 | November 9, 2024
Fulton Sheen's ecumenical “firsts” as Bishop of Rochester |
 | September 28, 2024
How Sheen's ecumenical seminary came to life |
 | September 21, 2024
Fulton Sheen visits the Rochester synagogue |
 | September 14, 2024
Arch. Fulton Sheen pushes Vatican II reforms |
 | February 24, 2024
Archdiocese of Milan welcomes Freemasonry |
 | August 6, 2022
Francis' letter praising LGBTQ |
 | July 9, 2022
Grande Oriente Democratico: John XXIII was a Mason |
 | September 5, 2020
Grand Orient of Italy praises Abu Dhabi document |
 | July 18, 2020 Jewish, Protestant & Pantheist services replacing Catholic Mass |
 | May 16, 2020
Freemasonry supports Francis' prayer for Fraternity |
 | November 2, 2019
Catacomb Pact renewed: ‘For the Common House’ |
 | March 16, 2019
Pius XII was a necessary bridge to reach Vatican II |
 | March 9, 2019
Agatha Christie appeals to Paul VI: Do not change the Tridentine Mass |
 | February 23, 2019
Francis lifts the sanction on Marxist activist Fr. Ernesto Cardenal |
 | January 12, 2019 Vatican celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution |
 | December 29, 2018 Francis greets Leonardo Boff |
 | September 22, 2018 Francis
supports communist dictator Ortega |
 | June 9, 2018
Francis encourages Father of Liberation Theology |
 | August 5, 2017 Brazilian Bishop celebrates Lodge's anniversary |
 | February 25, 2017 Gregory Baum, perito at the Council, declares his homosexuality |
 | November 19, 2016 Recent study on Pius IX by a Mason |
 | October 29, 2016 Masons consider Pius IX had been one of them |
 | April 2, 2016 Card. Ravasi: ‘Dear Masonic
brothers’ |
 | January 1, 2016 L'Osservatore Romano praises the Pact of the Catacomb |
 | November 21, 2015 Masonic Press Agency headlines Francis |
 | November 7, 2015 Masons from the Philippines welcome Francis |
 | June 20, 2015 Grand Master of Freemasonry wants to shake hands with Francis |
 | March 28, 2015 Pope John Paul I praises Satanist Carducci |
 | November 1, 2014 Grand Lodge of Italy proposes union with Bergoglio |
 | June 14, 2014 Why Jews commemorate the canonizations of John XXIII & John Paul II |
 | May 17, 2014 John XXIII's friendship with the modernist Buonaiuti |
 | February 15, 2014 Vatican promotes Hindu divinity |
 | October 26, 2013 Argentine Freemasonry salutes Pope Francis |
 | September 21, 2013 Card. Bergoglio, a member of the Rotary Club |
 | September 14, 2013 Müller promotes Liberation Theology & Gustavo Gutierrez |
 | September 7, 2013 L'Osservatore Romano endorses Gutierrez' Liberation Theology |
 | July 13, 2013 O.R. praises Teilhard for predicitng the world's socialization |
 | June 15, 2013 Pope Bergoglio: We need a ‘new road’ for the Papacy |
 | April 20, 2013 Card. Martini, a member of the Italian Freemasonry |
 | March 23, 2013 Italian Freemasonry officially supports Pope Bergoglio |
 | March 2, 2013 Müller denies the perpetual virginity of Our Lady |
 | February 23, 2013 Archbishop Müller denies transubstantiation |
 | February 2, 2013 Müller: Catholics & Protestants are united in the same visible Church |
 | January 5, 2013 Card. Ratzinger: Sin is present in the essence of the Church |
 | December 1, 2012 Conference on Teilhard de Chardin at the Pontifical Gregorian University |
 | November 24, 2012 Priest, Archbishop, Cardinal & the Vatican promote Yoga |
 | November 3, 2012 Benedict names Mason for the Pontifical Academy of Sciences |
 | September 22, 2012 Fr. Pattaro: The Church renounced the truth in her relation with the State |
 | September 8, 2012 Card. Martini's death mourned by Italian Masonry |
 | August 25, 2012 Gutierrez: We need to seize the Gospel from its private owners |
 | August 18, 2012 Gutierrez: To announce the Gospel is to subvert society and history |
 | August 11, 2012 Gutierrez: The Church must fight with the condemned of this earth |
 | January 21, 2012 Card. Siri: A devoted supporter of John Paul II |
