Were the Organ Pieces at Notre Dame’s Reopening Masonic? A musical analysis of the cacophonous organ performances
St. John Bosco on the Cause of the Revolution Moderates: sympathy for the Revolution, hatred for the CR
What Are the Secret Forces? Occult organizations that work to destroy the Church
 | The Transgender Revolution
Part 1 -
The Destruction of Men and Women Terms & procedures in the transgender revolution
Part 2 -
The Monstrous ‘Gender Spectrum’ Theory Acceptation of complete fluidity between the sexes
Part 3 -
The Insane ‘Otherkin’ Identity & the ‘Furry’ Frenzy People now are identifying as non-humans & animals
Part 4 - The Next Step to the Demonic: Elf / Alien People The fae, elf & alien identities
Part 5 -
Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil - Graphic photos The angel, demon & god identities
Tattoos Always Open the Door of the Soul to the Devil Satanism: behind every tattoo – be it a rose or a dragon
Yoga & Centering Prayer: Are They Always Bad? A Catholic must rely on faith, not feelings & experiences
A Ritual to Baal? The Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games
Transhumanism & the Great Reset Using technology to alter human nature to produce a super-man
Hell at the 2019 Grammy Music Awards Satanic symbolism overtly present in the performances
Bill Gates Calls for a ‘Digital Certificate’ to Identify Vaccine Receivers A step closer to ‘the Mark of the Beast’ scenario
Obituary of Rock – A Succession of Tragedies Suicides and tragic deaths of many rockers - not a coincidence
Heavy Metal: Origin & Main Bands Steeped in an occult and Satanist 'spirituality'
Satanic Temple Statue among Christmas Displays at Illinois Capitol A symbol of the Luciferian philosophy along with Jesus' crib
 | ‘Fecal Matter’ or Satanic-Alien Fashion The fifth & final Revolution makes its shocking appearance in fashion
Conciliar Church Draws Closer to Freemasonry Two recent encounters in Italy to discuss a new openness to Masonry
An Apocryphal Document of Gnostic Inspiration Book review of The Gospel of Judas
 | ‘Charlie, Charlie’ = Hello Satan, Come In A dangerous game that invokes the Devil
Satanism Coming to Public Schools 'Educatin' for Satan' & black masses in the name of religious liberty
 | Analyzing Reiki & Yoga
Part 1 - Reiki: A False Spiritual Healing that Excludes God Its pantheist roots & New Age spirit conflicts with Catholicism
Part 2 - Yoga Is Incompatible with Catholicism A spiritual discipline to unite with cosmic energy
Part 3 - The Pantheist Character of Yoga An aim of union with nature & an impersonal divinity, not Christ
Part 4 - Yoga Leads to Idolatry & Possession A search for happiness that ends in slavery
Part 5 - Reiki Opens Doors to Evil Spirits A Spanish exorcist warns about the presence of the occult today
Part 6 - ‘Channeling’ the Energy in Reiki Leaving yourself open to demonic attacks of infestation
Part 7 - 15 Arguments on the Danger of Yoga It cannot be dissociated from Hinduism
Part 8 - Six Exorcisms Free a Woman from Possession A dangerous search for meaning in New Age practices & exercises
Part 9 - Exorcists Recount Real Experiences And give dos and don'ts to avoid possession
Part 10 - Moving from a Healing Energy to the ‘Angel of Light’ Testimony of an ex-Reiki master
Part 11 - Reiki Invokes Devils with Japanese Symbols False promises of inner peace mask dangerous rituals
Part 12 - It’s Always Dangerous to Dabble in the Occult The tools the Devil uses to infest his victims
 | Inaugurating a New World Order Ruled by Satan The indoor performance of the occult Gotthard Tunnel Opening
 | Devil Adored at Swiss Tunnel Opening Ceremony An outdoor performance filled with occult & obscene acts
 | Stoicism, Apathy & Fatalism A summary of stoic philosophy & a Catholic critique of its errors
 | Rock 'n Roll - Satanic Music
Part 1 - Its Origins & Its Promoters Born to glorify the sexual act & liberate lower instincts
Part 2 - Its Evolution to Hard & Acid Rock Direct link between rock, drugs & the occult
