now. I also liked St. Angelus that he met St. Francis and St. Dominic - wow three great saints at one time!
We really need more saints like this today.
God Bless you in your work,
Today's Entry
TIA, greetings!!
Re: Mass Vaccination Leads to Disaster
I do believe that today's very long entry for 'What people are commenting' could have been broken down to a single sentence:
Those who receive the C-19 vaccination are playing Russian roulette with their immune system.
Re: Mass Vaccination Leads to Disaster
I do believe that today's very long entry for 'What people are commenting' could have been broken down to a single sentence:
Those who receive the C-19 vaccination are playing Russian roulette with their immune system.
De-Population Warning
Check out our latest blog post on population including cannibalism... click the link below...
Pray the Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular.
God bless you.
Bill Metallo
President of the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette
Check out our latest blog post on population including cannibalism... click the link below...
Pray the Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular.
God bless you.
Bill Metallo
President of the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette
Doctors against Vaccine
Dear TIA,
Re: Mass Vaccination Leads to Disaster
Yes, your position against the vaccines is correct!
There is more evidence coming to the surface as you may read in the article I am attaching to you.
Keep up the good work. We need you.
More and More Doctors Warning against COVID Shots
Seth Hancock, May 6 2021
Charlotte NC – The Hippocratic Oath asks doctors to pledge “to do good or to do no harm,” often simplified to: “First, do no harm.”
For the American medical bureaucracy and pharmaceutical industry, their oath is likely “first, make profit” as more doctors, especially those that actually treat patients, are issuing warnings on the COVID-19 vaccines and are exposing the strong profit motives involved for the government-corporate alliance.
The latest number by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is reporting 3,848 deaths and 118,902 adverse reactions to the injections through April 23. VAERS is now reporting deaths among children, including a five-month-old who was breastfed by a mother who was vaccinated as well as several teenagers.
What should be noted is all of the COVID-19 shots are experimental as they have only been given emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the same FDA by the way that Judicial Watch has exposed for purchasing body parts of aborted babies specified to be killed within the first six months of pregnancy and “fresh and never frozen.”
Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the leading experts on COVID-19 treatments. He was the lead author of a study, published in the American Journal of Medicine last August, which has been cited over 600 times making him the most cited doctor by the National Library of Medicine regarding treatments.
McCullough has actually treated patients successful with medications that have long been approved to treat other viruses and diseases. The problem is, how can the government and corporations profit off drugs they don’t hold patents for? That’s why, according the McCullough, the propaganda of a vaccine being the savior has been pushed from the very start of the COVID-19 tyranny.
“So, the U.S. government has made a decision, along with the stakeholders – the CDC, NIH[National Institutes of Health], FDA, Big Pharma, World Health Organization, Gates Foundation – they have made a commitment to mass vaccination as the solution to the COVID pandemic and we are really going to be witness to what’s going to happen in history,” McCullough said in an interview. “We’re sitting on, right now, the biggest number of vaccine deaths, there’s been tens of thousands of hospitalizations, all attributable to the vaccine, and going strong.”
Original here.
Re: Mass Vaccination Leads to Disaster
Yes, your position against the vaccines is correct!
There is more evidence coming to the surface as you may read in the article I am attaching to you.
Keep up the good work. We need you.
Seth Hancock, May 6 2021

Charlotte NC – The Hippocratic Oath asks doctors to pledge “to do good or to do no harm,” often simplified to: “First, do no harm.”
For the American medical bureaucracy and pharmaceutical industry, their oath is likely “first, make profit” as more doctors, especially those that actually treat patients, are issuing warnings on the COVID-19 vaccines and are exposing the strong profit motives involved for the government-corporate alliance.
The latest number by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is reporting 3,848 deaths and 118,902 adverse reactions to the injections through April 23. VAERS is now reporting deaths among children, including a five-month-old who was breastfed by a mother who was vaccinated as well as several teenagers.
What should be noted is all of the COVID-19 shots are experimental as they have only been given emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the same FDA by the way that Judicial Watch has exposed for purchasing body parts of aborted babies specified to be killed within the first six months of pregnancy and “fresh and never frozen.”
Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the leading experts on COVID-19 treatments. He was the lead author of a study, published in the American Journal of Medicine last August, which has been cited over 600 times making him the most cited doctor by the National Library of Medicine regarding treatments.
McCullough has actually treated patients successful with medications that have long been approved to treat other viruses and diseases. The problem is, how can the government and corporations profit off drugs they don’t hold patents for? That’s why, according the McCullough, the propaganda of a vaccine being the savior has been pushed from the very start of the COVID-19 tyranny.
“So, the U.S. government has made a decision, along with the stakeholders – the CDC, NIH[National Institutes of Health], FDA, Big Pharma, World Health Organization, Gates Foundation – they have made a commitment to mass vaccination as the solution to the COVID pandemic and we are really going to be witness to what’s going to happen in history,” McCullough said in an interview. “We’re sitting on, right now, the biggest number of vaccine deaths, there’s been tens of thousands of hospitalizations, all attributable to the vaccine, and going strong.”
Original here.

Posted May 11, 2021
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I wanted to ask if this website/organization is one that is separated from the Catholic Church, who does not recognize the current Pope as being the Pope of the Church? A friend made this claim, but I can’t find it on your website. So I just thought I’d ask.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your question.
Yes, we do recognize Pope Francis as Pope. We admit his power of jurisdiction and power of orders. Regarding his power of teaching, we accept his teachings that are in accordance with the previous Magisterium. When he teaches something in disagreement with the past moral or dogmatic doctrine of the Church, we disagree with him and take a position of Resistance.
You and your friend may benefit from reading similar questions/answers on these pages: Sede-Vacantism and Resistance.
TIA correspondence desk