Following the example of St. Paul, four Catholic journalists (Atila Sinke Guimarães, Michael J. Matt, John Vennari, Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.) make a public statement of Catholic resistance to the teachings of the Council and of the Popes that are objectively opposed to the Magisterium. The Statement of Resistance, an open letter to John Paul II, intends to be an invitation for a respectful dialogue. The work lays out an objective analysis of the consequences of ecumenism and the adaptation of the Church to the modern world, as applied since the Council. The authors affirm that this position implies neither the desire to judge the Pope or to declare the Apostolic See vacant. They base their act on Doctors of the Church, among them St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Robert Bellarmine.
The book includes the Declaration of Resistance, nine articles by the authors on the topic and 17 pages of photos illustrating the text.
Format: Paperback, 168 pp. Publication Date: April 2000
Readers Comments
Book Reviews
Price: $10
Read our response to The Wanderer's attack on We Resist You to the Face
Read our response to Bishop Bruskewitz's critique of We Resist You to the Face
Read also the newly published interview with Atila Sinke Guimarães in Resistance vs. Sede-Vacantism. We Resist You to the Face received an outpouring of support from around the world, and also a barrage of accusations from both progressivists and sede-vacantists who are trying to place the authors outside the visible Church. To clarify this very complex issue, Michael J. Matt (one of the authors) interviews Atila Sinke Guimarães (the principal author) about the main criticisms received. Those who are distressed by the statements and actions of the present Pope should also read this booklet to see why sede-vacantism is not a viable option. (20 pp. $4)
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Comments of Readers:
"Traditional Catholics will find this book a most welcome addition to their arsenal of understanding and apologetics for the traditional Catholic Faith. … As one who values words above pictures, I must admit the devastating effect that the selection of photographs in Part I produces."
— Fr. Morrison, Review, Traditio
"I want to congratulate you for the initiative of standing publicly for the Catholic Faith. If only more did the same and if only Rome listened! Hoping that the small contribution will help you to continue the good work, I assure you of my prayers and send my blessing."
— Bishop Bernard Fellay (Society of St. Pius X, Menzingen, Switzerland).
"It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you on the publication of the book 'We Resist You to the Face.' It requires the courage of St. Paul the Apostle himself to disclose to the whole of Christiandom the destructive action of Christian leaders themselves against the ever old and ever new Rock of the Catholic Church. Be assured that you are not expressing the feelings, sentiments and emotions of one Catholic here and another Catholic there, but the suppressed and pent up mental agonies and feelings of, if not the majority, but at least a great number of Catholics all over the world .... Your publication of the book is a real need of the hour and times in which we live."
— Fr. Pancras Christanand, M.A.; Ph. D. (Gregorian University, Rome) - Kauli, India.
"It is excellent! I admire your courage and dedication to our Church. Thanks."
— FBM, Evergreen Park, IL
"This statement will eventually be recognized as a historical 'shot heard 'round the Catholic world."
— RCM, Buchanan Dam, TX
"We Resist You to the Face is the most comprehensive writing I have seen about the Vatican II Church and this Pope. It says everything I have gleaned from various sources, putting all the facts together. … I am so happy to have this wonderful book. I need another copy."
— NW, Newport, OR
"Thank you very much for your courageous and zealous witness to and for the Faith."
— AD, West Keansburg, NY
"A magnificent work outlining practically all of the abuses that have taken place in the thirty to thirty-five years."
— JJ, St. Petersburg Beach, FL
"This is a 'must read' for all Traditionalists, all who love and the Pope, and really for all Catholics. I cannot recommend it highly enough."
— JB, Port Townsend, WA
"If you have any ideas as to how I, or anyone else, can show the Holy See that we stand behind this statement, please let me know."
— SC, Chicago, IL
"We Resist You to the Face has all the precision, logic, scholarship, force, profundity, eloquence and piety of an old-fashioned papal encyclical. It is an extraordinary work that synthesizes the amalgam of heresies and ills that beset the Catholic Church, and its leadership. I hope you will do everything possible to get it out to the millions of Catholic people who know things have changed, but don't know why, or what to do… Again, please accept my admiration and appreciation for your milestone achievement, a unique and inspired landmark in Church History."
— PF, Yorba Linda, CA