What People Are Commenting
Hate Mail, Francis Effect & Home
Francis Effect
Your article on the 'Francis effect' was spot on. Excellent article! The damage this one man is doing is quite impressive. Why do so many go along with this condoning attitude toward these sexual deviants?
Perhaps,there are so many heterosexuals involved in amoral sexual lives that condoning the sexual activities of homosexuals allows them to feel morally superior. Misery loves company, especially company more miserable than you !!
Your article on the 'Francis effect' was spot on. Excellent article! The damage this one man is doing is quite impressive. Why do so many go along with this condoning attitude toward these sexual deviants?
Perhaps,there are so many heterosexuals involved in amoral sexual lives that condoning the sexual activities of homosexuals allows them to feel morally superior. Misery loves company, especially company more miserable than you !!
Thank You, Br. Roriz
Dear Tradition in Action,
I am writing to thank you for forwarding my letter to Brother Roriz about financially supporting my Protestant mother that was answered on your site on July 10, 2014.
The fourth commandment has always haunted me because I have had such a difficult relationship with my parents. I assume there are many like me, searching for good Catholic advice, who are surrounded by hostile family and friends.
Please extend my heartfelt thanks to Brother Roriz.
A $40 donation is enclosed
You friend in Christ,
I am writing to thank you for forwarding my letter to Brother Roriz about financially supporting my Protestant mother that was answered on your site on July 10, 2014.
The fourth commandment has always haunted me because I have had such a difficult relationship with my parents. I assume there are many like me, searching for good Catholic advice, who are surrounded by hostile family and friends.
Please extend my heartfelt thanks to Brother Roriz.
A $40 donation is enclosed
You friend in Christ,
Where Is Home for a Traditionalist Catholic?
Dear TIA,
My wife and I have been struggling with being traditional Catholics of late.
We attend an FSSP parish. We were going to visit my wife's parents in Oregon recently and my wife asked the FSSP priest if she had to go to the Novus Ordo Mass on Sunday because there was no traditional Mass available near her parents' home. The priest said it was obligatory to go to the NO Mass to fulfill the Sunday obligation. In obedience to that direction, we went to a Novus Ordo Mass that had our stomachs in knots, cringing the whole time.
As we walked out, I was wondering, "How could something that is so distasteful and even repugnant to the soul be acceptable to God?" How can I say I have fulfilled my obligation when this church had no sanctuary lamp, no crucifix on the altar (or table?), and no sign of a tabernacle anywhere in the church? It was obvious that even the rubrics of the NO were not being followed at this church. My heart was heavy after this "Mass."
We enjoy our FSSP parish, but it seems to me that in order to be able to offer the Tridentine Mass, they have had to compromise with the modernism of Rome. That they have to walk a fine line of being obedient to Tradition and being obedient to the local ordinary who is anything but Traditional.
Not far from us is an SSPX chapel we have gone to on several occasions. As I understand it, the Mass there is valid but the sacraments of matrimony and confession are not (lack of jurisdiction). My wife got an administrative annulment for her first "marriage" because she was married in an SSPX chapel. She is understandably uncomfortable with going to the chapel now, even though it was obvious that if her "marriage" had been examined, it would have been found to have been invalid.
We feel caught between the two options (attending a local NO parish is NOT an option). We want to be faithful to Holy Mother Church. We want to do what is most pleasing to God. But right now, we feel like outcasts with the FSSP and the SSPX.
When it comes to being a Traditional Catholic, I just want to know where is home?
Thank you and God be with you,
TIA responds:
Dear M.K.,
As it is common, there are several issues intermingled in your report. Let us address them one at the time in order to be clear.
TIA correspondence desk
My wife and I have been struggling with being traditional Catholics of late.
We attend an FSSP parish. We were going to visit my wife's parents in Oregon recently and my wife asked the FSSP priest if she had to go to the Novus Ordo Mass on Sunday because there was no traditional Mass available near her parents' home. The priest said it was obligatory to go to the NO Mass to fulfill the Sunday obligation. In obedience to that direction, we went to a Novus Ordo Mass that had our stomachs in knots, cringing the whole time.
