Socio-Political Issues
The Crusade of the 21st Century
André Garcia, Brazil
The Crusades were an extraordinary event in History, whose glory remains and will remain for all time. It does not matter if certain Catholics – even some highly placed Prelates – express shame for them. Whoever lacks the spirit of crusade is not a militant Catholic. He does not have the true Catholic spirit. This militancy is an essential part of the Church.
Non-militant Catholics, nonetheless, have infiltrated the Church, bringing a different spirit to her. They do not represent the Church, except in certain exterior matters; they are not in consonance with the Rome of Martyrs and Saints. The time will come when these infiltrators will be removed, and the Holy Church will shine again in all her authentic militancy.
 The glory of the Crusades will remain for all times |
When the medieval crusaders departed for the fight, they were supported by society, which was turned toward the rights of God and His greater glory. In that epoch, great importance was given to the practice of the Ten Commandments and to the good customs dictated by Catholic Morals. A grand sacrality was present everywhere in the Church and her institutions, and it overflowed into the temporal order.
Today, society is quite different: an irreverent youth is in constant revolt against hierarchy and morality. The sensuality of a young woman is praised, instead of her purity and modesty. A precocious eroticism among children is celebrated everywhere. A tyrannical propaganda affirms a child’s equality with his parents. The practice of ecological “virtues” is applauded, and young people are initiated into the religion of nature. Adults are often ashamed to be honest; corruption is tolerated everywhere and even applauded. And the elderly – poor souls - have lost their wisdom, dignity and glory, and they are known only for their deficiencies.
Everywhere institutions are being self-demolished by their managers. The elites abandon their important social function to enjoy the good life or just to fit in. Those who should protect the Church, State and Civilization are indifferent. This is today’s revolutionary ambience.
Psychological warfare, the challenge to new crusaders
There was a glorious Crusade in the 20th century and another taking place at the beginning of this new millennium. A link of continuity exists between the two. Without fanfare or applause, the new crusaders advance and confront the revolutionary ambience, following in the steps of the one who fought before them - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, the Crusader of the 20th century.
At times, they hear the angry murmurings that follow their initiatives. At times, they are victims of the conspiracy of silence, which diminishes and tries to suffocate their efforts. At other times, they receive the implacable bombardment of critiques and barbs. The medieval crusaders did not have to fight against such weapons – so destructive to the spirit.
 Ganelon, who betrayed Charlemagne and delivered the Catholic army to the Moors, was duly punished |
Anyone who engages in war knows that he will receive blows and endure many sufferings caused by the enemy. But in this crusade in which we are engaged, those who were close to us in the past often cause us more sorrow than the enemy. That our adversaries attack us as much as they can is no surprise for us. But those old friends who dropped the glorious banners they held before are more treacherous for today’s crusaders: they try to discourage them, accusing them of being proud when they continue to fight such a great battle by themselves. They accuse them of revolt because they don’t follow the old leaders who compromised. And they make other similar hypocritical arguments worthy of Pharisees. Those deserters and traitors sold their noble ideals to enjoy a mediocre life and the revolutionary unanimity.
Hearing the ruckus on the field of battle, it is impossible to remain indifferent. It is the greatest war against the good in History.
The objective of the Gnostic Revolution is a universal conquest. In its ranks it enrolls leaders of States and distinguished personages in society. But it also aims to conquer souls by transforming mentalities, customs, ways of being and thinking. It is a total psychological warfare (psy-war), turned toward the dominion of all men and all the structures of society.
These are strategies the Revolution often uses in this psy-war:
- To anesthetize reactions against Progressivism in the Church by diverting attention to small problems about one’s material interests, health and comfort.
- To divide those who still hold the good position or to keep them enveloped in a curtain of silence. When this is not possible, to persecute them using ridicule and defamation as much as possible.
- To create chaos in every aspect of society so that the past order, morality and sacrality of Christian Civilization will be completely forgotten. Instead, an ensemble of problems without solution molests each man at almost every moment of his life.
Vatican II: The greatest success of revolutionary psy-war
In the last 40 years, we have seen the increasing demolition of the greatest bastion against the Revolution in the world, where the strongest moral and spiritual reactions were concentrated. The Catholic Church was the target of a tremendous psychological warfare, not only from her external adversaries, but also from the revolutionary agents who infiltrated her in order to destroy her.