 | January 14, 2012 Card. Siri's speech praising John XXIII |
 | November 5, 2011 Benedict: Heaven is not a place but the presence of God among men |
 | August 6, 2011 Benedict XVI: The Resurrection is a qualitative leap in universal evolution |
 | July 9, 2011 John XXIII's death mourned by the Mexican Freemasonry |
 | July 2, 2011 Paul VI's death mourned by the Italian Communist Party |
 | March 12, 2011 Newman dedicates his work on development of doctrine to Anglicans |
 | December 12, 2010 Newman: Papal Infallibility was theologically inaccurate |
 | November 13, 2010 Newman sabotages Papal Infallibility |
 | October 16, 2010 Newman flip-flops on Papal Infallibility |
 | September 18, 2010 Newman against Papal Infallibility |
 | September 11, 2010 Rome to Newman: ‘You are the head of the English Liberal Catholics’ |
 | September 4, 2010 Newman supports free speech in the Church |
 | April 24, 2010 Newman's longings for Vatican II |
 | April 10, 2010 Newman's resentment of authority |
 | March 20, 2010 Rome speaks: ‘Newman is the most dangerous man in England’ |
 | March 13, 2010 Newman regrets the Syllabus |
 | March 6, 2010 Newman's strong reservations on devotion to Our Lady |
 | February 27, 2010 Newman's continued admiration for Anglicanism |
 | February 20, 2010 The ecumenical formation Newman gave youth |
 | February 13, 2010 Newman supports the liberal agenda against Pius IX |
 | February 6, 2010 Newman suspect in Rome |
 | January 30, 2010 Newman's method to promote Liberal Catholicism |
 | January 23, 2010 Newman's admiration for Acton and Döllinger |
 | December 26, 2009 Paul VI: The conciliar Church is ‘betrothed’ to Anglicanism |
 | November 28, 2009 Fr. Chenu: The Catholic transcendent God is an idol |
 | October 17, 2009 Fr. Von Balthasar: Rahner and I always held the same ideas |
 | September 26, 2009 Ratzinger is a ‘dangerous modernist,’ his doctoral thesis assessor affirms |
 | August 29, 2009 Condemnation of Teilhard de Chardin by the Holy Office in 1962 |
 | August 1, 2009 Benedict XVI praises the cosmic liturgy of Teilhard de Chardin |
 | July 11, 2009 Card. Arns: The Cuba Revolution is a sign of the kingdom of God |
 | June 27, 2009 Card. Ratzinger: The revolt of May 1968 inaugurated a new era of Christianity |
 | May 16, 2009 Card. Tettamanzi: Every neighborhood of Milan should have a mosque |
 | April 25, 2009 Fr. Chenu: Revelation occurs through the course of History |
 | April 4, 2009 Fogazzaro: We want a reform carried out by the legitimate authority |
 | February 14, 2009 Paul VI: Bishops must abandon their grandeur |
 | January 17, 2009 Benedict XVI: Any disinterested carnal love leads to God |
 | December 27, 2008 Card. Congar: In Vatican II the Church broke her ties to the past |
 | November 29, 2008 Bishop Ablondi: Ecumenism must evolve from cooperation to communion |
 | November 1, 2008 Fr. Ratzinger: Orthodoxy is participation in the historic walk |
 | October 4, 2008 Fr. Sesboüé: Dogmatic formulas change with the times |
 | September 13, 2008 Card. Ratzinger: The Bishops have a fully democratic function |
 | August 23, 2008 Card. Newman recognized as a homosexual |
 | July 26, 2008 Card. Dulles: The Faith can be relegated to a secondary plane |
 | July 5, 2008 Fr. Chenu: Vatican II lifted the anathema against the French Revolution |
 | June 13, 2008 Code of Canon Law & annulments - III: Inability to assume obligations |
 | May 31, 2008 Code of Canon Law & annulments - II: Lack of discretion of judgment |
 | May 17, 2008 Code of Canon Law & annulments - I: Lack of sufficient use of reason |
 | May 10, 2008 Card. Dopfner: the Church of Christ includes Protestants and Schismatics |
 | April 19, 2008 Paul VI sees the UN in Dante's dream of a Universal Government |
 | April 5, 2008 Fr. Ratzinger: Dogmatic formulas must always change |
 | March 1, 2008 Card. Congar: The unpardonable sin of 'Ecclesiocentrism' |
 | February 2, 2008 Card. Ottaviani praises the UN and a Universal Republic |
