General Criteria
 | Your Attack against TFP's Book Is Wrong! The editor responds to objections over his review of TFP's Pandora Box
 | What Is Your Take on the True & False Right? Explanation of what false right is & the example of Bishop Schneider
 | Why Are TIA's Authors Boycotted by Other Traditionalists? Read on the distinction between false-right, 5th column & common thieves
 | Are Jesuits the Veiled Power in the Church? They have a great role, we have dealt with good and bad Jesuits - read here
Does the SSPX Say the Dialogue Mass? Yes, it does. Read the testimony of Msgr. Patrick Perez
 | Is TIA Sede-Vacantist or in Support of the SSPX? TIA is neither sede-vacantist nor linked to the SSPX
 | Is TIA Part of the St. Pius X Movement? – Another Similar Question No, we are not
 | If You Are Not SSPX, What Branch of Traditionalism Do You Support? TIA does not support branches, but Catholic principles
 | Does the Schism of SSPX Make Its Previous Sacraments Invalid? No, it does not
 | Are SSPX Confessions & Masses Valid even without Jurisdiction? We believe they are; Faith has precedence over jurisdiction
 | How Can SSPX Administer the Sacraments without Jurisdiction? To assist the preeminent needs of the lay people
 | What Are the Alternatives to SSPX in view of Its Compromise? You can assist at Eastern Rite Masses that still maintain their old liturgies
 | Given the SSPX Compromise, Should I Go to Another Mass? Where? Even compromised, its Sacraments are valid; other possibilities are here
 | Are the Sacraments Administered by Bishop Galarreta Valid? Yes, they are. Do not worry about that
 | Outcast with the SSPX & the FSSP They have valid sacraments, but we must resist Progressivism
 | Should I Go to SSPX, FSSP or SPV Masses? Here are the pros & cons; it is up to you to decide
 | The SSPX Uses the '62 Missal, Are there Valid Alternatives? The '62 Missal is still valid and here is why
 | Why Do SSPX Priests Always Impose the 'Just Pray & Obey'? To bring as many people as they can to the merge - see previous answer
 | What Does TIA Think about the SSPX-Rome Negotiations? We believe the Bishops are preparing the faithful to accept a merge
 | Do You Believe SSPX Will Actually Compromise? In theory, Fellay can step back; in practice, it seems the deal is made
 | Why Is TIA Silentt on the SSPX Merger with Progressivism? TIA has not been silent. Here is the list of our comments
 | Can Mr. Guimarães Comment on the SSPX Vatican Situation? A compromnise will oblige it to accept the Vatican II & the New Mass
 | Have You Seen the Compromise on the SSPX Website? No, we have not. Thank you for your opportune comments
 | Will Pope Francis Use the SSPX to Quarantine Traditionalism? A future merger will leave only a fragment to resist
 | Is Bishop Williamson Safe to Follow? Bishop Williamson is in the game to control anti-compromise reactions
 | Why Did Card. Royos Say Bishop Fellay Accepted Vatican II? Probably because Fellay did; check the consequences of a merge here
 | Did You Read What Bishop Fellay Wrote about Your Criticism? You can find our answer to him in this page
 | Aren't You Losing Friends Because of Your Criticism of Fellay? Our real friends are those who want to follow the truth without compromise
 | Why Did You Offend the Ladies Who Forwarded Fellay's Letter? It seems your sensibilities are more delicate than the ladies'
 | Did You Read the Documents Confirming Your Warning about Fellay? Thank you for sending them – we are publishing them here for our readers
 | Why Didn't Priests Leaving SSPX Present Evidence against Fellay? They did, but TIA did not translate all the documents
 | What about the Priory of Sion & Its Links with Lefebvre? Here are the allegations, which oscillate between speculation & probability
 | Could You Clarify Why Fr. Meramo Was Expelled? Find a summary of what happened here
 | Is SSPX Making Concessions to Buddhism? Here is close-up of a chapel in Tokyo showing ‘inculturation’
