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Card. Ratzinger: The Student Revolt of May 1968
Inaugurated a New Era of Christianity
In his well-known book The Principles of Catholic Theology, Card. Joseph Ratzinger pretends that the student revolt of the Sorbonne in May 1968 constituted a prophetic change of mentality that opened Europe to a new era. He goes as far as to compare it to a kind of divine revelation.
At right, the cover of the his book in its French edition. Below right, the text; below left, our translation of the part highlighted in yellow.
It is characteristic that adhesion to a utopic anarchist Marxism, carried out with surprising ardor, not only had a religious pathos but also - and above all - was sustained by the chaplains of the students and student associations who saw the realization of their hopes emerge there.
The guiding light was found in the events of May 1968 in France. Behind the barricades, there were Dominicans and Jesuits. The inter-communion that took place in an ecumenical Mass in the barricades was a moment considered a kind of landmark in salvation History: a type of revelation that inaugurated a new epoch of Christianity.
(Joseph Ratzinger, Les Principes de la Theologie Catholque, Paris: Tequi, 1982, p. 433)

Posted on June 27, 2009

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