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Card. Ottaviani Praises the UN and a Universal Republic

On October 7, 1965, in a speech at Vatican Council II, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani defended the formation of a One World Order and asked support for the United Nations.

Indeed, two days after the speech of Paul VI in the UN praising that organization and condemning all war, and the Pontiff's triumphant return to the Conciliar Assembly, Cardinal Ottaviani echoed those ideas in a short speech before all the Bishops of the Church gathered at the Vatican Basilica.

We reproduce part of his intervention taken from The Council Vatican II by Fr. Giovanni Caprile, S.J., considered one of the most objective chronicles on Vatican II. Fr. Caprile was a member of the staff of La Civilta Cattolica, the official organ of the Society of Jesus.

Right, the front page of Il Concilio Vatican II, by Caprile. Below right, the Ottaviani speech; below left, our translation of the Italian text in yellow.

It is necessary to spread the spirit of fraternity among peoples and dispose them to make sacrifices for the common good of all humanity, just as individuals contribute, with privations and sacrifices, for the good of their own countries ...

It is necessary to make the decisions of established international organs - such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague [Netherlands] and the United Nations - more binding in order to resolve international controversies ...

In order to do away with the cause of war, the remedies synthesized in five points by Pius XII in his 1941 Christmas Radio-message should be adopted. Finally, war could become a simple memory of the past if the words spoken by Paul VI in New York and afterward, in this Assembly, would be implanted in the hearts of peoples and the youth.

The Council should express the desire that all the nations of the world participate in a single Universal Republic, which transcends the individual characteristics of nations, so that the peace of Christ in the reign of Christ will become a reality.

(Alfredo Ottaviani, intervention of October 7, 1965, apud Giovanni Caprile, Il Concilio Vaticano II, Rome: La Civilta Cattolica, 1969, vol. 5, p. 178)

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Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted on February 2, 2008

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