 | The Tokyo 'Space' Is Not a Chapel; Can't You See That? Angelus magazine calls it a chapel, here are the original sources
 | Can't You See It Is Just a Rented Place without Chairs? SSPX has been there for 8 years & there are signs of inculturation
 | Do You Know that SSPX Is Supporting Dorothy Day? No, we did not. Thank you for the information
 | Did You See The Angelus & Fr. Scott Attacked You for Attacking Gill? Yes, we did; here is our refutation
 | Why Is an SSPX Priest Accusing TIA of Sede-Vacantism? This priest is wrong. It is obvious that we are not sede-vacantists
What Is Your Opinion on the Presence of SSPX in Quito - 2019? Here is TIA final balance on this presence
 | How Can You Prove the Fraternity of St. Peter Is Compromised? It has the Bishops' approval, which only happens with the acceptance of Vatican II
 | Is the FSSP Alright to Say the Gregorian 30 Masses? The FSSP has valid Masses for the Gregorian 30
 | Is this Particular FSSP Alright to Attend? We need more information, but here are some general guidelines
 | Was Fr. Bisig the True Successor of Arch. Lefebvre? If he says this, it is better to ask him to prove it, not us
 | Can You Give Your Opinion on the Institute of Christ the King? It is a compromised organization that seeks to please Progressivism
 | Can I Get Back a Contract I signed with Institute of Christ the King? If the ICRSS forgot it tricked you it may be best to let it go
 | What Is Your Opinion on the Institute of Good Shepherd? Read here how it has been strangled by the Vatican
 | What Is Your Take on Bishop Rifan's Adhesion to the Novus Ordo Mass? See his position and his apologia for the New Mass here
 | Can We Say that Bishop Rifan Is a Traitor? Yes we can, the proof is here
 | Why Do You Say Fr. Rifan Was In the SSPX Cupola When He Was Not? One of the highest authorities of the SSPX confirmed that he was
 | Can We Say Rifan Is a Forerunner of Fellay? Read Fellay's criticism of Rifan & see whether the former is on the same path
 | Why Do So Many Traditionalists Support Distributism? It is a way to divert attention from the fight against Progressivism
 | Is Distributism Being Spread among Traditionalists to Destroy Them? Yes, you are right; it is the scatter and divide tactic
 | Is Distributism Catholic? No, it is based not on the Popes but on Marx
 | Can We Say Distributism Is a Masked Socialism? Yes, we can; it explains Distributism perfectly
 | What Is Your Take on Eric Gill, Founder of Distributism? He was a morally corrupt man & a precursor of Vatican II
 | Gill's Vices Don't Affect Distributism. Aren't Diamonds in the Mud? The right metaphor is: The bad tree gives bad fruits; not that of diamonds
 | Is Gill Bad or Good? Pros & Cons in a SSPX Forum Defenses, objections, replies & critiques regarding Eric Gill
 | Who Gave You the Right to Reproduce the Comments of Our Forum? They were in the public domain; they were about our articles; we reproduced them
 | Did You Not Sin against Charity in Exposing Gill & His Vices? No, we did not; we exposed a criminal for the sake of the public good
 | Why Do You Attack Gill's Art? His Art Is Not Connected to His Vices We only attack his art insofar as his vices are present in it
 | Weren't the Founders of Distributism Chesterton & Belloc & not Gill? These socialists leaders were all founders, but Gill was the principal one
 | What Do You Think about Hilaire Belloc? He was a liberal disguised in traditionalist robes
 | Were Chesterton & Tolkien also Bad? We plan to study Chesterton - Tolkien was not linked to Distributism
 | Why Are You Condemning Belloc & Chesterton by Association? Odou is not doing this; he is studying each one individually
 | Was Arthur Penty as Good as Many People Say? His teachings are analyzed here, here & here
 | What about the Other Great Thinkers of Distributism? They hold the same position as the ones we quoted
 | Can I Translate Your Articles to Fight Distributism? Yes, you can; here are the conditions
Nazism, Fascism etc.
