
Secret Forces & Gnosis

Secret Forces

catholic Were the Organ Pieces at Notre Dame’s Reopening Masonic?
A musical analysis of the cacophonous organ performances

catholic St. John Bosco on the Cause of the Revolution
Moderates: sympathy for the Revolution, hatred for the CR

catholic What Are the Secret Forces?
Occult organizations that work to destroy the Church

catholicThe Transgender Revolution

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -    The Destruction of Men and Women
                    Terms & procedures in the transgender revolution

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -    The Monstrous ‘Gender Spectrum’ Theory
                    Acceptation of complete fluidity between the sexes

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -    The Insane ‘Otherkin’ Identity & the ‘Furry’ Frenzy
                    People now are identifying as non-humans & animals

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   The Next Step to the Demonic: Elf / Alien People
                    The fae, elf & alien identities

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -    Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil -  Graphic photos
                    The angel, demon & god identities

catholic Tattoos Always Open the Door of the Soul to the Devil
Satanism: behind every tattoo – be it a rose or a dragon

catholic Yoga & Centering Prayer: Are They Always Bad?
A Catholic must rely on faith, not feelings & experiences

catholic A Ritual to Baal?
The Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games

Transhumanism & the Great Reset
Using technology to alter human nature to produce a super-man

Hell at the 2019 Grammy Music Awards
Satanic symbolism overtly present in the performances

Bill Gates Calls for a ‘Digital Certificate’ to Identify Vaccine Receivers
A step closer to ‘the Mark of the Beast’ scenario

Obituary of Rock – A Succession of Tragedies
Suicides and tragic deaths of many rockers - not a coincidence

Heavy Metal: Origin & Main Bands
Steeped in an occult and Satanist 'spirituality'

Satanic Temple Statue among Christmas Displays at Illinois Capitol
A symbol of the Luciferian philosophy along with Jesus' crib

‘Fecal Matter’ or Satanic-Alien Fashion
The fifth & final Revolution makes its shocking appearance in fashion

Conciliar Church Draws Closer to Freemasonry
Two recent encounters in Italy to discuss a new openness to Masonry

catholic An Apocryphal Document of Gnostic Inspiration
Book review of The Gospel of Judas

catholic‘Charlie, Charlie’ = Hello Satan, Come In
A dangerous game that invokes the Devil

catholic Satanism Coming to Public Schools
'Educatin' for Satan' & black masses in the name of religious liberty

catholicAnalyzing Reiki & Yoga

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Reiki: A False Spiritual Healing that Excludes God
                  Its pantheist roots & New Age spirit conflicts with Catholicism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Yoga Is Incompatible with Catholicism
                  A spiritual discipline to unite with cosmic energy

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   The Pantheist Character of Yoga
                  An aim of union with nature & an impersonal divinity, not Christ

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Yoga Leads to Idolatry & Possession
                  A search for happiness that ends in slavery

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   Reiki Opens Doors to Evil Spirits
                  A Spanish exorcist warns about the presence of the occult today

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   ‘Channeling’ the Energy in Reiki
                   Leaving yourself open to demonic attacks of infestation

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -   15 Arguments on the Danger of Yoga
                  It cannot be dissociated from Hinduism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 8 -   Six Exorcisms Free a Woman from Possession
                  A dangerous search for meaning in New Age practices & exercises

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 9 -   Exorcists Recount Real Experiences
                  And give dos and don'ts to avoid possession

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 10 -   Moving from a Healing Energy to the ‘Angel of Light’
                  Testimony of an ex-Reiki master

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 11 -   Reiki Invokes Devils with Japanese Symbols
                  False promises of inner peace mask dangerous rituals

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 12 -   It’s Always Dangerous to Dabble in the Occult
                  The tools the Devil uses to infest his victims

catholic Inaugurating a New World Order Ruled by Satan
The indoor performance of the occult Gotthard Tunnel Opening

catholicDevil Adored at Swiss Tunnel Opening Ceremony
An outdoor performance filled with occult & obscene acts

catholicStoicism, Apathy & Fatalism
A summary of stoic philosophy & a Catholic critique of its errors

catholicRock 'n Roll - Satanic Music

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Its Origins & Its Promoters
                  Born to glorify the sexual act & liberate lower instincts

