Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Rainbow in the Strasbourg liturgy
Above is Archbishop Joseph Dore of Strasbourg, France, during a Mass at his Cathedral. In the background we see hanging banners in rainbow colors.
Below first row, Archbishop Dore stands under the rainbow banner, listening to a priest who addresses the assembly. Second row, another Mass by the same priest - who holds an oversized host. We can see the rainbow colors on a banner on a church column, at the right hand side of the picture.
These photos were shot in 2006, before Archbishop Dore's resignation, but they are not outdated. Today the rainbow continues to play a remarkable role in the Archdiocese. It is the first symbol that appears - behind the image of Our Lady and the Christ Child in the upper left corner - on the home page of Parishes of Rouffach, third row.
This is no joke. The rainbow is taking over the Liturgy, just as what it symbolizes - homosexuality - is taking over the Catholic clergy.
February 21, 2010

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