 | What Is the Counter-Revolutionary Stance on Nazism/Fascism? They are against Catholic doctrine & follow a Gnostic theory
 | Is Nazism a Movement of the Left or the Right? It is a false right to direct anti-communists to Socialism
 | What Is Your Position on Nazism? It is a Gnostic-Manichean sect; read this series
 | Did You See the Southern Poverty Law Center Attacked You? Yes, we did; here is our refutation
 | What Was Your Readers' Reaction over the SPLC Attack against TIA? Readers reacted with indignation in our favor
 | Can You Cite a Good Catholic Reaction to Nazism? Yes, we can; here is an overview of a reaction by Baroness von Guttenberg
 | Have the Nazis Practiced Euthanasia? Yes, they have; read Card. von Gallen's heroic reaction against it here & here
 | Was the Priory of Sion a Nazi Order? We don't know; you can come to your own conclusions reading this report
 | Is It True that Belloc Admired Mussolini? Yes, he was an adept of Mussolini & Fascism
 | Does Modern Art Have Any Link with Nazism? Yes, it does; read here what is behind Futurism & Surrealism
 | Are There Other Movements Similar to Nazism? Yes, Fascism, Petainism, Francoism, Salazarism, Integralism are some of them
Card. Ottaviani, Siri, Newman & Arch. Sheen
 | Did Cardinal Ottaviani Accept Progressivism? Yes, he did; check this document here
 | I Have Heard Ottaviani Supported the U.N. Is It True? Yes, he did; read his declaration
 | Can't You See that Ottaviani Didn't Accept Progressivism? You Are Wrong Your document does not address the point you imagine
 | Why Don't You Promote the Siri Thesis? Because it is wrong. Read here.
 | Wasn't Card. Siri Elected Pope & Forced into Seclusion? He publicly denied any support for those who consider him pope
 | Did Card. Siri Accept the Conciliar Popes? Yes, he did, check these links here, here & here
 | Can You Present Proof Siri Said the New Mass? Yes, here you have some photos of him saying the Novus Ordo Mass
 | Do You Have Solid Evidence Proving Newman Was a Liberal? Yes, we do, read this series of documents taken from his works
 | Why Do You Say Newman Was a Liberal? Because he in fact was one, as proved here
 | Is It Certain that Newman Opposed Pius IX? Yes, it is, read here, here & here
 | What Do You Think about Newman's Beatification? We believe he was not a saint; read here, here & here
 | Do You Have Any Article by Brownson against Newman? Yes, he wrote a book against Newman; here is a review of it
 | Did Fr. Feeney Ever Attack Newman? Yes, we published one of his attacks here
 | Were the Newman Centers Named After Newman or Neumann? After Card. John Henry Newman, the Liberal
 | Is It True Newman Never Completely Converted? Yes, he continued to defend Anglicanism all his life
 | Was Newman a Homosexual? It is not certain, but there are many symptoms he was; read here, here & here
 | Is It Sure that Newman's Body Was Completely Pulverized? Yes, when his grave was opened, neither bones nor teeth were left
 | How Dare you Accuse Newman of Homosexuality?! It is because there are evidence of both his heresy & perversity
 | Are there Studies on Newman's Epistemology? Yes, a book by Orestes Brownson & many documents taken from his biography
 | Fulton Sheen is Often Pictured with Protestants. Was He Ecumenical? Yes, he was an early promoter of interfaith meetings and talks
 | Was Arch. Sheen a Socialist of Some Sort? He defended a notion of co-ownership very similar to that of Socialism
 | Was Fulton Sheen Favorable to the New Mass & Vatican II? Yes, he was an enthusiast of the Council and said the New Mass
 | Is It True That Fulton Sheen Admired Teilhard de Chardin? Yes, in his biography he spends a chapter defending Chardin
 | What About Sheen's Cause of Beatification? It was suspended; read here
 | Why Do You Judge Sheen for His Hand Gestures? We don't; we studied his doctrine, not gestures
 | What Do You Think about a Miracle Attributed to Newman? We don't trust the new criteria for miracles adopted by the Conciliar Church
 | Is It True that Sheen Died in Swimtrunks on a Beach? We have not heard of it; it seems unlikely