What People Are Commenting
Sanger, Flying Kites & Easy Annulment
Flying Kites
As a kid I loved flying kites. However nothing like this.
The guy [Ray Bethell] flying the 3 kites is in his 80s and he's from Canada. He comes to the Washington State International Kite Festival every year. His skin is like leather as he normally flies with his shirt off.
He is deaf, so when he flies, we hold our hands up and wave them for applause. He flies 2 with his hands and the 3rd one is attached to his waist.
You must watch to the end to see the amazing landing of that last kite.
And make sure your volume is turned up because the music is wonderful and totally reflects the soaring of the kites.
To watch click here.
As a kid I loved flying kites. However nothing like this.
The guy [Ray Bethell] flying the 3 kites is in his 80s and he's from Canada. He comes to the Washington State International Kite Festival every year. His skin is like leather as he normally flies with his shirt off.
He is deaf, so when he flies, we hold our hands up and wave them for applause. He flies 2 with his hands and the 3rd one is attached to his waist.
You must watch to the end to see the amazing landing of that last kite.
And make sure your volume is turned up because the music is wonderful and totally reflects the soaring of the kites.
To watch click here.
Sheen’s Gestures vs Thoughts
I was quite surprised by the criticism of Archbishop Fulton Sheen on your site, having watched a great many of his videos on you tube, I was always struck by his deep love of Christ. For example, in this one "Signs Of Our Times" - Ven. Fulton Sheen
He may have made gestures when speaking, but that's part of been a good orator and was quite common in his time to hold people’s attention. His talk on a false Church aping the Catholic Church is very enlightening.
TIA responds:
We agree with you that an orator needs to express himself with gestures. Our criticism of Arch. Fulton Sheen is based on much more that his gestures. The writers who authored the articles we referred to on our website had carefully studied his works. They only decided to write after they were convinced that he had a double standard.
There are some religious leaders, like Arch. Sheen, who can be seen from different perspectives: When they are compared to the progressivist excesses we are witnessing today, they look conservative. However, when they are compared to the immutable patterns of the Catholic Church, they look progressivist.
Analyzing intermediary situations like this, St. Thomas points out that when you have your hand in cold water and put it in tepid water, the latter feels hot; analogously, when you have your hand in hot water and put it in tepid water, it feels cold. This doesn’t mean that the tepid water is hot or cold, it only means that your tactical sense can be fooled.
Likewise, our feelings can be fooled. The Church, however, teaches us that we should make our decisions based upon doctrinal principles, not personal feelings.
In conclusion, Arch. Sheen had several good points that may have done some good for you. He should be praised for that. Nonetheless, these points do not justify his positions favorable to ecumenism, Vatican II, Teilhard de Chardin and a socialist concept of private property.
TIA correspondence desk
I was quite surprised by the criticism of Archbishop Fulton Sheen on your site, having watched a great many of his videos on you tube, I was always struck by his deep love of Christ. For example, in this one "Signs Of Our Times" - Ven. Fulton Sheen
He may have made gestures when speaking, but that's part of been a good orator and was quite common in his time to hold people’s attention. His talk on a false Church aping the Catholic Church is very enlightening.
TIA responds:
We agree with you that an orator needs to express himself with gestures. Our criticism of Arch. Fulton Sheen is based on much more that his gestures. The writers who authored the articles we referred to on our website had carefully studied his works. They only decided to write after they were convinced that he had a double standard.
There are some religious leaders, like Arch. Sheen, who can be seen from different perspectives: When they are compared to the progressivist excesses we are witnessing today, they look conservative. However, when they are compared to the immutable patterns of the Catholic Church, they look progressivist.
Analyzing intermediary situations like this, St. Thomas points out that when you have your hand in cold water and put it in tepid water, the latter feels hot; analogously, when you have your hand in hot water and put it in tepid water, it feels cold. This doesn’t mean that the tepid water is hot or cold, it only means that your tactical sense can be fooled.
Likewise, our feelings can be fooled. The Church, however, teaches us that we should make our decisions based upon doctrinal principles, not personal feelings.
In conclusion, Arch. Sheen had several good points that may have done some good for you. He should be praised for that. Nonetheless, these points do not justify his positions favorable to ecumenism, Vatican II, Teilhard de Chardin and a socialist concept of private property.
TIA correspondence desk
Marriage Annulment Question
My name is D. I am a convert of almost 3 years. We entered via the Novus Ordo side. I am looking for answers in a broken Church. I'm not near any Trad priest. I've tried getting a hold of some, but it's difficult to have a detailed dialogue with the few I have found.
I married Dan four months after I turned 18, 10 days after I found out I was pregnant. He was 18, but still a senior in high school. We married during his Christmas Break. I was not baptized or in church (my mom had fallen away from the Church). Dan was Baptist. A Baptist preacher married us in the social hall. I didn't understand religion or know a quarter about anything I know now.
I just knew I had messed up and had to fix it by marrying a guy I thought was good to me, but I hadn't planned on staying with forever. I knew I needed insurance. Dan joined the Air Force after graduating from high school, as we planned. I also had a rough home life, so I saw marriage as a way out. I cried the night before and was not smiling in any of the photos.