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Its Evolution to Hard & Acid Rock
                  Direct link between rock, drugs & the occult

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Rock's Subliminal Satanic Messages Are Unmasked
                  Words, rhythm, signals & lights violate one's consciousness

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Examples of Subliminal Messages in Rock Music
                  Testimonies of rock stars confessing their techniques

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   From Subliminal to Direct Messages
                  Satanic messages are spread without dissimulation

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   Witchcraft, Voodoo, Rock & Disco
                   These groups are funded by the Illuminati

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -   Entering the Battle against Rock
                  Practical measures & good counsels for formation of youth

catholic'I Performed Satanic Rituals inside Abortion Clinics'
Former high wizard reveals how abortion is akin to Satanism

catholicHeading toward the Public Cult to Satan
The devil Baphomet is unveiled in Detroit and Lucifer comes to LA

catholicJohn XXIII, the Pope Who Talked to an Extra-Terrestrial
Report from a credible source of an actual encounter with an alien

catholicPresident of French Bishops’ Conference Is a Freemason
Archbishop Georges Pontier admits attending lodge meetings

catholicJewish Scholar Exposes Ritual Crimes by his Ashkenazy Fellows
Book review of Bloody Passovers and Ritual Homicides by Ariel Toaff

catholicThe Strange Message in the 2012 Olympics Opening
Marxist history joins with tribalist customs to announce a new era

catholicNew Age Nuns - Part 1
Increasing practice of Yoga, Reiki & Shamanism

catholicNew Age Nuns - Part 2
A new consciousness to interact with the Cosmos

catholicMexico During the Cristero War - Part 1
The Masonic agenda against the Church

catholicMexico During the Cristero War - Part 2
Calles is supported by the U.S. & Russia

catholicContacting Devils in the New Age Movements
The role of "ascended masters" in bringing the New Age

catholicMystery Schools & Centers of Light
Occult methods to "channel" the Devil among men

catholic Communitarianism & Its Plan for Society
Its controllers, the role of usury, the subversion of culture

catholicCommunitarianism Shaping a New U.S.
Steadily transforming our country into a colony

catholic The Vanguard Art against the Church
Modern Art fostering the kingdom of the Devil

catholicTheosophy, Ecology & Pan-Religion
What is going on behind ecumenism?

catholicPicasso Painted in a State of Trance
Grosteque shapes to satisfy the depraved taste of the epoch

catholic'A Sacred Art Possesed by the Devil'
An article by Cardinal Constantini warns the faithful against Modern Art

catholicModern Art's Kabala
Its links with the occult & social revolution

catholicAbstract Art & Theosophy
The occult symbolism of line, form & color

catholicEsoteric Characteristics of Modern Art
The revolt against truth, goodness & beauty

catholicMaximilian Kolbe to the Masons: You Are Controlled by the Jews
The Religious Founder exposes their internal hierarchy and exhorts Masons to convert

catholicMysterious Links between Socialism, Zionism and Satanism
Marx and Engels initiated in Satanism by Moses Hess

catholicSocialism and Gnosis

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Poverty: Which One Is Evangelical? Which Is Gnostic?
                    How the progressivist idea of poverty favors the Revolution

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Material Goods Are Glorified in the Parables
                    Social inequality and private property are also evangelical

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Salaries and Investments Are Praised in the Gospels
                    Demolishing progressivist myths about economy

catholicHollywood’s Disinformation Campaign on Freemasonry
National Treasure spreads the 'secrets' Masonry wants the public to know

catholicThe Babel Tower Governing Europe
Occult symbolism in the European Parliament building

catholicA Façade for the Global Lodge
An international center to promote radical egalitarianism and a new world order

catholicNazism, a Gnostic-Manichean Sect

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Pagan and Christian Gnosis
                   The strong Cathar inspiration of Nazism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   The Mission of Otto Rahn at Montségur
                    His quest for the Grail at Montsalvat

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   What the Grail Represented for the Nazis
                    A chalice chiseled from an emerald of Lucifer’s diadem

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   The New Religion of the Swastika Cross
                    The coming of a new god, the Aryan superman

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   The Strange Personality of Adolf Hitler
                    His charisma had hypnotic and preternatural touches

catholicThe Catholic Church and Masonry
The Vatican lifts the excommunication of Catholics who become Freemasons

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