 | January 12, 2008 Card. Ottaviani gives up and accepts Progressivism |
 | December 29, 2007 Paul VI: We are worshipers of Man |
 | November 24, 2007 What stopped the beatification of Paul VI? |
 | November 10, 2007 Ratzinger: The teachings of the Popes against Modernism are obsolete |
 | October 27, 2007 Fr. Rahner: The Bishops have the supreme power in the Church |
 | October 13, 2007 Card. de Lubac highly praises Jewish messianism |
 | September 22, 2007 Fr. Schillebeeckx: the 'Church of Christ' denies the unity of the Church |
 | September 1, 2007 Fr. Ratzinger: Evolution is a fait accompli to which the Church must adapt |
 | August 11, 2007 John Paul II praises Liberty, Equality and Fraternity |
 | July 28, 2007 Fr. Ratzinger: Only love is necessary for salvation, not faith |
 | July 7, 2007 Card. Congar: Church pomp and grandeur must be destroyed |
 | June 23, 2007 Fr. Hans Kung receives award from Freemasonry |
 | June 2, 2007 Fr. Ratzinger questions Christ as true God and true Man |
 | May 12, 2007 Was Paul VI homosexual? Testimony of Prof. Bellegrandi |
 | May 5, 2007 Fr. Ratzinger: Catholic Faith is 'an oppressive burden' |
 | April 14, 2007 Fr. Rahner: Revelation coincides with History |
 | March 24, 2007 Paul VI praises Liberty, Equality and Fraternity |
 | March 10, 2007 Fr. Chenu taught Muslims the religion of Mahomet |
 | February 24, 2007 How Fr. Rahner and Fr. Ratzinger sabotaged Mariology at Vatican II |
 | February 3, 2007 John Paul II praises voodoo worship in Benin |
 | January 21, 2007 Card. Willebrands: Luther is our 'common master' |
 | December 16, 2006 Was Msgr. Bugnini a Mason? |
 | December 2, 2006 Card. Koenig often received money from the Masonry |
 | November 25, 2006 Fr. Ratzinger: The Bible is not objective |
 | November 11, 2006 Pope Wojtyla rewarded by Freemasonry |
 | November 4, 2006 Card. Ratzinger: No difference between my work at the Council and now |
 | October 28, 2006 JPII praises Buddhism and Confucianism |
 | October 21, 2006 JPII: Animism is particularly close to Christianity |
 | October 14, 2006 Fr. Ratzinger: The Tridentine Mass is a dead liturgy |
 | October 7, 2006 Card. Ratzinger: Let the idea of Limbo drop |
 | September 30, 2006 Card. Wojtyla: The Church must enter into the world's evolution |
 | September 16, 2006 JPII: Communist authorities should be trusted not confronted |
 | September 9, 2006 Card. Glemp in 1987: Communism will continue indefinitely in Poland |
 | September 2, 2006 Card. Wojtyla: Vatican II closed the Constantine era of the Church |
 | August 19, 2006 Card. Suenens: Catholic Bishops should name saints, like the Schismatics |
 | August 12, 2006 Card. Pacelli: For Fatima it is suicidal to change Catholic faith and liturgy |
 | August 6, 2006 La Civiltà Cattolica: Vatican II closed the Trent era |
 | July 29, 2006 Fr. Schillebeeckx: Theology should critique the Church |
 | July 15, 2006 Card. Congar: Vatican II assumed the Modernist notion of Revelation |
 | June 24, 2006 Fr. Rahner: Divine Revelation is the message of the world's evolution |
 | June 10, 2006 Card. Von Balthasar: Ratzinger did not change |
 | June 3, 2006 Fr. Rahner: Theologians cannot be judged by traditional Catholic doctrine |
 | May 27, 2006 Maximus IV: The Council planned the merging of Catholics & Schismatics |
 | May 21, 2006 Fr. Kung: In Vatican II the Church adapted to Protestants & Schismatics |
 | May 13, 2006 Card. Oddi: The 3rd Secret of Fatima predicted the revolution of Vatican II |
 | May 6, 2006 Fr. Chenu: Traditional Catholic Theology was sterile |
 | April 30, 2006 Fr. Schillebeeckx: Vatican II was a reaction against monarchy in the Church |
 | April 22, 2006 Jean Guitton: Unlike JPII, his successor should not fear public opinion |
 | April 8, 2006 Card. Dopfner: Respected priests as men, rather than consecrated persons |
 | April 1, 2006 Fr. Chenu: To demand Thomism is an exasperating abuse of power |
