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Questions from Readers on the Collection Eli, Eli Lamma Sabacthani?
Question 1: Where are Volumes II and III of the 11-volume Collection Eli Eli Lamma Sabacthani? by Atila Sinke Guimarães? I have Volume I (In the Murky Waters of Vatican II ), Volume IV (Animus Delendi I ) and Volume V (Animus Delendi II ), but I haven't seen anything on Volumes II and III. What are their titles and are they available?
Answer: Volumes II and III are titled Animus Injurandi I and II (Desire to Offend I and II). Neither work has been published yet. Animus Injurandi I (Volume II) describes the principal offenses (the animus injurandi) against the Holy Church made during the post-conciliar period. Volume III describes the offenses perpetrated against the Catholic Faith in the same period. It also presents eulogies of pagans, heretics and schismatics, which are indirect offenses to the past of the Church that condemned them (see pp. 41-2 of Volume IV, Animus Delendi I for a more detailed description).
The author did not know if he would have financial conditions to publish all the volumes of the Collection. Therefore, he decided to publish Volumes IV and V before releasing Volumes II and III because he judged that the contents of these volumes were more important to warm the reader about the spirit and the fruits of Vatican II. The same criterion will be applied to determine the next volumes to be published.
Question 2: I would like to have the whole Collection, including the special editions? Could you list these and tell why they were added to the Collection?
Answer: To date, there are two special editions to the Collection.
Quo Vadis, Petre?, which was written by A.S. Guimarães and published in 1999, is an open letter to the Holy Father regarding the many disturbing events planned for the passing of the Millennium: a pan-religious meeting in Rome, a common martyrology, a trip to Ur (Jordan), Palestine, Israel and Sinai, a common declaration of faith with the monotheistic religions, and requests for pardon regarding the militant past of the Church. This open letter asked John Paul II why he was planning these gestures since they seem to be opposed to the Papal Magisterium prior to Vatican II, and also seem to oppose the interests of the Church today. The different chapters of the 108-page work analyze the consequences of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, reveal the failures in Vatican post-conciliar politics on these topics and present the traditional Catholic Doctrine that opposes such initiatives.
Since ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue are examined in Volume V of the Collection, Quo Vadis, Petre? was a timely work to update a particular point (the ecumenical celebrations of the Millennium) that naturally lent itself to inclusion in the Collection as a special edition. This work has not lost any relevancy to the present day discussion on Ecumenism. It is the only thorough analysis of the symbolic gestures realized in the Millennium.
Previews of the New Papacy is a photo-book that illustrates the arguments in the Collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani?. Published in 2001, it was written and composed (texts and photos) by A. S. Guimarães and M. T. Horvat.
The book demonstrates a change in the Papacy that is already taking place by the way of facts, even before an official change in the doctrine on the Petrine Primacy is effected. The photos show that the progressivist agenda regarding the Papacy is already being applied: the adaptation of the Papacy to the democratic principles of modern world and to a collegiality similar to those which govern Schismatics, Anglicans and various Lutherans sects. This adaptation is a practical denial of the monarchical and sacral Papacy.
In his 1995 Encyclical Ut unum sint, John Paul II invited Schismatics and Protestants to discuss what points they would like to change in the Papacy. Although in 1995 the invitation did not generate significant responses, in 2000 and 2001 many Catholic theological circles seemed to be preparing an imminent change in the Papacy. To prevent such a change, the authors published this work.
Given the importance of this ensemble of pictures that illustrates the theses of the Collection, the authors decided to include it as a special edition.
Question 3: What about the two collaborative works, We Resist You to the Face and An Urgent Plea: Do Not Change the Papacy, by Atila S. Guimarães, Michael J. Matt, John Vennari and Marian T. Horvat? Were these also part of the Collection?
Answer: No they were not. These were independent works, stimulated by the seriousness of the times and extent of the crisis inside Holy Mother Church.
The central focus of We Resist You to the Face, which came to light in April 2000, is the Declaration of Resistance, a public statement composed and signed by the four lay Catholic journalists regarding the present day religious orientation of John Paul II and the other conciliar Popes.
The statement presents a very clear overview of the religious panorama, characterized by secularization and ecumenism. Without risk of exaggeration, one can say that this document is one of the most all-encompassing syntheses that have been written about Vatican II and the religious politics of the Popes after it. The document produced discussions and polemics, and although it has stimulated many objections, no valid refutation against it has been presented. For details see Polemic Page.
One year after having launched We Resist You to the Face, the same four lay journalists signed a new open letter to Pope John Paul II. The title summarizes its message: An Urgent Plea: Do Not Change the Papacy. The authors analyzed the plan of John Paul II to change the Petrine Primacy to make it acceptable to Schismatics and Protestants. They recalled the infallible Catholic doctrine on the Papacy, showing that it cannot be changed without changing the dogma. The tone of the address was neither demanding nor imposing. The four authors reverently directed themselves to the Holy Father, and pleaded with him not to change the Papacy.
