What People Are Commenting
Fewer Mass-goers, WYD & France’s Terrorism
Warsaw WYD in Rainbow Colors
Dear TIA,
It seems that the approval of Francis for homosexuals and transsexuals will have a reflection also in the coming World Youth Day in Warsaw.
As you can read in the news report below, a LGBT representation is planning to be present at the events.
I wonder if Francis will be waiving a rainbow banner to manifest his satisfaction with these people. In my opinion he is the Sodom Pope.
In Christ Jesus,
World Youth Day:
LGBT organization to set up safe space for gay Christians at event
AFP - July 19,2016 - Warsaw: Gay and transgender Christians will set up a ministry during World Youth Day, when Pope Francis is expected to meet hundreds of thousands of young Catholics in southern Poland later this month.
Leaders of the Warsaw-based Faith And Rainbow LGBT organization say they want to minister to the thousands of gay, lesbian and transgender people attending the event by setting up a "LGBT Pilgrim's Haven".
"We want to create a space in which they will feel safe and where they will find answers to issues facing them," organizer Misza Czerniak told the Monday edition of Poland's Rzeczpospolita broadsheet daily.
Organizers however told AFP their initiative is not officially a part of World Youth Day, running 26-31 June in and around Krakow, southern Poland.
The group will set up the "Pilgrim's Haven" in a cafe in Krakow's Kazimierz Jewish quarter.
American Jesuit priest Jim Mulcahy, described on the group's Facebook page as "an experienced pastor and spiritual father of many LGBT believers" in Eastern Europe will be among featured speakers.
Original here.
It seems that the approval of Francis for homosexuals and transsexuals will have a reflection also in the coming World Youth Day in Warsaw.
As you can read in the news report below, a LGBT representation is planning to be present at the events.
I wonder if Francis will be waiving a rainbow banner to manifest his satisfaction with these people. In my opinion he is the Sodom Pope.
In Christ Jesus,
LGBT organization to set up safe space for gay Christians at event
AFP - July 19,2016 - Warsaw: Gay and transgender Christians will set up a ministry during World Youth Day, when Pope Francis is expected to meet hundreds of thousands of young Catholics in southern Poland later this month.
Leaders of the Warsaw-based Faith And Rainbow LGBT organization say they want to minister to the thousands of gay, lesbian and transgender people attending the event by setting up a "LGBT Pilgrim's Haven".
"We want to create a space in which they will feel safe and where they will find answers to issues facing them," organizer Misza Czerniak told the Monday edition of Poland's Rzeczpospolita broadsheet daily.
Organizers however told AFP their initiative is not officially a part of World Youth Day, running 26-31 June in and around Krakow, southern Poland.
The group will set up the "Pilgrim's Haven" in a cafe in Krakow's Kazimierz Jewish quarter.
American Jesuit priest Jim Mulcahy, described on the group's Facebook page as "an experienced pastor and spiritual father of many LGBT believers" in Eastern Europe will be among featured speakers.
Original here.
Siri’s Thesis
Dear Dr. Horvat and others at TIA,
It is very refreshing to read the account of the deeds and prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success. Yet one wonders why reading these prophecies and other Catholic prophecies that paint a clear picture of how there will be a false hierarchy eclipsing a true one has not made you reject the current usurpers in Rome till now.
Have you heard of the Siri thesis? And if you have, why not promote it?
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear F.A.,
Thank you for your kind words about our postings and published works on Our Lady of Good Success.
Regarding the Siri thesis, we have already responded specifically to the question here.
We also posted several other articles on Card. Siri showing his allegiance to the Conciliar Church:
Dr. Marian T. Horvat
It is very refreshing to read the account of the deeds and prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success. Yet one wonders why reading these prophecies and other Catholic prophecies that paint a clear picture of how there will be a false hierarchy eclipsing a true one has not made you reject the current usurpers in Rome till now.
Have you heard of the Siri thesis? And if you have, why not promote it?
