Book Information
An Urgent Plea: Do Not Change the Papacy
Atila S. Guimarães, Michael J. Matt, John Vennari, Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
A respectful and courageous defense of the traditional Papacy
in face of the revolutionary changes being proposed.
"The authors analyze the plan of John Paul II to change the Petrine Primacy in order to make it acceptable to Schismatics and Protestants. They object to the proposed measures and alleged motives for a change. Confronting the Pope, they ask him not to change the Papacy. It is, without a doubt, a bold request, which startles those who show more consideration for authority than for the Faith."
"The document is cogent and concise. The authors understand how to argue the case, how to present questions, and how to expose the reality - even in very delicate situations. At the same time, the work is praiseworthy for the notable historical panorama it unfolds."
Format: Paperback, 96 pp. Publication date: 2001
Read the Foreword
Price: $7
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From the Foreword
by Patrick J. Odou
"This richly illustrated book shows that attempts to curb Papal power have been underway for over 200 years and have been strongly condemned by the Church. Nonetheless, ideas of reform continued to live in the liberal Catholic movement and from there were subtly insinuated into the whole Church. Vatican II opened the doors for a reform of the Papacy, and since then theologians and prelates have vigorously demanded it.
"On May 25, 1995 Pope John Paul II issued his encyclical Ut unum sint in which he proposed changing the traditional doctrine of the Papal Primacy in order to remove the "difficulty" that the Papacy causes for Protestants and Schismatics. He even insisted upon receiving the doctrinal collaboration of heretics and Schismatics in order to model the new face of the Papacy. The Pope indicates a shift of the supreme power of the Church from the Roman Pontiff to the College of Bishops, and that Papal power would become mainly the capacity to serve.
"Do Not Change the Papacy clearly outlines the true Catholic doctrine on the powers of the Pope as infallibly taught up to Vatican II, and references many Papal documents that categorically condemned the same modernist ideas being proposed today.
"The authors respectfully address the Pope asking for the opening of a dialogue on the subject.
"Read this book to understand the grave situation threatening to change the face of Holy Mother Church."
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