In 1933 when Card. Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pius XII, was Secretary of State of Pope Pius XI, he met his friend Count Enrico Galeazzi, who became one of his close assistants.
Once Count Galeazzi went to visit Card. Pacelli to discuss the details of the Count's next visit to America. On that occasion, the future Pius XII spoke strong words against the progressivist and communist infiltration in the Church with regard to the Fatima message.
Certainly these words have a great interest in our days, both because they shed light on the Third Secret of Fatima, and because they reveal that the conciliar Popes are fulfilling the same agenda as those enemies of the Church.
At right is the cover of the book Pius XII before History. At right below, photocopies of the French text. Below, we present our translation of the lines highlighted in yellow.
Suppose, dear friend, that Communism is the most visible among the organs of subversion against the Church and the tradition of Divine Revelation. Thus, we will witness the invasion of everything that is spiritual: philosophy, science, law, teaching, the arts, the media, literature, theater, and religion.
I am concerned about the confidences of the Virgin to the little Lucia of Fatima. The persistence of the Good Lady in face of the danger that threatens the Church is a divine warning against the suicide that the modification of the Faith, liturgy, theology, and soul of the Church would represent.
I hear around me partisans of novelties who want to demolish the Holy Sanctuary, destroy the universal flame of the Church, reject her adornments, and make her remorseful for her historical past. Well, my dear friend, I am convinced that the Church of Peter must affirm her past, or else she will dig her own tomb.
I will fight this battle with the greatest energy both inside and outside the Church, even if the forces of evil may one day take advantage of my person, actions, or writings, as they try today to deform the History of the Church.
(Georges Roche & Philippe Saint Germain, Pie XII devant l'Histoire, Paris: Robert Lafont, 1972, p. 52-53).
