What People Are Commenting
Novena to Prevent Communism in the U.S.
& Transvestite Nuns
To Prevent Communism and Socialism in the U.S.
Dear TIA,
The coming presidential election is one of the most important in the history of our Country. Its outcome will determine if we remain a Democratic Republic or head down the slippery slope to Socialism and Communism. Our Christian values are at stake.
Many people are very discouraged by the choices facing us. It is time for us to come together and exercise our privilege to vote and to pray for guidance in choosing the lesser of evils.
I suggest that Catholics begin a Novena to Our Lady of Good Success commencing October 26th and ending on November 3rd, one day before election day.
It should begin with this prayer:
"Our Lady and Mother see how evil is invading everything: hearts, families, society, our country. In these hours our Country is the poor traveler of the Gospel who fell into the hands of thieves, riddled with wounds that are almost mortal, without the relief of any human hope.
"If you do not come to the assistance of this agonizing Country, the remnants of Christendom will disappear. Your heart is an abyss of ineffable tenderness. Let a drop of balm fall upon its wounds and it will live. Amen."
Let us also not forget to call upon the Angels who guard each city, state and country.
Transvestite 'Nuns' for Children
Dear TIA,
Please see attached notice to parents concerning a text recommended in home school curricula and made available through Catholic bookstores. Clearly, these are men depicted in the traditional garb of nuns.
A Catholic in denial of his objective surroundings might be tempted to dismiss such an aberration presented to children as merely very bad artwork. This would be an error, as one only needs to review the public activities [numerous pictures posted by TIA], of individuals such as Archbishop George Niederaeur of San Francisco, Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, and others who promote transvestite behavior or tolerate the homosexualized male-nun persona. With papal approval, they all are still seated in positions of authority over Catholic souls.
Can we Catholics, without fault, allow our children to frequent their programs and read their books? Will the Holy Father not respond quickly to defend the souls of our youth?
Tolle Causam!
Dr. Pamela Dettman
Debutante Ball
Good morning TIA staff,
I have been enjoying your website this past week, e.g. the links section. I have just read Dr. Horvat's article on the Debutante ball. Thank you for the justice of getting out the Spanish history of the Americas.
I also read Pope St. Pius X's statements in the article on the priestly dignity/deportment. Wonderful!
Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
Theology of the Body Is Good...
Dear Brother/Sister in Christ,
I have gone through your website, and wondered whether your ideas about Catholic Morals are correct and the true ones.
I say this with confidence because I have had the same views as yours, and have done some research on the matter. I have searched for answers and sometimes thought to myself that I may have to approach the Pope himself, or maybe even God. But thanks be to God, my search has finally ended.
To make a long story short: I came across some audiotapes with talks about "The Theology of The Body", and also some information of our early Eastern fathers. These teachings changed my life. And I plead you to read books on the Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II, with an open heart and maybe you'll find truth there.
I found that Karol Wojtyla was right and holy in whatever he did - before and after he became a pope, I pray that your views may be the same after reading Pope John Paul II work on the 'Theology of the Body'.
Jesus is risen! He is truly risen! My prayers and sufferings are with you.
Yours sincerely,
P.S. Do not forget to research our Eastern Catholic brethren! They make up a huge part of Catholicism.
Traditionalist Clubs
Dear Tradition in Action,
I am wondering if you have any information about the type of clubs that traditional Catholics might be in involved in? There is a curious characteristic of Catholics that I have noticed. It is that they have a tendency to disappear rather quickly after Mass! My family just recently joined the Church on Holy Saturday of this year and we have been wondering about this. My daughter noticed this also. She has recently started attending Catholic Churches where she lives. It is simply amazing how the parking lot can be empty in about 7 minutes!
Since it looks like they are not going to change any time soon. I was wondering what other way I can meet traditional Catholics? We have a traditional family structure. I am at home during the day with my family home-schooling. I am wondering if the situation is desperate? I recently found out that the traditional Catholic makes up only 1% of the Church as a whole!
