What People Are Commenting
Loyola, Antichrist & Prisoners
Greetings and Grace,
Just found your site. I'm the blogger at Fidelity and Action: the Church Militant in the Pacific Northwest. Last year I made a video of a gathering of female dissidents in Portland at a Catholic Church (they met in the gym). Would you like to post the link?
Can you provide the link to that photograph posted re Argentina H.S.? I don't speak Spanish. Thank you.
Nina Rhea - nina@prolifeactionoforegon.org
TIA responds:
Those photos were taken from the blog Catapulta. You may visit its entrance page here. All the material posted there is in Spanish, but we believe the editor reads English well.
Thank you for sending a link to your blog. It is very interesting.
TIA correspondence desk
Just found your site. I'm the blogger at Fidelity and Action: the Church Militant in the Pacific Northwest. Last year I made a video of a gathering of female dissidents in Portland at a Catholic Church (they met in the gym). Would you like to post the link?
Can you provide the link to that photograph posted re Argentina H.S.? I don't speak Spanish. Thank you.
Nina Rhea - nina@prolifeactionoforegon.org
TIA responds:
Those photos were taken from the blog Catapulta. You may visit its entrance page here. All the material posted there is in Spanish, but we believe the editor reads English well.
Thank you for sending a link to your blog. It is very interesting.
TIA correspondence desk
Modern Music's Harm for Youth
Dear TIA,
I just finished reading your recent post regard modern music. The author pointed out one of the many objectives of modern rock music. Here is another, and arguably the most sinister:
Another great reason to avoid it
P.F., Australia
I just finished reading your recent post regard modern music. The author pointed out one of the many objectives of modern rock music. Here is another, and arguably the most sinister:
Another great reason to avoid it
P.F., Australia
Chaldean Catholics
Dear Sir or Madam,
You have posted a critical and good article about the situation of Chaldean Christians under Saddam. And the term "Ostpolitik" of the Vatican is indeed a good analogy.
Despite the fact that Christians in Iraq had only limited freedoms under Saddam Hussein, after his ousting, the situation got worse and half of them left, 20,000 through Lebanon. At this time other Christian minorities in the Middle East are worried about their fate.
There are reports that some of the Arab revolutions are detrimental to the continued presence of Christians in that area. I am trying to express this problem through a couple of wikipedia entries.
You have posted a critical and good article about the situation of Chaldean Christians under Saddam. And the term "Ostpolitik" of the Vatican is indeed a good analogy.
Despite the fact that Christians in Iraq had only limited freedoms under Saddam Hussein, after his ousting, the situation got worse and half of them left, 20,000 through Lebanon. At this time other Christian minorities in the Middle East are worried about their fate.
There are reports that some of the Arab revolutions are detrimental to the continued presence of Christians in that area. I am trying to express this problem through a couple of wikipedia entries.
Don't Hit Your Head on a Mountain
In your site what you saying about Modernism and problems comes through Second Vatican Council is correct.
But this is not the way to correct the Church (Catholic). In your site you are publically insulting the Pope and the Church. This is against fourth commandment. (Honor your parents and authorities). So by this way you are not building the church but destroying.
I will tell you one example.
If one finds a poisonous snake in his house, he will kills it by beating it or any other way. But if his father or child is bitten by the snake, he does not do what he does to the snake. He does whatever is possible to take away the venom from his body, in a very careful way without any problems to the person.
Likewise, any problems outside the Church, we can handle it with our direct fight. But in the case of the Church, the poison is inside, You should take out the venom very carefully without affecting the Church.
Asking your prayers and promising mine.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
The Editor responds:
Thank you for your advice. I can see that you are not ill-intentioned.
However, I do not share your perspective. I believe that when the Conciliar Popes preach the heresy of universal salvation and give scandal by destroying the Church in so many different ways, it is the duty of the faithful to defend her by showing their evil actions, resisting their bad orders and preventing others from following their errors. Those who act in this way prevent more damage from taking place in the Church and vaccinate souls against the poison of Progressivism.
Our Lady in La Salette warned us that "Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist." According to your criteria, by saying this she would be "insulting the Pope and the Church." You probably believe that she should have been more cautious, since she was dealing with the Popes, her children. Nonetheless, she did not. She straightforwardly denounced to the faithful the errors to come in all their gravity and horror: those Popes would be doing the work of the Antichrist.