Neither book is a special edition of the Collection on Vatican II.
Question 4: Are Volumes I, IV and V of the Collection available in hardback editions?
Answer: The editions of Volumes I, IV and V are not available in hardback.
Question 5: How long did it take the author to write the Collection?
Answer: The author replies to this question in an Interview. He also gives a brief history of how the collection took shape, and lists the progressivist theologians he visited on his trips to Europe to gather research.
Question 6: What is the significance of the title of the Collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani?
Answer: Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani? means in Aramaic: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? These were the words Our Lord Jesus Christ pronounced on the Cross during His final agony. The author applies these words to the supreme affliction and perplexity in which Catholics find themselves in face of the enigmatic silence and surprising lack of concern of the Sovereign Pontiffs and Catholic Hierarchy regarding the disarray that has become installed in the bosom of Holy Mother Church and Catholic Doctrine since the conciliar winds began to blow.
A. S. Guimarães continues the explanation in Volume I, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, (p. 32):
“Thus the cry of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross, ‘Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani?’ forsaken by His Eternal Father, appears as an adequate expression for the situation of the innumerable faithful who, although loving and obedient children of the Holy Church and the Vicar of Christ, see themselves abandoned and knowing no one else to have recourse to.
“The title of this Collection is also, and above all, a prayer to Almighty God, through the intercession Mary Most Holy, to protect and restore the Holy Catholic Church.”
Question 7: Would you list the unpublished titles of the Collection?
Answer: Volumes II and III, Animus Injuriandi I and II, are briefly described in Question 1.
The other volumes are:
• Volume VI, Inveniet Fidem? [Will He Find Faith?], shows how the conciliar documents are propitiating the destruction of the Catholic Faith;
• Volume VII, Destructio Dei [The Destruction of God], shows how the conciliar theology is propitiating the destruction of the faith in God;
• Volume VIII, Fumus Satanae [The Smoke of Satan], presents the new concept of God and divinity being preached by conciliar theology;
• Volume IX, Creatio [Creation], presents the new progressivist doctrine regarding creation and history;
• Volume X, Peccato, Redemptio [Sin and Redemption], deals with the destruction of the traditional notions of original sin and redemption and the new theories that replaced them;
• Volume XI, Ecclesia [The Church], examines various new concepts of the Church that come from Vatican II.
Question 8: Which volume will be the next to be released?
Answer: The next work to be released in this Collection will be a special edition, a revised and updated edition of the appendix of Volume I presently titled The Catholic Church and Homosexuality. It seemed important to give special relevance to this study and to update it with recent documents and news about homosexuality and pedophilia among the clergy and Prelates of the Catholic Church.
The next volume to be published will be Volume VI, Inveniet Fidem? It will deal with the damage caused by the conciliar documents to the Catholic Faith. Because of the importance of the subject, this volume is the next one scheduled for release (before Volumes II and III).
Question 9: Why is there a warning on your site about TAN and its publication of some of your books?
Answer: Mr. A. S. Guimarães and Dr. M. T. Horvat, who was acting as agent of the former, signed a contract in November 30, 1998 with Mr. Thomas A. Nelson, publisher of TAN Books. It set out terms for the publication, advertisement and sale of the second edition of In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, and the first separate edition of the appendix of the same book titled The Catholic Church and Homosexuality.
Paragraph 12 of the contract reads as follow:
“The Publisher agrees to render to the Author and also to the Agent not later than the last day of January of each year a statement of royalties earned under Paragraph Eleven (11) above during the preceding twelve (12) months ending the thirty-first (31st) of December, and to make settlement in cash for the royalties on a quarterly basis, that is, four (4) times a year.”
Until January 31, 2000 neither Mr. Guimarães nor Dr. Horvat had received any report regarding the number of the books sold. Nor were they paid any royalties from Mr. Nelson or any other representative of TAN Books for the sale of the mentioned works.
On February 2, 2000, Mr. Guimarães warned Mr. Nelson that the contract had been broken and proposed to him that another should be drawn up. Mr. Nelson did not acknowledge the letter and continued to print, advertise and sell the books against the will of the author.
One year later on February 2, 2001, Mr. Guimarães wrote another letter to Mr. Nelson forbidding him to publish, advertise or sell the two mentioned books. Mr. Nelson again made no acknowledgement of the letter and ignored this prohibition, continuing to publish, advertise and sell the mentioned books.
Since the company TAN Books is under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code it is protected against new law suits, any legal procedure that could oblige Mr. Nelson to stop selling the books would be futile.
For the moment the only resource for the Author is to warn public opinion about this situation.
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