What People Are Commenting
Motu Mass & Conciliar Popes
Tremendous Work
Dear Atila,
I just finished reading In the Murky Waters of Vatican II and I want to thank you for writing a truly great book. Your balanced approach, in-depth analysis and documentation of the Council make it a book that should be required reading for every adult Catholic.
I hope all is well with you and may Our Lord continue to bless you for the tremendous work you are performing for Him and His Church!
Best regards,
Motu Mass & KGB
Dear TIA,
I pass on what a faithful priest, the closest thing to a confessor that I have, told me. He said to sit in an Indult or Motu Mass is dangerous because of the heretical teaching passed on from the pulpit. Sunday after Sunday it leaves a residue of heresy in the mind and can lead one away from the Faith.
I recently attended a Motu Mass, allowed once a month in our parish and locale. The priest said that Leo XIII made a marked change from the Church's old outdated teaching on socialism. He implied that Leo XIII brought the Church out of the dark ages and made her more open to socialist thought. The whole sermon was very weak, very much a sop thrown to the Spirit of Vatican II, and I am afraid to go back for more. The poor young priest, being in the good graces of the V-2 church, has to toe the line of Modernism or be denied the "right" to say the Latin Mass.
On another point, your readers may enjoy a book by Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and Shield. It documents Soviet trouble-making and spying in the US during the Cold War, being an exposition of an archive of KGB data smuggled out of Russia by a former KGB agent, surnamed Mitrokhin. He defected to Britain and made his notes public through historian Christopher Andrew.
Anyone who still thinks that Senator McCarthy was conducting a "witch hunt" will read this book and see that he was closer to the truth than the manipulated Western media. We aren't out of the woods, either. With the impostor, B. Hussein Obama, in the White House we are in terrible danger. A bloodless coup has taken place in the US and we haven't seen the worst yet.
In Jesus and Mary,
JPII Is Good
I am a frequent visitor to your site and while I normally agree with it, I have been noticing many criticisms of the Pope and his predecessor. I find it very harsh that the site puts things on it that practically call JP II a womanizer and both he and the present Holy Father people pleasers.
This is just my input and I do still agree and love the rest of your site.
Pax et bonum,
Materialiter & Formaliter
The article covering the January 2010 visit of Benedict XVI to the main synagogue of Rome bears witness to the Judafication of the Chair of St. Peter. I believe all ecumenism is underscored, oriented toward and specified by Judaism.
The late Fr. Noel Barbara, r.i.p., believed that the conciliar and post-conciliar Popes posed serious problems for the Catholic conscience. He believed that they were materially Popes, who were validly elected but did not have any authority or assistance of Jesus in the Petrine ministry. According to him they lacked an oneness with Christ, because they were not interested in popeing as Popes traditionally did, for the most part, upon accepting the office after the election. They were and are not formally Popes.
Does TIA think or believe this to be possible or likely?
All Angels, Saints, Blessed and Venerable, pray for us
TIA responds:
Our position regarding the conciliar and post-conciliar Popes is that, on one hand, they are Popes before this great visible society called the Catholic Church. That is, they were elected by the due ensemble of men - the College of Cardinals - who habitually elect a Pope; they were accepted by the ensemble of Hierarchs and the great majority of faithful as Popes; they exercised and are exercising the role of Popes according the habitual rules of this office. So, we say that they are Popes before the Church.
On the other hand, they profess and preach several heresies such as universal salvation in any religion and among men of good will; the general approval of Modernism, which St. Pius X characterized as the synthesis of all heresies; the specific approval of Judaism and the attempt to adapt Catholic doctrine to its errors.
Since a heretic ceases to be Catholic at the moment that he accepts a heresy and obstinately refuses to return to the truth, we affirm that these conciliar Popes ceased to be Popes before God at the moment they adhered to the mentioned heresies, consciously opposing the previous teaching of the Church.
Therefore, we are living a contradictory situation in which they are Popes before the Church, but they ceased to be Popes before God.
If the description of this reality matches the concepts of Fr. Barbara that the conciliar Pontiffs are materialiter but not formaliter Popes, you can say it better than we are able to do. We have never delved into the precisions he established in his technical language.
On similar important topics regarding the present situation of the Papacy, please read also here, here, here and here.
We hope this answers your question.
TIA correspondence desk
Adapting Butler's Work to Ecumenism
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
[Regarding your reply in Pius XII and the Russian Saints]:
Some years ago I had read - perhaps in an admirable work on St Philomena by Patrick H. Omlor, but I am not sure - that some of the later editions of Butler's Lives of the Saints were the work of Fr. Herbert Thurston SJ along with some collaboration from Donald Attwater. Thurston and Attwater did not believe in St. Philomena. I also read somewhere that Attwater was an admirer of the Eastern Churches.
Below I add what Wikipedia says about Fr. Thurston.
Yours sincerely,
N.C., India
From Wikipedia
Fr. Herbert Henry Charles Thurston, S.J. (15 November 1856 - 3 November 1939) was an English priest of the Roman Catholic Church, a member of the Jesuit order, and a prolific scholar on liturgical, literary, historical, and spiritual matters.
Thurston wrote more than 150 articles for the Catholic Encyclopedia (1907-1914), and published nearly 800 articles in magazines and scholarly journals, as well a dozen books. He also re-edited Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints (1926-1938).
Many of Thurston's articles show a skeptical attitude towards popular legends about the lives of the saints and about holy relics. On the other hand, his treatment of spiritualism and the paranormal was regarded as "too sympathetic" by some of his fellow Catholics
Posted November 11, 2010

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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