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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Bishop David M. O'Connel 1

Karaoke Bishop on his way to form youth

The photos on this page show Bishop David M. O'Connell, auxiliary Bishop of Trenton, New Jersey, and President of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. O'Connell and two priests are on their way to plan for the Diocesan Youth Conference, which will take place on March 4, 2017.

Following the latest style of the world – now very popular among artistic and political celebrities – they perform a carpool Karaoke singing along to a song played on a CD. The lack of seriousness of the man who should represent the Apostles can be verified in this page.

In the video the Bishop and his priests pretend they are singing from the joy of following Jesus. We have to say that the Jesus they portray has nothing to do with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Their Jesus would never have been crucified. But Our Lord was killed precisely because He proposed to His followers a set of principles that was the opposite of the world, that is, the Roman-Greek-Jewish establishment of His time.

These photos show what orientation the "conservatives" of the Conciliar Church are giving to our Catholic youth. Beautiful words about forming them in a Catholic culture. In practice, however, the teachers form the youth in a low-speed adhesion to the revolutionary world. The formation is under the aegis of a Lutheran Jesus turned toward enjoying life as much as possible.

Needless to say that O'Connell has the full approval of the Conciliar Popes.

To watch the video, click here.

Bishop David M. O'Connel 2 Bishop David M. O'Connel 3 Bishop David M. O'Connel 4
Photos from the video & Internet


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Posted February 26, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
 restore the Holy Church.