Vatican Council II was one of the greatest – if not the greatest – calamities in the History of the Church. Its official documents were silent about the most dangerous and pressing enemies of society: Communism and Socialism. (1)
In the post-conciliar phase, the cancer of Progressivism installed in the Church spread in different metastasis: the liturgical reform, ecumenism, Vatican détente with the Communist regimes, etc. In that phase, a notable turnaround took place: the Church, who was the strongest bastion of the fight against the Revolution, increasingly became the propelling force for Liberation Theology, Feminism, Ecology, the Cultural Revolution and Tribalism.
Since the Church is the very core of the Counter-Revolution, this progressivist infiltration became the principal blow to the good cause. From John XXIII to Benedict XVI, the conciliar Popes have strongly propelled the revolutionary ideals of the Modern State, for example, their unconditional support for the United Nations, promoter of the Universal Republic in the world.
After the principal fomentation of the social revolution shifted to the action - or omissions - of ecclesiastical circles, it became imperative for militant Catholics – clergyman, religious or laymen – to enter the battle inside the walls of the Church to fight against the enemy who had infiltrated her.
This was the Crusade of the 20th Century. It is also the Crusade of the 21st Century, which will continue until we see the triumph of the Wise and Immaculate Heart of Mary. The most important field of combat is the Catholic citadel itself.
Chaos: A new front of combat for the Counter-Revolution
Another factor, previously secondary, has taken on new importance and today occupies a central place in the revolutionary strategy. The whole counter-revolutionary fight would become unstable and inefficient should it fail to take this factor into account. It is the production of chaos.
Anarchy and chaos are swelling in an irreversible tide everywhere in the world:
 The 2005 riots in France rang the death bell of democracy |
Socially speaking, the United States entered a kind of chaotic state of fear with the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Almost nothing works as it did before. In many ways the liberty to come-and-go as one pleases, which characterizes a free and ordered society, was seriously affected. People can no longer move and travel as they did before.
With the riots of 2005, France revealed its complete vulnerability to Islamic agitation, caused by its soft immigration laws. Democracy itself has entered into an identity crisis, given that the very laws that constitute it are jeopardizing its own existence. With millions of Muslims admitted as citizens, the French people are sitting on a volcano of chaos that can erupt at any moment. Analogous dangers threaten England, Germany and Spain.
Economically speaking, the recent chain-reaction of bankruptcies of gigantic financial institutions in the US project the perspective of chaos in the economy of the West – regardless of the boasts of some Latin American leaders that their countries are not affected by it.
 Endless wars contribute to spread chaos; above, the Hamas at Arafat's funeral in Palestine |
Militarily speaking, chaos is also present. The Arab-Israeli war began the day after Israel was founded and no prospect of an end appears on the horizon. The Afghanistan war has not ended and could well continue for decades. The same can be said of the Iraq war. No stable solution appears in the picture.
Morally speaking, the West has opened the gates to its own destruction with its acceptance and promotion of homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, animal rights, feminism etc. No society in History has survived very long after admitting such aberrations. When such things are considered normal, the moral formation of new generations enters into chaos.
Psychologically speaking, these various fronts of chaos - added to many other anti-natural consequences of the Revolution – can only end in breaking the psyche of men. Today, we see more people suffering from mental and psychological problems than ever before.
In this great offensive of chaos, the mission of the Counter-Revolution is to clarify, to describe as clearly as possible what is wrong and how things should be, and to point out who is behind the induced chaos. Doing this, the new crusaders prepare hearts and minds for a coming period of order.
Spiritually speaking, this process of chaos began much earlier in the Church. Since Vatican II, the Church authorities have carried on the auto-demolition of her institutions, doctrines, traditions, etc. Today this self-destruction of the Church finds itself in an advanced stage. The same hand that demolishes also spreads chaos.
Taking a position of resistance in face of these authorities is the first obligation of the new crusaders. This fight unites counter-revolutionaries situated principally in the three Americas and Europe. All those who carry the same battle standards throughout the world should gather together now and unite.
 Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira |
The beauty of this Crusade
This article - "The Crusade of the 21st Century" - is a homage and thanksgiving to Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the 100th year of his birth. Beyond the heroic example of his indefatigable fight against this revolutionary psychological warfare, he left us the model of his full identification with sacrality. If St. Francis of Assisi was known for his poverty and St. Bernard for his recollection, we can say that in the History of the Church, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira is known for his militant sacrality. With this standard always unfurled, walking erect and fearless, he applied all his energies in this grand Catholic epopee and proclaimed:
“I am a Crusader, a man different from everyone else. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the perfection of all things, the realization of what is most perfect, will now be avenged by me. I will achieve the beauty of the fight for the fight, of vengeance for the vengeance of - and for - Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, part III, chap 2, 4A
Posted September 24, 2008

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