What People Are Commenting
Annulments, Pedophilia, etc.
Ninety Three Percent of Annulments
I am reading about people with several annulments (2nd and 3rd annulments) and still in good standing with Rome. How is this possible?
Is there any reason left on this earth that the New Church will not grant a legal divorce for?? Annulment means someone was never married in the first place. If this is the case with all these new excuses - either physiology or psychology traits - no one is really married in the first place.
They call it annulment, but it is a legal divorce, which goes directly against Christ's words and the Sacrament He established for the Church at the Wedding in Cana. The New Church will always resort to the easy grounds of "lack of due discretion," which is a cover-all and catch-all phase used to grant divorce.
The Catholic Church has always taught marriage is valid until proven otherwise, but with today's rampant annulment rate that has skyrocked ever since the Vatican II changes, it has turned it into no-fault divorce.
With this being the case one should say that one is not married until one proves otherwise, because it seems like all marriages in the New Church are open for questioning and annulment if approached with the possibility or need. I do not think they refuse too many applications for annulment nowadays. This is the total opposite of the 1960 years. In that time the Vatican accepted very, very few applications, less than 1%.
Today it is like a drive-thru to get a "happy annulment" that may well come with a 'cookie,' like when you order a meal. The modernist tribunals almost always consider exclusively psychological reasons, such as lack of maturity, that make the marriage imprudent. They call this "lack of due discretion."
Where does fault lie in the first place? If someone is guilty, it is first the Bishop or priest who allowed the candidates to be wed, to get married neglecting to teach them to fulfill their duties.
The Italian press published that the Vatican granted nine out of every 10 annulments requested. In 2004, the last year for which figures are available, 46,060 annulments were requested, of which, 42,920 were granted. That is a whopping 93%!!!!
Once you destroy the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Mass, the destruction of the Catholic norms, standards and culture necessarily come.
You have to bring back the FAITH and fruit will flower again.
Boston Scandal
I just read Mr. Guimaraes' column on the Boston scandal. He calls it child prostitution, and he links it to the Hierarchy.
I think the Bible calls it temple prostitution. The prophets spoke of this. There is an image in the Book of Daniel, if I recall correctly, which depicts a dark, hidden room with all manner of pornographic elements and perversions and frequented by the rulers of the theocracy.
I wonder if Patriarch Abraham, while visiting the city of Sodom, might have saved the day by dialoging with the sodomites, instead of with God.
Australia Speaking
Dear Editor,
I am the Manager of the Catholic Apologetics website which has a link to your excellent website.
Congratulations on the book review of No Crisis in the Church?
I also have set up a Christian Activist website and shortly I will be setting up another website so that I can promote in Australia the book No Crisis in the Church?
Simon Galloway has asked me to promote his book in Australia and I am only too happy to do that. Would you please give me your kind permission to reproduce the book review by Fr. Stephen Somerville from your website?
Yours in Jesus and Mary,
Laurie Myers
I Love It
And I loved your article on veils. It's nice to see I am not alone in my feelings.
M.F., a proud Trad
Timely and Appreciated
Dear TIA,
The article by Prof. Remi Amelunxen, "Another Compromise in San Francisco," is timely and appreciated. This past weekend I viewed a partial TV program on Gay/Lesbian "families" and how they are indoctrinating society with this aberration. The children were seen in focus groups discussing their two dads or two moms. The children were seen in play groups and depicted just like normal children. It is certainly not normal and I wonder how these souls can ever possibly develop but by some extraordinary grace and I can only hope that the chastisement and the Reign of Mary will come soon.
It's obvious that Archbishop Niederauer is following the party line in this notorious town. The article is well written and I would like to hear more from Prof. Amelunxen. Having intelligent authors reporting/commenting on TIA from various places throughout the world is wonderful.
In Our Mother Mary,
Posted April 12, 2007

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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