Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
‘Youth Apostolate’ in Tucumán, Argentina
Above, you see Fr. Juan Viroche, parish priest of St. Francis Solano Church in the city of Banda del Rio Sali, in the province of Tucumán, Argentina. He enjoys the full support of the Archbishop of Tucuman, Luis Hector Villalba, for his work with the youth of the area. Indeed, given his “new methods” of approach to the youth, many are participating in his initiatives, which are being praised as a great success.The photos on this page give you a good example of Viroche's “new methods.”
In the first photo, above, he embraces a student in such a way that his hand touches her lower breast; below first row, in an excursion to the nearby Sali River, he appears, at the far right, his torso nude, with his face and his knee touching the head and bare knee of one of the girls, while the group of youth makes a show of legs for the camera.
Second row, he embraces a youth wearing the same vestments as his own, which display colored handprints surrounding modern Eucharistic symbols. In the third row, he foundly holds hands with a youth's mother, giving the impression of close intimacy. In the last row you see him kissing the jersey of his preferred soccer team, the local San Martin, as he also wears its colors to show his profound loyalty to the team.
This is what we have today, a progressivist priest without any Catholic moral principle instructing the youth. It seems that the only criterion that exists for his ministry is: If he attracts the youth, he is good; if he doesn't, he is bad.
If you complain about this priest, the local Archbishop will tell you that he is doing a “good job.” If you complain about the Archbishop to the Vatican, its officials will tell you that he is following the pattern of the World Youth Days, which are “very good ” because they were founded by Pope Wojtyla, “the Saint”...
No matter how you cook it and present it, we see that this is a new religion that has almost nothing to do with the Catholic Church.
Photos from Catapulta & Internet

Posted October 18, 2015