What People Are Commenting
Astana, Capital of the New World Order
Astana, Masonry & the Vatican
Dear TIA,
I am sending you something interesting. Astana in Kazakhstan is a city of the future. It has been built according to the most initiated plans of Freemasonry and occult sects together in order to be the capital of the New World Order.
Now, we are informed that in 2017 the city will hold an expo on the energy of the future. Guess who will be present to talk about energy: the Vatican. You may read the details in the news report below.
If you don’t know anything about Astana, just click here and you can get a good overview.
Curiously the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana is Athanasius Schneider who has been an outspoken “conservative” for the last few years.
Keep up the good work.
In Jesus through Mary,
Vatican will take part in 2017 Expo about energies of the future
The Vatican will participate in the next Expo in Astana, Kazakhstan, which will take place from June to September 2017. Its motto: the energy of the future.
Cardinal Turkson's team is working in the planning of the Holy See's pavillion.
Card. Peter Turkson of the Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development affirms: "The theme of the Expo impels us to think of ways of achieving social justice in the field of energy, and how to grant access to it for countries that lack energy and resources, making sure that energy is used in a clean and ethical way.”
The Vatican will have its own pavillion named "Energy for the common good: Taking care of the common home.” It will have an itinerary full of experiences and intellectual and spiritual proposals
The Vatican's proposal has five pillars:
He affirms: "There is another kind of energy that exists in all of us: spiritual energy. The energy of prayer, which drives us to good deeds and actions.”
On September 2, 2017, the Holy See pavillion at the Expo will host an inter-religious meeting to discuss the ecological encyclical Laudato Si'.
Turkson says: "We take part in the Expo as citizens of the world, to meet other members of this great family and to think of ways to protect our common home.”
He states that the Vatican does not intend to change the ideas of the rest imposing its own, but rather wants to spark a meaningful conversation about energy that will improve the lives of people that currently have no access to it.
Original here .
I am sending you something interesting. Astana in Kazakhstan is a city of the future. It has been built according to the most initiated plans of Freemasonry and occult sects together in order to be the capital of the New World Order.
Now, we are informed that in 2017 the city will hold an expo on the energy of the future. Guess who will be present to talk about energy: the Vatican. You may read the details in the news report below.
If you don’t know anything about Astana, just click here and you can get a good overview.
Curiously the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana is Athanasius Schneider who has been an outspoken “conservative” for the last few years.
Keep up the good work.
In Jesus through Mary,
The Vatican will participate in the next Expo in Astana, Kazakhstan, which will take place from June to September 2017. Its motto: the energy of the future.
Cardinal Turkson's team is working in the planning of the Holy See's pavillion.
Card. Peter Turkson of the Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development affirms: "The theme of the Expo impels us to think of ways of achieving social justice in the field of energy, and how to grant access to it for countries that lack energy and resources, making sure that energy is used in a clean and ethical way.”
The Vatican will have its own pavillion named "Energy for the common good: Taking care of the common home.” It will have an itinerary full of experiences and intellectual and spiritual proposals
The Vatican's proposal has five pillars:
- Energy is a common good of all mankind.
- Every human being is responsible for it and must contribute to global energy.
- Energy management must foster peace and not conflict.
- The main goal of energy is fostering human development.
- Cooperation between people of all faiths is instrumental to universal access to energy.
He affirms: "There is another kind of energy that exists in all of us: spiritual energy. The energy of prayer, which drives us to good deeds and actions.”
On September 2, 2017, the Holy See pavillion at the Expo will host an inter-religious meeting to discuss the ecological encyclical Laudato Si'.
Turkson says: "We take part in the Expo as citizens of the world, to meet other members of this great family and to think of ways to protect our common home.”
He states that the Vatican does not intend to change the ideas of the rest imposing its own, but rather wants to spark a meaningful conversation about energy that will improve the lives of people that currently have no access to it.
Original here .
Holy Name Society & Militia of the Immaculata
Dear TIA,
What ministries should we avoid?
What about the HNS [Holy Name Society]or the MI Militia of the Immaculata?
I now pray the Tridentine Mass through the Institute of Christ the King. And even here, I hesitate registering at the parish because of what TIA warns about:
“..It is perfectly licit to go to these places to fulfill the Mass obligation, to benefit from Confession and to receive Communion. However, one must be careful regarding the content of the sermons that preach acceptance of Vatican II and its consequences. One should also be cautious about the counsels in the confessional insofar as they pressure the person to become involved in the "parish life" and fall under the pastor's control. Should this happen, the person and his family will be strongly solicited to adhere to the same concessive line as the pastor.”
Should I register or not?
Can you give specific examples of parish life involvement I should not partake in?
What about their Holy Name Society, who participate in Life Chain and other Pro-Life activities, promote the traveling Fatima statue and the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home, are members of the choir, schedule lectures, usher, set up fundraising events and auctions, promote literature, bulletin inserts, attend meetings and socials, and help clean and organize the church and rectory?
Several years ago I began my Marian consecration by joining what was then called the Militia of the Immaculata. And now it is called the Mission of the Immaculata. I’m concerned that the organization has evolved to be compromising with concilliar progressivism. I’m not sure if this would be the knighthood you would recommend.
