What People Are Commenting
Nuns, Elections & Masses
Transvestite Nuns
Dear Friends in Christ,
I was amazed to see this article about the "transvestite" appearance of these wonderful saints. I own the book that these illustrations came from and I was greatly puzzled by the obvious male like appearance of more than one female saint. Most notably, dear St. Rita, who was known for her incredible beauty. I have no doubt that this is just another way to impress "tolerance" on the hearts of our little ones. Several of the male saints are also deceptively effeminate and give the appearance of being women with short hair.
I have no doubt this is another weapon in the ever increasing progressivist arsenal. What a shameful thing to bring into the teaching of the innocents. Thank you for drawing attention to this matter and validating what I had already thought. It can be wearisome when you are in a diocese like mine, (Columbus, Ohio), that promotes these modern inclusive teachings and warps the truth into a caricature of what you know to be right. However, through TIA's tireless promotion of the True Church and her teaching, I and my family have found great peace and hope. There are still many out there who love Our Lord and seek to preserve His Holy Name.
Again, I am in your debt for your many services through this website and my whole family has benefited through your courageous action. May Our Lord and the Immaculate Virgin continue to bless and keep you.
In Christ,
Communism in the U.S.
Dear TIA,
To your reader EAM worried about Communism in the United States I would say also to recite the Most Holy Rosary and invoke the help or Our Lady of Fatima. The Rosary saved many countries in Europe from Communism during the late 1940s and '50s. Add to it daily sacrifices and it is a most powerful weapon against all evil.
The issue of transvestite nuns is an abomination before Heaven and is clearly the work of Satan. Any Catholic teacher who allows such books to be used will clearly face the eternal punishment.
Yours sincerely,
Surfing Priest
"THE CALIFORNIA SURFING PRIEST" picture seems as though there is a picture of "Our Lady of Guadalupe" on his surfboard?
Lord have mercy.
Oakland Cathedral
Dear TIA,
After reading Lyle Arnold's article on the new cathedral in Oakland, CA., I can honestly say that it is not Catholic and apparently doesn't intend to be. As Mr. Arnold says, Our Lady is not to be found in the cathedral. Quite simply, where Our Lady is not to be found, neither is Christ or His Church. Apparently, the bottom of the Great Apostasy has a ways to go before it is reached.
In Christ,
To Attend or Not to Attend Masses
I am very confused about the subject of attending mass on Sunday or Holy Days of Obligation. I need to know your opinion on this subject.
I have stopped going to mass for about 7 months thinking that if I did I would be a heretic or in schism. I feel that God himself pulled me out of the Church because I had no idea about what was going on in the Church until I found links on the Internet.
Then I realized that maybe that is why I felt in my heart repulsion to attending church. I prayed hard, saying the Rosary everyday. I consecrated myself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and then I said "Thy will be done." I felt much better but still in the back of my mind I wonder if it is truly God's will. Please answer soon.
I have started another novena to Our Lady of Good Success and I have read your books We Resist You to the Face, In the Murky Waters of the Vatican II and the Prophecies and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success. But no where does it say "not to go to Mass."
I pray that you can help me. I don't want to do anything that is displeasing to Our Lord and His Holy Mother.
Yours in Christ,

TIA responds:
Dear M.Q.,
Thank you for your e-mail.
There is some important information missing from your letter that we would need to know before offering any opinion on your situation. Did you stop going to the Novus Ordo Mass or all Masses in general? Is there a traditional Tridentine Mass or Byzantine Catholic Mass in your area that you could attend?
We hope to hear from you soon,
TIA correspondence desk

