Socio-Political Issues
A New and Intrusive Ecclesiastical Communism
Anne Erickson
With each passing day it becomes more obvious that we are facing battles on both the spiritual and secular fronts. We are well aware of the dangers and treacheries being perpetrated against the Catholic Church worldwide, with the most egregious offenses coming from within her. But, in order to understand the magnitude of this crisis, we should consider other treacheries taking place with Rome’s knowledge and consent.
Here are three other attempts of the Revolution to achieve total domination of the temporal world and the strategic progress it has made.
‘Unified Christianity'
The Pope has announced The Year In Faith to begin on the same date that commemorates the 50th anniversary of Vatican II. What better way to celebrate something that has brought the Catholic Church into the crisis in which she finds herself today than to introduce the Vatican’s plan for a ‘Unified Christianity’ of New Evangelization? (1)
This plan for New Evangelization gives many credits to its initiator, Paul VI, with kudos to John Paul II for advancing many of its doctrines. Today’s Pope, then Card. Ratzinger, certainly fostered it and now has the honor of striking the champagne bottle against the vessel as part of Rome’s greatly anticipated Third Millennium. I leave it up to the reader to decide if this is another departure from the continuity of the last 2,000 years of Catholicism.
This plan is being presented to save and advance “Christianity” through ecumenism, pilgrimages and missionary work by religious and lay alike. It also aims to decentralize the authority of the Bishops to benefit local communities - a bottom-up form of communitarianism. In fact, it is a Protestant concept of “being Church” through which we will all be brothers in this man-centered utopia.
It appears that this ecumenical “Christianity” is replacing Catholicism. What happened to the duty of Catholics to convert Protestants and Schismatics? Much has been written about recent Popes and their collaborators diminishing the importance of conversion. Now, Rome has this plan in place to negate the idea all together.
One might think it does not matter because Rome has already lost its way with the errors and novelties of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Mass. In fact, we are seeing religious customs of heretics, schismatics, Jews and pagans appear on altars in Catholic churches worldwide.
Below, I will analyze Rome’s involvement in disturbing plans to influence governments through far-reaching policies that seem meant to affect the entire world.
Yes, I am suggesting, in no uncertain terms, that not only will this plan for a “Unified Christianity” lead us further toward a One New World Religion, but the nature of this ”Christianity” implies that the resulting convoluted religion will not be supernatural, but entirely natural or, better, preternatural, since nothing naturally bad occurs without the help of the devils. This potential outcome is further evidenced by the fact that the Pope and his collaborators are well on their way to influencing the plan for a One New World Order.
Communism & global sustainability
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising, is President of COMECE, the Commission of the Bishops Conference of the European Community, linked with other important groups.
In October 2008, Card. Marx launched the book Das Kapital: A Plea for Man, named after the work by Karl Marx Das Kapital against Capitalism. Card. Marx sustains that the current worldwide financial crisis requires a fundamental social debate and raises questions about the capacity of contemporary economies to ensure the welfare of the world.

With Card. Marx the Church enters an open campaign against Capitalism |
COMECE intends to partner with non-Catholics for a greater European cohesion. (2) It says it is important to implement demographic changes to ensure a just welfare system and the development of a set of conditions for an equal and sustainable quality of life - in other words egalitarianism.
This commission is meant to develop the framework for a green economy in the context of sustainable development. A document by Card. Marx (3) indicates this global concept and suggests that the world needs to change both production and consumption of material goods, which will demand a distinction between that which is essential vs. that which is superfluous. Marx also suggests a global sustainable agricultural system achieved through efficient land tenure. COMECE has published a five-page position paper on ‘The Role of Church Actors in the European Cohesion Policy’ (here).
The positions of COMECE include its support of upgrading the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) to a ‘World Environmental Organization’ as it proposed in 2001.
Agenda 21
COMECE further supports and promotes Agenda 21, a non-binding and voluntarily plan of the United Nations related to sustainable development. It was a core work produced from the first UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Agenda 21 is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be adopted globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area of human activity. The "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st century. The blueprint has been affirmed and modified at subsequent UN conferences.

A UN plan to infiltrate every institution of society. It is endorsed by the Church |
When we read the table of contents of Agenda 21, we realize how much worldwide control of every aspect of each individual’s life and behavior will be affected. Please note that in addition to the religious leaders’ grasping every opportunity to define their roles in this plan, there is also a separate, specific strategy to use women and youth to assist in advancement of this Agenda. No doubt the goal is to further empower women to foster Feminism and to influence youth further alienating them from the family structure and its authority.
In the United States, some Tea Party activists view Agenda 21 as a conspiracy by the United Nations to deprive individuals of property rights. Several state and local governments have passed motions and legislation opposing Agenda 21. Nationally, the Republican National Committee drafted a resolution in 2012 opposing Agenda 21, calling it “a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering and global political control”.
How anyone could not be offended by the fact that Roman Catholic leaders are proud to play a role in this diabolical plan to inflict this utopia is beyond astonishing. How aptly and tragically the maxim applies here, Where the Catholic Church goes, so goes the world!
1. The outlining [lineamenta] of this plan, Synod of Bishops, XIII Ordinary Assembly, ‘The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith’ can be found on the official Vatican website here
2. Vatican Insider website (http://vaticaninsider.lastampa.it/en/homepage/world-news/detail/articolo/europa-europe-cristiani-christians-cristianos-16637/)
3. COMECE is working toward a plan that is best described in a document published by Cardinal Marx, ‘Our Collective Responsibility for the Future of the World’, as part of The U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio +20. Full text of the Cardinal’s writings can be referenced here
Posted August 8, 2012

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