Part 3 - Rock's Subliminal Satanic Messages Are Unmasked Words, rhythm, signals & lights violate one's consciousness
Part 4 - Examples of Subliminal Messages in Rock Music Testimonies of rock stars confessing their techniques
Part 5 - From Subliminal to Direct Messages Satanic messages are spread without dissimulation
Part 6 - Witchcraft, Voodoo, Rock & Disco These groups are funded by the Illuminati
Part 7 - Entering the Battle against Rock Practical measures & good counsels for formation of youth
 | 'I Performed Satanic Rituals inside Abortion Clinics' Former high wizard reveals how abortion is akin to Satanism
 | Heading toward the Public Cult to Satan The devil Baphomet is unveiled in Detroit and Lucifer comes to LA
 | John XXIII, the Pope Who Talked to an Extra-Terrestrial Report from a credible source of an actual encounter with an alien
 | President of French Bishops’ Conference Is a Freemason Archbishop Georges Pontier admits attending lodge meetings
 | Jewish Scholar Exposes Ritual Crimes by his Ashkenazy Fellows Book review of Bloody Passovers and Ritual Homicides by Ariel Toaff
 | The Strange Message in the 2012 Olympics Opening Marxist history joins with tribalist customs to announce a new era
 | New Age Nuns - Part 1 Increasing practice of Yoga, Reiki & Shamanism
 | New Age Nuns - Part 2 A new consciousness to interact with the Cosmos
 | Mexico During the Cristero War - Part 1 The Masonic agenda against the Church
 | Mexico During the Cristero War - Part 2 Calles is supported by the U.S. & Russia
 | Contacting Devils in the New Age Movements The role of "ascended masters" in bringing the New Age
 | Mystery Schools & Centers of Light Occult methods to "channel" the Devil among men
 | Communitarianism & Its Plan for Society Its controllers, the role of usury, the subversion of culture
 | Communitarianism Shaping a New U.S. Steadily transforming our country into a colony
 | The Vanguard Art against the Church Modern Art fostering the kingdom of the Devil
 | Theosophy, Ecology & Pan-Religion What is going on behind ecumenism?
 | Picasso Painted in a State of Trance Grosteque shapes to satisfy the depraved taste of the epoch
 | 'A Sacred Art Possesed by the Devil' An article by Cardinal Constantini warns the faithful against Modern Art
 | Modern Art's Kabala Its links with the occult & social revolution
 | Abstract Art & Theosophy The occult symbolism of line, form & color
 | Esoteric Characteristics of Modern Art The revolt against truth, goodness & beauty
 | Maximilian Kolbe to the Masons: You Are Controlled by the Jews The Religious Founder exposes their internal hierarchy and exhorts Masons to convert
 | Mysterious Links between Socialism, Zionism and Satanism Marx and Engels initiated in Satanism by Moses Hess
 | Socialism and Gnosis
Part 1 - Poverty: Which One Is Evangelical? Which Is Gnostic? How the progressivist idea of poverty favors the Revolution
Part 2 - Material Goods Are Glorified in the Parables Social inequality and private property are also evangelical
Part 3 - Salaries and Investments Are Praised in the Gospels Demolishing progressivist myths about economy
 | Hollywood’s Disinformation Campaign on Freemasonry National Treasure spreads the 'secrets' Masonry wants the public to know
 | The Babel Tower Governing Europe Occult symbolism in the European Parliament building
 | A Façade for the Global Lodge An international center to promote radical egalitarianism and a new world order
 | Nazism, a Gnostic-Manichean Sect
Part 1 - Pagan and Christian Gnosis The strong Cathar inspiration of Nazism
Part 2 - The Mission of Otto Rahn at Montségur His quest for the Grail at Montsalvat
Part 3 - What the Grail Represented for the Nazis A chalice chiseled from an emerald of Lucifer’s diadem
Part 4 - The New Religion of the Swastika Cross The coming of a new god, the Aryan superman
Part 5 - The Strange Personality of Adolf Hitler His charisma had hypnotic and preternatural touches
 | The Catholic Church and Masonry The Vatican lifts the excommunication of Catholics who become Freemasons