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L'Osservatore Romano, Muslim Invasion
& the Green Agenda
L'Osservatore Romano on Michael Jackson
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I read your article about Michael Jackson and agree completely that it is totally appalling that the Vatican should sing his praises, but then we know who rules now in the Vatican. I have tried to find the said article on the Vatican website and cannot find it.
Can you please tell me where I can get a copy of it as I have sent your article to Catholic friends whose eyes have not yet been opened and I need to be able to back it up with proof?
Thank you.
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear A.O.,
The article in the L'Osservatore Romano is not available online. Each day the front page of the online edition in Italian is posted online, as well as articles from that day's edition. After that day, the issue is archived and no longer available on the OR site.
Requests for back-copies or archive material may be sent by post to L'Osservatore Romano Archives, 00120 Vatican City via fax: (+39)06.69883675, or via e-mail archivio@ossrom.va
You can inform your friends that the reports were quite official on this topic. The article by Agence France-Presse (AFP), from which I quote in my article, is the oldest news agency in the world, and one of the three largest with Associated Press and Reuters. Also, Zenit news, a Catholic international news agency based in Rome, reported on the article here. It is hard to fathom that your friends would question these sources.
I hope this is of help to you,
Marian T. Horvat
Reader's reply:
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Thank you so much for your reply. I wanted so much to confirm that L'Osservatore Romano really had made those comments about Michael Jackson, not that my friends would question those sources, but that so far - like many Catholics today - they are really blind as to what is going on.
I cannot thank you enough and really urge you to continue the work you are doing exposing the agents of Satan in the Vatican.
God bless.
In Direct Communication with the Pope
Dear TIA,
Regarding your article about Michael Jackson being eulogized by the Vatican newspaper, it appears that you are correct in saying that this is not just due to an editor gone wild. Rather, the editor, Gian Maria Vian, maintains direct communication with Pope Benedict. Here is a quote from a recent e-newsletter by Dr. Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside the Vatican magazine, stating that Gian Maria Vian "meets regularly" with the pope:
There has been considerable controversy recently about the editor of the Osservatore Romano, Gian Maria Vian. I have known Vian for 20 years, and years ago occasionally had dinner at his house with him and his wife, before she passed away from an incurable disease.
Last night, as I was coming down the hill from my office on the via delle Mura Aurelie, I met Vian coming up the hill; he lives on the same street.
I asked him about why the Osservatore has taken such a positive line on Obama, and he told me he was trying to keep open the possibility of a dialogue between the Church and the US President, so that there may be a possibility of collaboration in certain areas, even if there is open disagreement on some issues, like abortion and the drive to legalize homosexual marriages.
Vian said he meets regularly with Pope Benedict." (Letter from Rome, #9, June 30, 2009)
Muslim Conquest of the World
Hello TIA,
I want you to take a look at this video, which confirms what Mr. Guimarães wrote in booklet Return of the Muslim Threat. Kudos for your clever insight!
May Christ and His Blessed Mother be always with you.
Green Agenda & Communism
Pope Benedict XVI is a frame of reference for countless souls when he gives a speech or makes a public pronouncement. As such, he must take time to pause and consider what his remarks do to people. His comments on the Green Party or the Envior-Lennists are a fine example, where he failed to alert us that, the Envior-Lennists are like a watermelon green on the outside and Red on the inside.
Our Lady of Fatima warned us that Russia would spread her errors throughout the world - well, in some parts, thanks to Vatican II, our Church has been illicitly married to Communism for just over 40 years.
Converting from Protestantism
I have questions regarding the numerous problems your organization identifies within the Roman Catholic Church. Some of the problems in the Church are enormously problematic and heretical. How can a Catholic, in good conscience, remain within the Catholic Church?
If the Church won't reform herself, what should the faithful do? I am considering converting to Catholicism from Lutheranism, but the problems I see in the Catholic Church are rather alarming.
Even your organization cannot disagree with that. What is your recommendation?
Thank you for your help.
TIA responds:
Yes, we agree that the Catholic Church is infiltrated by Progressivism, which we can call the synthesis of all heresies, as St. Pius X called Modernism.
We believe that Catholics should be aware of this infiltration and attack Progressivism as much as they can. They also should resist the religious authority that promotes it. Doing so, we adopt and carry on the same militant spirit the Catholic Church always had, and we create condition for that infiltration to come to an end.
If it is true that never before has an infiltration of heresy reached so far and wide in the Church as Progressivism, it is also true that never has Our Lady made such a noble and elevated call for Catholics to expel those enemies from the bosom of the Church.
When a body is sick, should the part that is healthy and sound abandon the body and leave it to die, or should it struggle to expel the illness and recover? We believe the latter is the correct position. If you also agree with us, stop complaining and join us in this fight, which is the most glorious that have ever existed. A reconquista like this is made with heroes, not with whiners.
We hope this answer may help you to convert to Catholicism.
TIA correspondent desk
Posted July 9, 2009

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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