Attending Masses - II
Dear TIA,
Thank you for answering my e-mail. I stopped going to the Novus Ordo Mass and I haven't attended any Traditional masses either. One of the websites said not to attend Traditional Masses because they didn't have jurisdiction.
I felt like God was pulling me away from the Mass and I didn't understand why. I went to confession several times to confess that I had missed Mass and talked to my priest about it. I was always at Mass, even when I went out of town. I even talked to my doctor about it. The last confession I had with my priest he gave me absolution with the condition that I talk to a physicologist at the Mayo Clinic. I tried but I couldn't just make an appointment. I had to be referred by one of their doctors.
Then by accident I found websites concerning the Church, the Popes, and the Mass. I was really confused then. I went to talk to my priest again and I told him about it and he said I was looking for God in the Internet and called me a Pharasee.
I went thru an agonizing time after that and I prayed to our Blessed Mother the Rosary everyday, I consecrated myself to her Immaculate Heart according to St. Liguori's True Devotion to Mary. I would cry about not knowing what to do and I felt so alone.
My family didn't understand what I was going thru and finally complained about my behavior (constantly praying). I finally decided that I was going to give up going to Mass and I prayed that it was God's will for me. I felt very much at peace with that decision. But now I agonize over not being able to receive my Lord sacramentally, not being able to visit him in the Tabernacle or going to confession.
I've seen your video on Our Lady of Good Success and I have prayed many novenas to her. We do have a traditional church here my city. It's a monastery and I called and spoke with the priest there. He said all his parishioners have felt the same way I do. But I wasn't sure if it was God's will for me to attend this church since our priest has said so many bad things about it.
What am I to do? What is right and what is wrong? Please help me to follow the way that God wants me to go.
Yours in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear M.Q.,
Thank you for the confidence you show in opening your soul and telling us about your personal crisis of conscience. We deeply respect your situation.
We hope our opinion may help you to resolve a problem that is very afflictive. We will try to be as clear as possible in our reply.
In normal times of Holy Mother Church, a priest needs to have jurisdiction to say his Mass, that is, he needs to receive a formal permission from the Bishop of the area to exercise his ministry in that Diocese. This is a wise principle of discipline the Catholic Church always taught.
However, when almost all the Bishops follow Progressivism and want to impose it on all their subordinates, a priest who defends the Catholic Faith against Progressivism will never receive canonical permission to carry out his ministry in that diocese. Hence, he has the right and the duty to put the defense of the Faith above the discipline. St. Paul teaches us that if an Angel from Heaven would preach us another Gospel, he should be anathema (Gal 1:8). Thus, if a Bishop teaches a doctrine that is contrary to the Catholic Faith, he should not be obeyed. Fidelity to the Catholic Faith has precedence over obedience to Canon Law.
Hence, a priest may be an independent priest without the disciplinary permission of the Bishop and, therefore, in an illegal situation, but his Mass is valid (said by a validly ordained priest according to the rubrics established by the Church) and legitimate (echoing the perennial orthodoxy of the Catholic Faith). Therefore, that priest is faithful.
The problem at stake is not the insubordination of the priest toward Canon Law, but the insubordination of the Bishop toward the Catholic Faith. So, it is our opinion that you can go to the Masses of a Traditionalist independent priest who was validly ordained. They are valid and legitimate.
In addition, there are many other valid and legitimate Masses being said that can be attended by Traditionalists who do not accept the Novus Ordo Mass. They include the Masses said in Catholic Eastern Rites insofar as they were not touched by the reforms of Vatican II.
The Tridentine Masses said by the Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King and others similar institutions are also valid and legitimate, even though their priests had to accept Vatican II and the New Mass. As long as the attendee does not accept an analogous compromise, he can benefit from the Sacraments and the Mass.
Also, the Tridentine Masses authorized by the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum are valid and may be assisted at by Traditionalists as long as the form of the Mass is not altered and parts of the Novus Ordo are not introduced. Insofar as these parts are introduced, the Mass becomes illegitimate, because it adheres to the flavor of heresy of the Novus Ordo.
Masses of the Society of St. Pius X and the Society of St. Pius V are also valid and legitimate and may be attended. We do not believe that the alleged schism of SSPX or the actual sede-vacantism of SSPV invalidate the consecration of their priests to make their Masses invalid. Canonically speaking, the same principle defended above regarding independent priests applies here. They are in illegal canonical situations, but they entered that position in order to avoid Progressivism and for their love of the Catholic Faith, which has priority over the discipline.
Thus, you have a gamut of choices. You should go to Mass in one of these places in order not to lose the benefits of the Sacraments. We absolutely need them, especially in these times of crisis.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted October 23, 2008

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do not necessarily express those of TIA
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