In TIA’s and in my own personal positions against Progressivism, I try to follow the same strategy Our Lady used in her message of La Salette.
I thank you for your prayers, and I promise you mine.
A.S. Guimarães
In your site what you saying about Modernism and problems comes through Second Vatican Council is correct.
But this is not the way to correct the Church (Catholic). In your site you are publically insulting the Pope and the Church. This is against fourth commandment. (Honor your parents and authorities). So by this way you are not building the church but destroying.
I will tell you one example.
If one finds a poisonous snake in his house, he will kills it by beating it or any other way. But if his father or child is bitten by the snake, he does not do what he does to the snake. He does whatever is possible to take away the venom from his body, in a very careful way without any problems to the person.
Likewise, any problems outside the Church, we can handle it with our direct fight. But in the case of the Church, the poison is inside, You should take out the venom very carefully without affecting the Church.
Asking your prayers and promising mine.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
The Editor responds:
Thank you for your advice. I can see that you are not ill-intentioned.
However, I do not share your perspective. I believe that when the Conciliar Popes preach the heresy of universal salvation and give scandal by destroying the Church in so many different ways, it is the duty of the faithful to defend her by showing their evil actions, resisting their bad orders and preventing others from following their errors. Those who act in this way prevent more damage from taking place in the Church and vaccinate souls against the poison of Progressivism.
Our Lady in La Salette warned us that "Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist." According to your criteria, by saying this she would be "insulting the Pope and the Church." You probably believe that she should have been more cautious, since she was dealing with the Popes, her children. Nonetheless, she did not. She straightforwardly denounced to the faithful the errors to come in all their gravity and horror: those Popes would be doing the work of the Antichrist.
In TIA’s and in my own personal positions against Progressivism, I try to follow the same strategy Our Lady used in her message of La Salette.
I thank you for your prayers, and I promise you mine.
A.S. Guimarães
Sheen, Far from Sainthood
Your articles on Bishop Fulton Sheen (here, here, here, here & here) have clarified me on all points that had confused me.
Regarding the New Mass, the Council, religious liberty, ecumenism... I had always suspected he never took a traditional stand.
I pray God to guide the Roman Curia and to protect her from all those who may try to distort Sheen’s actual canonization process. Many admire Fulton Sheen in many aspects, but sincerely he was far from sainthood.
P.N., Nigeria
Your articles on Bishop Fulton Sheen (here, here, here, here & here) have clarified me on all points that had confused me.
Regarding the New Mass, the Council, religious liberty, ecumenism... I had always suspected he never took a traditional stand.
I pray God to guide the Roman Curia and to protect her from all those who may try to distort Sheen’s actual canonization process. Many admire Fulton Sheen in many aspects, but sincerely he was far from sainthood.
P.N., Nigeria
Out of the Mouth of Babes
My son-in-law was receiving Communion yesterday from a woman lay minister - he is not as particular about these things as I am - and was carrying my 2 1/2 year-old grandson Jack at the time. Jack said: "No, not a lady, only priests."
He is a fine, fine boy!
My son-in-law was receiving Communion yesterday from a woman lay minister - he is not as particular about these things as I am - and was carrying my 2 1/2 year-old grandson Jack at the time. Jack said: "No, not a lady, only priests."
He is a fine, fine boy!
Our Lady Visiting the Prisons
Distribution Manager
Tradition in Action, Inc, CA
I would like to say thank you for the donation of the DVD "Our Lady of Good Success". This DVD will be made available for the incarcerated men in Waupun Correctional Institution.
Chaplain Francis, WCI
Tradition in Action, Inc, CA
I would like to say thank you for the donation of the DVD "Our Lady of Good Success". This DVD will be made available for the incarcerated men in Waupun Correctional Institution.
Chaplain Francis, WCI

Posted June 28, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
For weeks I had been searching local newspapers and the internet for some indication that there was, maybe, a cardinal, a bishop, a priest - or anyone, who was disturbed by the Jesuit-arranged sacrilegious Buddhist services on the altars of two Catholic chapels - one in the Jesuit residence hall, the other, at Madonna della Strada, before what was described on a university website as "the Tibetan community."
Upon reading your excellent article about the earlier Buddhist appearance at Loyola, I hastily wrote an email about the Dalai Lama, neglecting to thank you for your superb work covering the previous outrage.
So, I am sending this email to make-up for my failure to thank you for what you wrote about the "sons of Ignatius."