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear F.A.,
Thank you for your kind words about our postings and published works on Our Lady of Good Success.
Regarding the Siri thesis, we have already responded specifically to the question here.
We also posted several other articles on Card. Siri showing his allegiance to the Conciliar Church:
- Card. Siri pledging allegiance to the Conciliar Popes;
- Card. Siri saying the New Mass;
- Card. Siri: A Devoted Supporter of John Paul II;
- Card. Siri's Speech Praising John XXIII.
Dr. Marian T. Horvat
Malachi Martin Revisited
Hello TIA
The blog Cor Mariae is refreshing the interview of Fr. Malachi Martin regarding the present day apostasy taking place in the Catholic Church.
It is an interesting summary worth reading. It is here.
The blog Cor Mariae is refreshing the interview of Fr. Malachi Martin regarding the present day apostasy taking place in the Catholic Church.
It is an interesting summary worth reading. It is here.
“We will not give in to the terrorist threat,” Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Friday morning after a cabinet meeting led by President François Hollande. But Mr. Valls also offered a grim observation for his countrymen: “The times have changed, and France is going to have to live with terrorism.”
What the French PM said is a gross violation of The Fundamental Principle of Non-contradiction in that "Something cannot 'be' and 'not be' at the same time in the same respect" - i.e., You cannot say you will not give in to the terrorist threat while simultaneously saying that you have to live with terrorism which IS giving in to the terrorist threat for those still capable of rational thought.
I have a Catholic friend, Susan Matthiese, who put her reply to this surrender below.
Gary Morella
Letter to the Prime Minister of France
Susan Matthiesen
Dear P.M. Valls,
What on earth are you babbling about when you tell French citizens that they will "just have to live with terrorism"?
Does that mean that you, that France, that Europe are collaborators with the EU traitors who let the invaders in the first place? I suppose it does.
You were only 21 in 1983, but maybe you were there at the Hamburg Symposium for Euro-Arab Dialogue getting your first lessons on the superiority of Arab culture, “the grandeur of Islam, the superiority of Islam, the greatness, the mercy, the benignity, the peerless scientific and humanistic richness of Islamic civilization. That Beacon of Light as it was called at the Symposium – a light that for centuries had illuminated Europe,” as Oriana Fallaci says in her Force of Reason (2004)….a must read for anyone wanting to know what today’s media wants us to either forget or never know. And Oriana herself recommends Bat Ye'or's Eurabia.
Do you recall that it was there in Hamburg when our western culture was so belittled that the Arab delegates found themselves filled with courage “to once again claim the Islamic origins of Judaism and Christianity, for presenting Abraham as a prophet of Allah and Jesus Christ as a failed pre-Mohammed? No one got up to protest with an indignant: Have you lost your mind?!?” (Thank you, Oriana.)
This book is a required reading for Prime Ministers
It was there in Hamburg that they spoke of immigrants too, and their equality and participation in the political life of the host countries (voting). That the rights of Muslim immigrants must be equal to the rights of the host countries' citizens. Newspapers must be printed in Arabic, and radio stations and television channels must be broadcast in Arabic.
It was in Hamburg, way back in 1983, that they requested to "increase their presence in trade unions, universities, schools, in local administrations. The symposium was a debasement, a condemnation of western civilization where apologies were made for the Crusades and colonialism that ungrateful Europe had inflicted on the Beacon of Light.
Well, now that you’ve grown up and become Prime Minister it’s good of you to let the French people finally know where they stand in relation to Islamic terrorists. Just get used to the killing, the slaughters and blood. Massacres by knife, guns, trucks, planes, boats are to be normal everyday occasions. It was stated that your country is not equipped against Islamic terrorism, and so your pathetic statement to give the people something to hang onto in their time of fear was: “We just have to live with it.”
Original here.
“We will not give in to the terrorist threat,” Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Friday morning after a cabinet meeting led by President François Hollande. But Mr. Valls also offered a grim observation for his countrymen: “The times have changed, and France is going to have to live with terrorism.”
