What People Are Commenting
Fr. Rausch, Missal & Nazism
Interreligious Imperative
Dear TIA,
Once again, what an honor to be writing you! Thank you for being a beacon of Truth for us in this time of crisis in the Church and in the world. Whilst visiting The Remnant newspaper site, I happened upon this disturbing piece by Fr. Thomas Rausch, S.J. over at LMU in the news section. Please proceed to this link to see Fr. Rausch's article.
Please understand: I harbor no ill will toward Fr. Rausch. I have met him on a couple of occasions and have found him to be a kind and agreeable man. It is unfortunate that his erroneous positions put us at odds. Yet, for me, there is only one clear choice: CHRIST over any friendship!
My Response to Fr. Rausch
With all due respect to Fr. Rausch, what he embraces is religious indifferentism, pure and simple - a clear break from two thousand years of Catholic Tradition. No amount of relativizing or "re-writing" of Church history, albeit done in the name of "critical analysis," can alter this fact. It takes no particular stroke of genius to try to explain the Faith by explaining it away - or making it conform to one's ideological leanings - despite whatever "scholarly" verbiage may be employed "to impress" in the process and despite the letters one might have after his name to render authority and credibility.
One either accepts the teachings of the Catholic Church, or one does not. One is either inside the Catholic Church, or one is not. There are no relativistic shades of gray or imaginary "concentric circles" where one's "proximity" to the One True Religion established by Our Lord Himself is concerned.
As for the unqualified assumption that the Catholic Church had somehow been "out of touch" with the modern world before the Second Vatican Council, where would one come up with such a foreign notion? Unless, of course, one happened to have an understanding of the Church's mission completely apart from that of glorifying God and saving souls. The conciliar/post-conciliar changes being what they are, they in effect sprang forth from this creation of a false problem - this unchallenged the pretense of an "outdated Church" which then led to the opening of the floodgates to the sludge of false ideas and teachings that has been gushing in in full force ever since.
Whether the present-day Church hierarchy wishes to acknowledge this or not, they have no right to alter Her perennial mission of saving souls through the conversion and sanctification of sinners and individuals outside the Church. No amount of World Youth Days, "ecumenical" gatherings, and other '60s re-tread passing trends can change this reality. When the dust settles one day, we shall all have to give an account before Christ Our Judge as to how faithfully we carried out His Divine Mandate - each according to his state of life.
TRUE charity, TRUE compassion, and TRUE "social justice" can only come from remaining humble and faithful to the timeless teachings of the Catholic Church.
Stephen Kim
What Missal Is Best?
What Missal is Best/Free from Errors? I have a 1954 edition of the St Joseph Missal, a 1940 (?) edition of Blessed Be God Prayer Book with the Mass inside, and The New Marian Missal, 1958 edition reprinted by Veritas Press.
I would appreciate your recommendation.
God Bless you.
TIA responds:
At TIA we do not have an expert on liturgical topics. However, according to Fr. Patrick Perez, whom we believe is secure in these matters as you can check here, it is better to keep the Missals before the 1955 reform made by Fr. Annibale Bugnini, which were formally introduced in the 1962 Missal.
Applying this criterium, in your case it seems safer and more convenient to follow either the older Missal from 1940 or the one from 1954.
TIA correspondence desk
Lefebvre’s Letter to Merge with JPII
Dear TIA,
I just wanted to point out to you that a translation of the letter you posted, was published by Angelus Press in 1983 "24th December 1978. Letter of Archbishop Lefebvre to the Pope" (Michael Davies, Apologia pro Marcel Lefebvre, volume 2 (1977-1979), Dickinson, Texas: Angelus Press, 1983, ISBN: 0-935952-11-X chap 31, pp. 273-275).
And it can be found at the SSPX Asia web page, here.
That translation is interesting since Michael Davies states at the end of the "Author's introduction" (p. xiv) that: "Archbishop Lefebvre was kind enough to read through the proofs and make a number of corrections."
Finally, you have an "official" SSPX translation of that letter to the Pope in the "Letter to Friends and Benefactors n. 16" at the SSPX's web page, here:
In Cordibus Iesu et Mariae,
The Sky of Lorraine
Dear TIA,
One remark regarding the very nice explanations in the article: "The sky of Lorraine and the Kingdom of Our Lord".
The example of Alsace and Lorraine which were "robbed" by the Germans and "cut off" from France is not a really good choice. Because Alsace and Lorraine were German for hundreds of years. One has only to see the names of the towns. They were German provinces and they were overtaken by the French. The Germans just took it back.
In Jesus and Mary,
S.B., Germany
Fascism & Nazism
Tradition in Action,
Thank you for your work. May God allow you to continue ever in the narrow path and reward you with many graces.
I want to enquire about more detailed counter-revolutionary studies regarding Fascism and its influence in society.
You see, I have met people disposed to fight for power in Bolivia; they got close to traditionalism, but also have some affinity with Fascism and Nazism.
For me, more important is the greater glory of God and Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth and Mother of us all, and because of my little knowledge about Fascism regarding the Christian influence or stance, I do not want to support something that is not proper.
If you have detailed publications about Fascism from the Counter-Revolutionary point of view, I would be very thankful that you can share it either via private mail or publishing in your website.
I thank you before hand and ask Our Lady of Good Success to grant you graces and peace in your daily life.
J.L., Bolivia
TIA responds,
Thank you for your kind wishes.
The greatest fighters against Nazism were the German Cardinals Clemens August von Galen, Bishop of Münster, and Michael von Faulhaber, Archbishop of Munich. You may read on their combats to find arguments and good literature on this topic.
On the TIA website we have posted a series on Nazism, which you may benefit from reading, given its occult background (here). Also an article on the Neo-Nazi movement in the U.S. can be read here.
We would like to have more material to offer you on Fascism and Nazism, but the full-time obligation we have to fight Progressivism leave us little time for other polemics. If the opportunity comes, however, we will post more articles for the orientation of readers like you.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted May 5, 2011

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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