On May 6, 1984, in the chapel of the Nuntiature in Seoul, John Paul II received leaders of the "traditional" religions of that country. Present were representative of Buddhism and Confucianism as well as followers of the Ch'ondo-gyo and T'aejong-gyo sects.
We used the official text below published in the Teachings of John Paul II published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana; a facsimile of the cover is at right.
In the speech he delivered to greet those representatives, JPII praised Buddhism and Confucianism as shown below in the paragraph highlighted in yellow.
(John Paul II, "La Chiesa Promuove Una Piu Profonda Comunanza con Tutte le Religione" in Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1984, vol. VII, 1, p. 1281)

Posted on October 28, 2006