A couple months ago, the MI International Congress in Fatima proposed an over-arching view of the last century – from 1917 to our contemporary times, tying together themes from Fatima, St. Maximilian and current Church teaching both from the Council and papal writings (especially the universal call to holiness and the laity consecrating the world).
There is now an MI prayer village in our town, which basically consists of a public Rosary, renewal of consecration, discussion of Maximilian Kolbe’s writings, promoting consecration, and participation in local Marian apostolates.
In the past couple of years attending the monthly meetings, I’ve yet to encounter any emphasis on tradition or any traditional minded members.
Not having this in common with the group, I’ve since stopped attending meetings.
Please offer your opinion on the MI as well as advice on how safe to be associated with it and its members. As you may know they hold a close relationship with the Franciscan order.
If you think it is safe to associate with them, should I attempt to stop the advance of progressivism in the MI or would I be wasting my time?
May God and Mary be with you,
TIA responds:
Dear A.F.,
Thank you for the consideration you have for us, which can be noted by the seriousness with which you have followed our previous suggestions and by the ensemble of your requests.
Our habit is not to engage in direct attacks against this or that movement based on how they act in particular cases and investigating their weak points as policemen. We only attack them when a major cause is at play or the movement is taking a fraudulent approach by misleading people to accept Progressivism.
In particular cases, our custom is to give general principles to our readers so that they can make their own evaluation of the situations they face in their private lives.
You seem to be on the good path when you assess the parishes and movements you know according to general principles. We always encourage our readers to be vigilant. Our times are very bad and we must be as vigilant as we can.
If movements or priests make a compromise in one point, they probably will make concessions in many others. The vice of compromise is similar to the vice of impurity. It is difficult to commit the first sin; afterwards, others become increasingly easier. If you see that concessions with Progressivism are made, avoid contact with a particular movement or parish life.
These are some suggestions we have to you.
Be sure of our prayers to Our Lady for success in your personal battles.
TIA correspondence desk
What ministries should we avoid?
What about the HNS [Holy Name Society]or the MI Militia of the Immaculata?
I now pray the Tridentine Mass through the Institute of Christ the King. And even here, I hesitate registering at the parish because of what TIA warns about:
“..It is perfectly licit to go to these places to fulfill the Mass obligation, to benefit from Confession and to receive Communion. However, one must be careful regarding the content of the sermons that preach acceptance of Vatican II and its consequences. One should also be cautious about the counsels in the confessional insofar as they pressure the person to become involved in the "parish life" and fall under the pastor's control. Should this happen, the person and his family will be strongly solicited to adhere to the same concessive line as the pastor.”
Should I register or not?
Can you give specific examples of parish life involvement I should not partake in?
What about their Holy Name Society, who participate in Life Chain and other Pro-Life activities, promote the traveling Fatima statue and the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home, are members of the choir, schedule lectures, usher, set up fundraising events and auctions, promote literature, bulletin inserts, attend meetings and socials, and help clean and organize the church and rectory?
Several years ago I began my Marian consecration by joining what was then called the Militia of the Immaculata. And now it is called the Mission of the Immaculata. I’m concerned that the organization has evolved to be compromising with concilliar progressivism. I’m not sure if this would be the knighthood you would recommend.
A couple months ago, the MI International Congress in Fatima proposed an over-arching view of the last century – from 1917 to our contemporary times, tying together themes from Fatima, St. Maximilian and current Church teaching both from the Council and papal writings (especially the universal call to holiness and the laity consecrating the world).
There is now an MI prayer village in our town, which basically consists of a public Rosary, renewal of consecration, discussion of Maximilian Kolbe’s writings, promoting consecration, and participation in local Marian apostolates.
In the past couple of years attending the monthly meetings, I’ve yet to encounter any emphasis on tradition or any traditional minded members.
Not having this in common with the group, I’ve since stopped attending meetings.
Please offer your opinion on the MI as well as advice on how safe to be associated with it and its members. As you may know they hold a close relationship with the Franciscan order.
If you think it is safe to associate with them, should I attempt to stop the advance of progressivism in the MI or would I be wasting my time?
May God and Mary be with you,
TIA responds:
Dear A.F.,
Thank you for the consideration you have for us, which can be noted by the seriousness with which you have followed our previous suggestions and by the ensemble of your requests.
Our habit is not to engage in direct attacks against this or that movement based on how they act in particular cases and investigating their weak points as policemen. We only attack them when a major cause is at play or the movement is taking a fraudulent approach by misleading people to accept Progressivism.
In particular cases, our custom is to give general principles to our readers so that they can make their own evaluation of the situations they face in their private lives.
You seem to be on the good path when you assess the parishes and movements you know according to general principles. We always encourage our readers to be vigilant. Our times are very bad and we must be as vigilant as we can.
If movements or priests make a compromise in one point, they probably will make concessions in many others. The vice of compromise is similar to the vice of impurity. It is difficult to commit the first sin; afterwards, others become increasingly easier. If you see that concessions with Progressivism are made, avoid contact with a particular movement or parish life.
These are some suggestions we have to you.
Be sure of our prayers to Our Lady for success in your personal battles.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted December 29, 2016
Does the Maronite rite offer the mass with validly ordained priests?
TIA responds:
Yes, normally it does.
TIA correspondence desk