What the French PM said is a gross violation of The Fundamental Principle of Non-contradiction in that "Something cannot 'be' and 'not be' at the same time in the same respect" - i.e., You cannot say you will not give in to the terrorist threat while simultaneously saying that you have to live with terrorism which IS giving in to the terrorist threat for those still capable of rational thought.
I have a Catholic friend, Susan Matthiese, who put her reply to this surrender below.
Gary Morella
Susan Matthiesen
Dear P.M. Valls,
What on earth are you babbling about when you tell French citizens that they will "just have to live with terrorism"?
Does that mean that you, that France, that Europe are collaborators with the EU traitors who let the invaders in the first place? I suppose it does.
You were only 21 in 1983, but maybe you were there at the Hamburg Symposium for Euro-Arab Dialogue getting your first lessons on the superiority of Arab culture, “the grandeur of Islam, the superiority of Islam, the greatness, the mercy, the benignity, the peerless scientific and humanistic richness of Islamic civilization. That Beacon of Light as it was called at the Symposium – a light that for centuries had illuminated Europe,” as Oriana Fallaci says in her Force of Reason (2004)….a must read for anyone wanting to know what today’s media wants us to either forget or never know. And Oriana herself recommends Bat Ye'or's Eurabia.
Do you recall that it was there in Hamburg when our western culture was so belittled that the Arab delegates found themselves filled with courage “to once again claim the Islamic origins of Judaism and Christianity, for presenting Abraham as a prophet of Allah and Jesus Christ as a failed pre-Mohammed? No one got up to protest with an indignant: Have you lost your mind?!?” (Thank you, Oriana.)
This book is a required reading for Prime Ministers
It was there in Hamburg that they spoke of immigrants too, and their equality and participation in the political life of the host countries (voting). That the rights of Muslim immigrants must be equal to the rights of the host countries' citizens. Newspapers must be printed in Arabic, and radio stations and television channels must be broadcast in Arabic.
It was in Hamburg, way back in 1983, that they requested to "increase their presence in trade unions, universities, schools, in local administrations. The symposium was a debasement, a condemnation of western civilization where apologies were made for the Crusades and colonialism that ungrateful Europe had inflicted on the Beacon of Light.
Well, now that you’ve grown up and become Prime Minister it’s good of you to let the French people finally know where they stand in relation to Islamic terrorists. Just get used to the killing, the slaughters and blood. Massacres by knife, guns, trucks, planes, boats are to be normal everyday occasions. It was stated that your country is not equipped against Islamic terrorism, and so your pathetic statement to give the people something to hang onto in their time of fear was: “We just have to live with it.”
Original here.

Posted July 19, 2016
Now here is a contradiction for you, straight from Germany (Crux news)
Despite new figures showing an ongoing decline in people attending Mass, vocations to the priesthood and sacramental marriages in Germany, the head of the country's Catholic bishops' conference Cardinal Reinhard Marx says, "The Church in Germany continues to be a strong force, whose message is heard and accepted."
It is like saying, Despite the extremely hot record-breaking temperatures in Arizona, the head of the Weather Department announced it was unusually cool.
The German people are leaving the Church in droves: in 2015, a total of 181,925 people departed and only 2,685 people became Catholic.
But what true Faith do they see today? A hive of ecumaniacs, promoters of the immigrants who are destroying their country, quirky liturgies - a den of thieves, not the house of God.
So the Hierarchy makes up a reality: No, no, the Church is strong and listened to, despite the fact that the churches are empty. And, of course, a grand hurrah for Francis: “Pope Francis gives us courage,” the Archbishop of Munich and Freising affirmed, “when he tells us that the way of the future Church is the way of a ‘synodal church.’ That means: All faithful are called upon, laypeople and priests! Together we will continue to give convincingly witness to our Faith and the Gospel.”
The picture below tells the results of Francis' synodal church...