As we walked out, I was wondering, "How could something that is so distasteful and even repugnant to the soul be acceptable to God?" How can I say I have fulfilled my obligation when this church had no sanctuary lamp, no crucifix on the altar (or table?), and no sign of a tabernacle anywhere in the church? It was obvious that even the rubrics of the NO were not being followed at this church. My heart was heavy after this "Mass."
We enjoy our FSSP parish, but it seems to me that in order to be able to offer the Tridentine Mass, they have had to compromise with the modernism of Rome. That they have to walk a fine line of being obedient to Tradition and being obedient to the local ordinary who is anything but Traditional.
Not far from us is an SSPX chapel we have gone to on several occasions. As I understand it, the Mass there is valid but the sacraments of matrimony and confession are not (lack of jurisdiction). My wife got an administrative annulment for her first "marriage" because she was married in an SSPX chapel. She is understandably uncomfortable with going to the chapel now, even though it was obvious that if her "marriage" had been examined, it would have been found to have been invalid.
We feel caught between the two options (attending a local NO parish is NOT an option). We want to be faithful to Holy Mother Church. We want to do what is most pleasing to God. But right now, we feel like outcasts with the FSSP and the SSPX.
When it comes to being a Traditional Catholic, I just want to know where is home?
Thank you and God be with you,
TIA responds:
Dear M.K.,
As it is common, there are several issues intermingled in your report. Let us address them one at the time in order to be clear.
- We believe that the Masses both in the FSSP or in SSPX are valid. You may attend the ones that are more convenient for you in order to fulfill your obligation regarding the Commandments of God and the Church.
- The mistake you made was to follow the orientation of the FSSP priest. As you said, he – like the entire organization – is compromised with the progressivist Vatican and is required to tell people to go to the Novus Ordo Mass. To avoid another such incident, you may go to their Masses, but do not enter the parish life and do not follow the advice of the priests if you want to be free of compromise.
- To be a true Catholic following the mind of the Church until Vatican II, never go to a Novus Ordo Mass. It has a
flavor of heresy and contaminates those who attend it, even when the Masses and the sermons have a conservative tonus.
- We do not believe that the confessions given by SSPX priests or duly ordained independent priests are invalid. They do not have jurisdiction because they do not accept Vatican II and the New Mass. If they were to accept them, they would immediately receive jurisdiction and permission to hear confessions. Therefore, the issue here is not primarily one of rebellion, as the progressivists allege, but of fidelity to the Catholic Faith, which has been jeopardized by both Vatican II and the New Mass. Since the Faith is more important than the Canon Law and in view of the extraordinary crisis in the Church, we believe those priests can hear confessions for the benefit of those souls who also do not accept Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Mass. For more, read
here and here.
- For a true Catholic, home is the bosom of Holy Church as she was for almost two millennia until Progressism took over the Papacy, convened Vatican II and, thenceforth, has unceasingly subverted the whole doctrine, structure, customs and traditions of the Church. This has been done by the initiative of the conciliar Popes. So, to be at home the true Catholic has to have this Revolution in mind and act accordingly. He has to be vigilant to see where Progressivism is present, analyze the consequences of its errors and not follow them. Unfortunately, the time is over in which we could confide and blindly obey whatever a priest, a bishop or a pope says.
If a Catholic like this faces one of these ecclesiastics who is promoting Progressivism, he resists him and defends the Catholic doctrine as previously taught by the Church. To be able to take this position habitually, he has to study and counter-attack the sophisms of the enemies. If he does all this, he is one with the Church, as the Church is one with him. This is home on earth. For more on the position of resistance, read here, here, here, here and here.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted July 31, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
In answer to OM from Brussels (Hate Mail).
Yes, the Belgian Royal Family is related to the Windsors. Leopold I, first king of the Belgians was a maternal uncle of Queen Victoria and remained a Protestant all his life, although his wife, a daughter of King Louis Philippe of France was Catholic. Just because his son, Leopold II, outwardly professed Catholicism doesn’t mean that he was in fact truly a Catholic.
Your attempt to create a moral equivalent between Elizabeth II’s sullying of noble, Catholic Medieval knighthood by “knighting” degenerates such as Elton John and Mick Jagger and actions taken by the, secular, government of Belgium in the Congo - remember, Leopold II was a constitutional, not an absolute monarch - is an exercise in strawman argumentation at best.