After thirteen years of trying to make the marriage work, and even becoming Catholic, Dan and I are miserable together. I've never felt like we were truly married. I tried 100% to make it a happily ever after. I communicated, sought counseling, etc. It's just not what I want our 2 kids to think a marriage is.
Dan isn't a Catholic leader in the home either. I'm depressed from it all.
When we converted, no priest blessed our marriage.
We are separated and plan to get an annulment. A NO priest said we definitely can.
Are we wrong???
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Hello D.Z.,
Today, in the Conciliar Church you can have an annulment for any reason.
It also looks like you are trying to describe your marriage to have a justification to go through an annulment process: It was a Baptist minister who did the marriage; you just wanted to get out of a pregnancy and leave your house; your relations with your husband are miserable; this is a bad example for the children. So – bingo! – you just met the conditions for an annulment.
We believe this is the wrong solution.
The description you give us seems to characterize a natural marriage of convenience. This type of marriage is legitimate in itself, independent of the faith professed by the minister. There are millions of cases in History of this type of legitimate marriages.
Our advice for you is to not get an annulment. Instead, try to reestablish good relations with your husband and try to find a good priest who can transform your natural marriage into a Sacrament. We believe he can do this by making a ceremony of renewal of your vows in the Catholic Church and giving the couple the blessing of the Church.
The worst example for your children is not to have some quarrels with your husband in front of them, but to separate from him, start to date other men and “marry” one of them. In their eyes, you will be always guilty, no matter what you will tell them. Their psychological stability relies on the stability of your marriage with their father.
This is the advice we have for you, along with our prayers to Our Lady that she will inspire you to follow this path instead of the easy and wrong path of an annulment.
TIA correspondence desk
My name is D. I am a convert of almost 3 years. We entered via the Novus Ordo side. I am looking for answers in a broken Church. I'm not near any Trad priest. I've tried getting a hold of some, but it's difficult to have a detailed dialogue with the few I have found.
I married Dan four months after I turned 18, 10 days after I found out I was pregnant. He was 18, but still a senior in high school. We married during his Christmas Break. I was not baptized or in church (my mom had fallen away from the Church). Dan was Baptist. A Baptist preacher married us in the social hall. I didn't understand religion or know a quarter about anything I know now.
I just knew I had messed up and had to fix it by marrying a guy I thought was good to me, but I hadn't planned on staying with forever. I knew I needed insurance. Dan joined the Air Force after graduating from high school, as we planned. I also had a rough home life, so I saw marriage as a way out. I cried the night before and was not smiling in any of the photos.
After thirteen years of trying to make the marriage work, and even becoming Catholic, Dan and I are miserable together. I've never felt like we were truly married. I tried 100% to make it a happily ever after. I communicated, sought counseling, etc. It's just not what I want our 2 kids to think a marriage is.
Dan isn't a Catholic leader in the home either. I'm depressed from it all.
When we converted, no priest blessed our marriage.
We are separated and plan to get an annulment. A NO priest said we definitely can.
Are we wrong???
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Hello D.Z.,
Today, in the Conciliar Church you can have an annulment for any reason.
It also looks like you are trying to describe your marriage to have a justification to go through an annulment process: It was a Baptist minister who did the marriage; you just wanted to get out of a pregnancy and leave your house; your relations with your husband are miserable; this is a bad example for the children. So – bingo! – you just met the conditions for an annulment.
We believe this is the wrong solution.
The description you give us seems to characterize a natural marriage of convenience. This type of marriage is legitimate in itself, independent of the faith professed by the minister. There are millions of cases in History of this type of legitimate marriages.
Our advice for you is to not get an annulment. Instead, try to reestablish good relations with your husband and try to find a good priest who can transform your natural marriage into a Sacrament. We believe he can do this by making a ceremony of renewal of your vows in the Catholic Church and giving the couple the blessing of the Church.
The worst example for your children is not to have some quarrels with your husband in front of them, but to separate from him, start to date other men and “marry” one of them. In their eyes, you will be always guilty, no matter what you will tell them. Their psychological stability relies on the stability of your marriage with their father.
This is the advice we have for you, along with our prayers to Our Lady that she will inspire you to follow this path instead of the easy and wrong path of an annulment.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted March 3, 2017
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Re: Bishop on Way to Destroy Youth
Your text brings to mind a famous quote by another destroyer of youth and Traditional Catholic culture. "There will come a Plato who will be understood!, a Socrates who will not drink hemlock! and a Jesus who will not be crucified!" Margaret Higgins Sanger, once a devout Traditional Catholic who became the founder of Planned Parenthood, in a speech in 1923.
These N.O. soul-killing, sex, money and power (in any order) lusting frauds, as you said, have nothing to do with Jesus. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Neither did/does Margaret Sanger. But they both have much in common: soul death.
"The worst ones are the ones that use the Name of Jesus for Evil!!!!!" …
Have a rich, deeply examined, and Holy Lent 2017.
We thank you daily for your life-changing works,