 | March 25, 2006 Card. Congar: The Catholic Church was tyrannical & oppressive |
 | March 18, 2006 Von Balthasar: sexual relations inspire the relations of Christ & the Church |
 | March 11, 2006 Card. Congar: Theology must be turned toward man and not toward God |
 | March 4, 2006 Card. von Balthasar: The prostitute is the symbol of the Church |
 | February 25, 2006 Küng: Fatima's apparitions are comparable to 'Montanism' & 'Joachimism' |
 | February 18, 2006 Card. Leger: Devotion to Our Lady is a 'futile naïveté' |
 | February 11, 2006 Card. de Lubac: Fr. Ratzinger destroyed the Holy Office |
 | February 4, 2006 Card. Suenens: the God of the Catholic Faith should die |
 | January 28, 2006 Paul VI encouraged theological abuses in the Church |
 | January 21, 2006 Wojtyla's book Catholic Social Ethics borrows concepts from Marxism |
 | January 9, 2006 The Catacomb Pact against pomp and ceremony in the Church |
 | December 24, 2005 Paul VI: Teilhard de Chardin is a model to find God in the universe |
 | December 17, 2005 Card. Ratzinger: Gaudium et Spes was inspired by Teilhard de Chardin |
 | December 11, 2005 Teilhard de Chardin: The Heart of Christ is the heart of the cosmos |
 | December 5, 2005 Fr. Rahner: Christ descended into hell to unite with the cosmos |
 | November 26, 2005 Card. Ratzinger: Gaudium et Spes is a 'counter-Syllabus' |
 | November 19, 2005 Self-demolition: Churches and schools closed in the Archdiocese of Boston |
 | November 13, 2005 Card. Ratzinger: The Church must raze her bastions & abolish the Syllabus |
 | November 6, 2005 Fr. Rahner: Life after death reintegrates the soul in the cosmos |
 | October 29, 2005 Card. Georges Cottier, papal theologian, approves condoms against AIDS |
 | October 22, 2005 Card. Suenens: Vatican II broke with the past of the Catholic Church |
 | October 15, 2005 Fr. Louis Bouyer applauds the 'end of Catholicism' |
 | October 8, 2005 Card. Koenig: Vatican II opposed the Syllabus and Pascendi |
 | October 2, 2005 JPII praises Buddhist 'wisdom' and 'interior purification and liberation' |
 | September 24, 2005 Fr. Lonergan cheers the end of an objective Catholic Theology |
 | September 17, 2005 Fr. Chenu: the ends of the marriage were inverted at Vatican II |
 | September 11, 2005 Card. Casaroli praises the work of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin |
 | September 3, 2005 Fr. Greeley advocates more democratic ways to elect Bishops and the Pope |
 | August 27, 2005 Card. Ratzinger against Scholasticism |
 | August 20, 2005 Fr. Bernard Haring: Stop calling the Pope 'His Holiness' |
 | August 13, 2005 Card. Dopfner: the supreme power of the Church belongs to the Bishops |
 | August 5, 2005 Card. Suenens rejects the Church as a Perfect Society |
 | July 30, 2005 Fr. Chenu reports contradictions in the documents of Vatican II |
 | July 23, 2005 Fr. Henri de Lubac borrows his notion of 'collective salvation' from Judaism |
 | July 14, 2005 Fr. Ratzinger defends Rahner's theory of the 'anonymous Christian' |
 | July 7, 2005 Fr. Schillebeeckx: communio in the Church is democratic |
 | June 30, 2005 Card. Congar: Yes to a 'collegial' Papacy & no to the Pope as Vicar of Christ |
 | June 24, 2005 Fr. Ratzinger defends a horizontal instead of vertical Papacy |
 | June 16, 2005 Fr. Kung applaudes the semi-secret organization that prepared Vatican II |
 | June 9, 2005 Card. Karol Wojtyla defends nudism |
 | June 2, 2005 Card. Ratzinger denies the dogma 'Extra Ecclesia nulla Salus' |
 | May 26, 2005 Card. Avery Dulles on the Pan-Religion of Vatican II |
 | May 19, 2005 Fr. Ratzinger agrees with Kung on reforming Papal Infallibility |
 | May 12, 2005 Card. Wojtyla was influenced by theosophist Helena Blavatsky |
 | May 5, 2005 Fr. Ratzinger's progressivist plan to change the face of the Church |
 | April 27, 2005 Fr. Ratzinger was under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office |