Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Cardinal Siri pledging allegiance to the Conciliar Popes
One variant of the sede-vacantists is the so-called 'sede-impeditist' current, which defends the thesis that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected pope at the conclave of 1958 and took the name of Gregory XVII. According to this current, Siri was obliged to renounce the title and Angelo Roncalli was elected in his place. The Popes who ascended to the Roman Pontificate after this election would be nothing but usurpers. Hence the followers of this theory consider them anti-popes and treat them as such.
Afterwards, Siri would have lived his whole life in a terrible oppression and persecution by the 'anti-popes,' his enemies. The theory continues, pretending that at his death, Gregory XVII named his successor, whose name is not known to the public...
To show the lack of reality upon which this theory is based, we post here some photos showing how joyfully and amicably Card. Giuseppe Siri dealt with the conciliar Popes.
Above at left, we see him in close and friendly conversation with John XXIII, at one of the general meetings of the Italian Bishops; at right, he appears smiling in a shot with the Pope and Cardinal Lercaro. Below first row, Card. Siri and Paul VI exchange cordialities on two different occasions. Second row, Siri is on his knees pledging allegiance to John Paul I after his election; third row left, he pledges allegiance to John Paul II after his election; right, at the end of his life he was still very cordial when meeting the same Pope.
We believe that no serious person can consider these attitudes of Card. Siri as those of a prisoner kidnapped from his pontificate and deprived of it by force or some strong moral pressure. Instead, the photos show the normal activities of the Archbishop of Genoa, accepting without any difficulty the validity of the conciliar Popes as his normal superiors.
Photos from CardinalSiri.com. |
Posted October 30, 2011

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