General Principles
 | Resistance Must Be Carried out Within the Church. Is this Correct? Yes, it is. We should resist progressivist authorities inside the Church
 | What Is the End of the Conciliar Church? A Pan-religion to serve the socialist unification of the world
 | Can the Church Exist Without Apostolic Succession? Tradition maintains there will always be at least one valid Bishop of the Church
 | How Much Does TIA Question the Validity of the Post-Vatican II Church? While we recognize the validity of the Conciliar Popes, we resist their errors
The Papacy
 | Where do I Start in My Resistance to the Pope? We invite you to read We Resist You to the Face and/or our Vatican II Collection
 | Do I Owe Blind Obedience to the Pope? Fr. Somerville lists reasons to resist when the Pope teaches error
 | When You Resist the Pope Don't You Disobey the Magisterium? No, if the Pope denies dogmas, by resisting him we defend the Magisterium
 | Is Resistance Included in the Condemnation of Aeternus Patris? No, we resist the Pope's bad teachings, not his powers to govern & sanctify
 | Aren't You Destroying the Church by Criticizing the Popes? To denounce Progressivism in the Popes follows the strategy of La Salette
 | Does TIA Agree that We Have Popes Materialiter but Not Formaliter? We believe they are Popes before the Church, but not before God
 | When Does a Heretical Pope Become Invalid? When his authority loses its effectiveness before the Church
 | Why Do We Have to Pretend to Agree with Modern Popes? Our book We Resist You to the Face may answer your question
 | Why Do You Follow the Old Canon Law, Are You Above the Pope? The Pope can change the positive law, but cannot change the dogma
Vatican II
 | Weren't All Councils Infallible? So, Vatican II Could Not Err This is not true; here are two examples of councils that erred in the past
 | Wasn't Vatican II Infallible? So, How Can You Call It Heretical? No, it was not infallible. We do not call it heretical, but ambiguous
 | Was Vatican II Heretical or a Manifestation of the Holy Spirit? It was an ambiguous Council that represented the victory of Progressivism
 | How Many Bishops Resisted Vatican II? To our knowledge, only Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc refused to sign its documents
 | Is It the Corrupted Clergy that Causes the Crisis in the Church? No, the bad clergy is a consequence; the cause is Vatican II & its errors
Particular Questions
 | In the Spectrum of Traditionalism What Is Your Position? TIA is not SSPX, sede-vacantist or celebret. Our position is Resistance
 | How Can I Convert from Protestantism if the Church Has Heresies? Convert, enter the fight & help us to expel those heresies from the Church
 | I Am Being Ostracized for My Opposition to the N.O. What Should I Do? We suggest that you read the book We Resist You to the Face
 | What Should We Do in the Face of N.O. Priests? First admonish the priest, if he doesn't change, avoid the Novus Ordo
 | Why Don't You Publish the Good News So We Aren't Depressed? Follow our Daily Updates; TIA posts many ‘positive’ pages