Also, I am confused about the mindset of the St. Pius V Society and the St Pius X Society. I am attending an independent traditional Catholic church that has a visiting pastor from St. Pius X, due to the death of their priest two years ago. I am not impressed with the situation in Rome of recent years and so I kind of lean in the direction of the Society of St Pius V. My question is: if the chair of St. Peter is empty, does that mean that the Church no longer exists? I just trying to figure out why the Society of St. Pius X object to this.
If you have had the chance to visit a St. Pius V church, would you say that they are more traditional than the Society of St. Pius X? That is my impression from looking at their pictures on the Internet.
It is my hope that you understand that I am sincere in my questions. I am not an argumentive person. I am just trying to educate myself. Maybe it doesn't help that we were transferred here about two years with no family or friends nearby. Compounding this is my hearing disability.
Maybe we should forgo the no shopping/restaurant rule for Sundays and enjoy ourselves in other ways? It is odd to me but it is seems that conservative/traditional folks seem more judgmental. Some one admitted that they do happen to have very strong opinions. I guess the road is bumpy for newcomers!
Thanks from one who doesn't like the isolation,
TIA responds:
Dear F.Q.,
We are not aware of the traditionalist clubs you referred to. We do know that many Catholic families who attend the Tridentine Mass often have to leave soon afterward, because they have to travel long distances to reach a church where this Mass is said. Since they want to enjoy part of their Sunday at home, and still have a long way to drive, they return home soon to rest or have a time of family life.
However, we know of many parishes that have the customary coffee and donuts after Mass, shared by many of the families who attend the Traditional Mass. If you live in the Los Angeles area, we can list several of such lively communities for you.
The Fraternity of St. Pius V is a split of the Fraternity Pius X to the right, as the Fraternity of St. Peter is a split of the same SSPX to the left. The Fraternity of St. Pius V became sede-vacantist, the SSPX did not. The Fraternity of St. Peter compromised with Vatican II and the New Mass in order to be approved by the Vatican. You may find answers to your questions by going straight to these organizations. They have their own websites and are accessible to any person interested in learning more about their positions.
At TIA we are not sede-vacantist. In response to your question, sede-vacantism does not mean that the Church no longer exists.
By your message we can see that you are moved more by impressions than by convictions. We advise you to strengthen your position based on good Catholic principles. Nobody can stand in the present day storm if he doesn't have strong convictions supporting his faith.
For example, here you will find a sound position statement on resistance to the errors of Vatican II. In the Murky Waters of Vatican II can help you understand doctrinal problems that arise from Vatican II. We also suggest you add our website to your Favorites and follow our daily postings.
Your questions are most welcome. Write as many times as you wish. We will try to answer you as quickly as we can, as our time permits.
TIA correspondence desk
Confused Objection
I had a question. I read your fact sheet that you have on your page and I was wondering if you have any recent articles to cite from? It seems that your sources race in times of 1974-1985.
TIA responds:
Be a little more precise in your objection, please. We don't know to which 'fact sheet' you are referring. Our articles are very often based on current events, as anyone browsing our website can verify.
TIA correspondence desk
Who Are You?
I'm a non-Catholic who's at the beginning of becoming one. I attend a Traditional parish that is led by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Lately I've really had a difficult time with all of the "modernisms" and such that are in the Church, including those (at least seemingly) un-Catholic practices and (personal) beliefs of recent Popes. It's extremely frustrating to say the least!
I've been a visitor to your site on-and-off for some time now and am curious exactly where you stand on the matter? Basically, are you "with" the SSPX, or a sedavacantest (sp?) group? I'm curious to know your perspective in all of this. I hope you'll be able to share!
Many thanks...
In Christ,
TIA responds:
Greetings R.P.,
We suggest you go to the page Traditionalist Issues where our relation with SSPX and sede-vacantism can be easily found.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted Octpber 14, 2008

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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