The following text of Cardinal Suenens is quite simple. He strongly, frontally and clearly states that Vatican II broke with the past of the Catholic Church.
He also affirms that the Council carried on the current that followed Modernism.
It is an interesting document to show how wrong those conservatives are who try to save Vatican II, saying that it represented continuity with the past of the Church.
Below, we reproduce a facsimile of the original English edition of the book Renewal of Religious Structures, the second of two volumes entitled Theology of Renewal. These works include the lectures given at an international congress of theology that took place in Toronto in August 1967under the presidency of Cardinal Paul Leger.
At right, is the frontispice of volume II with a special mention to the introduction by Suenens.
(Leo-Joseph Suenens, "Co-Responsability: Dominating Idea of the Council and its Pastoral Consequences," in Theology of Renewal, Montreal: Palm Publishers, 1968, vol. II, p. 7)
