What People Are Commenting
Lucy’s Death, 1962 Missal & the ‘Orthodox’
Hitting the Bull’s Eye
Marian Horvat's book review of Fumus Satanae - The Smoke of Satan could not come at a much better time for me, as I am 25 pages from the end. St. Augustine said, for finite man to understand the infinite mystery of the Most Holy Trinity fully, he would need an infinite mind.
With Fumus Satanae, Mr. Guimaraes hits the nail on the head, hits the bulls eye and covers just about all the bases in exposing the unholy trinity of de Chardin, Rahner and von Balthasar: The three most dangerous enemies of Roman Catholic Dogma, Philosophy and Theology in the 20th century. They prove you have to have a really good brain in order to refine inconsistency, error and heresy.
Guimaraes is a first class scholar and I do respect him.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us
Our Lady of Knock, pray for us
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us
Marian Horvat's book review of Fumus Satanae - The Smoke of Satan could not come at a much better time for me, as I am 25 pages from the end. St. Augustine said, for finite man to understand the infinite mystery of the Most Holy Trinity fully, he would need an infinite mind.
With Fumus Satanae, Mr. Guimaraes hits the nail on the head, hits the bulls eye and covers just about all the bases in exposing the unholy trinity of de Chardin, Rahner and von Balthasar: The three most dangerous enemies of Roman Catholic Dogma, Philosophy and Theology in the 20th century. They prove you have to have a really good brain in order to refine inconsistency, error and heresy.
Guimaraes is a first class scholar and I do respect him.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us
Our Lady of Knock, pray for us
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us
Sister Lucy Did Not Die in 1949
I would like to clear up a misconception some may have that Sister Lucy died on May 31, 1949. This misconception arises from the fact that her Coimbra Convent posted a roster of religious sisters which includes Sister Lucy's "nativity" date as March 22, 1907 and her "defunct" date as May 31, 1949.
However, the "defunct" date does not refer to the date of her physical death. Rather, it refers to the day she discarded her previous name (Sister Mary of Sorrows) given to her at the Sisters of Dorothy Institute in Tuy, Spain, and took on the new name of "Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart" upon permanent entry into the Coimbra Convent.
So, what really happened was that the old name died and a new name was born when she made her Carmelite profession on May 31, 1949. The internet encyclopedia, Wikipedia, discusses her reception into the two convents, including the name change and date of profession as a Discalced Carmelite. You may look up "Lucia Santos" on Wikipedia for verification of these facts.
I would like to clear up a misconception some may have that Sister Lucy died on May 31, 1949. This misconception arises from the fact that her Coimbra Convent posted a roster of religious sisters which includes Sister Lucy's "nativity" date as March 22, 1907 and her "defunct" date as May 31, 1949.
However, the "defunct" date does not refer to the date of her physical death. Rather, it refers to the day she discarded her previous name (Sister Mary of Sorrows) given to her at the Sisters of Dorothy Institute in Tuy, Spain, and took on the new name of "Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart" upon permanent entry into the Coimbra Convent.
So, what really happened was that the old name died and a new name was born when she made her Carmelite profession on May 31, 1949. The internet encyclopedia, Wikipedia, discusses her reception into the two convents, including the name change and date of profession as a Discalced Carmelite. You may look up "Lucia Santos" on Wikipedia for verification of these facts.
Next Steps in Ireland
For the Immediate Attention of Tradition in Action:
Dear Dr. Marian,
Despite the shocking and horrific results of the Irish Referendum on May 22nd, feast of St. Rita, we must bear in mind that 38% voted 'NO'! An enormous vote was lost due to the loss of the Faith in Ireland, as thousands didn't bother to cast a vote at all. Millions of souls will go to Hell as a result.
Next up seems to be euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Please know that Hope Ireland saying NO to euthanasia and assisted suicide will be launched on Saturday June 6. See CatholicIreland.net
Thank you so very much for your fantastic work. I do believe that you have many supporters from here and growing, thank God.
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
God bless you,
M.W., Ireland
P.S. – I would like to remind your readers to be sure to help support Tradition in Action by making donations, as your work is so valuable and this is our way to show our appreciation.
Dear Dr. Marian,
Despite the shocking and horrific results of the Irish Referendum on May 22nd, feast of St. Rita, we must bear in mind that 38% voted 'NO'! An enormous vote was lost due to the loss of the Faith in Ireland, as thousands didn't bother to cast a vote at all. Millions of souls will go to Hell as a result.
Next up seems to be euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Please know that Hope Ireland saying NO to euthanasia and assisted suicide will be launched on Saturday June 6. See CatholicIreland.net
Thank you so very much for your fantastic work. I do believe that you have many supporters from here and growing, thank God.
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
God bless you,
M.W., Ireland
P.S. – I would like to remind your readers to be sure to help support Tradition in Action by making donations, as your work is so valuable and this is our way to show our appreciation.
1962 Missal
I have been reading through your website and I have found some of your articles very interesting. I’d like to ask you though, if I were to no longer attend Masses said with the 1962 missal and yet not be a sede (which I am not at this point but am certainly reading about it) where would I attend Mass??? The SSPX where I have been attending Mass uses the 1962 missal.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Hello Y.A.,
We believe that the Masses said with the 1962 Missal are valid.
Be aware, however, that the reforms introduced in that Missal represented the beginning of Bugnini’s reforms, which culminated in the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missae. When the SSPX ordered its priests to say Masses based on the 1962 Missal, it was already making a first concession to Progressivism.
For more on the specific topic of the 1962 Missal, we suggest that you read an article by Msgr. Patrick Perez here; for more on the beginning of the progressivist reforms, read the series on the Dialogue Mass by Dr. Carol Byrne here.
TIA correspondence desk
I have been reading through your website and I have found some of your articles very interesting. I’d like to ask you though, if I were to no longer attend Masses said with the 1962 missal and yet not be a sede (which I am not at this point but am certainly reading about it) where would I attend Mass??? The SSPX where I have been attending Mass uses the 1962 missal.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Hello Y.A.,
We believe that the Masses said with the 1962 Missal are valid.
Be aware, however, that the reforms introduced in that Missal represented the beginning of Bugnini’s reforms, which culminated in the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missae. When the SSPX ordered its priests to say Masses based on the 1962 Missal, it was already making a first concession to Progressivism.
For more on the specific topic of the 1962 Missal, we suggest that you read an article by Msgr. Patrick Perez here; for more on the beginning of the progressivist reforms, read the series on the Dialogue Mass by Dr. Carol Byrne here.
TIA correspondence desk
Salvation & the ‘Orthodox’
Coming to grips with “no salvation outside the Church,” I mentioned to my wife an alternate proposal on way home from Mass this weekend.
The only guaranteed path to Heaven is through the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Any other path is playing Russian roulette. No salvation outside the Church is a spur to evangelize but to say only Catholics/Orthodox? will be found in heaven seems unlikely.
It seems as if some ultra-trads lack common sense but who knows [mhfm as an example]? I am trying to find precision in my thoughts here.
I actually changed rites to the Romanian Catholic Church not too long ago; my wife was already Ruthenian. I did it for the child so he could get confirmed right away.
We have some excellent Latin Rite priests though in our area and multiple Latin Masses and now a typika [byzantine w/o a priest] all within an hour driving distance. So there are options.
TIA responds:
Hello D.B.,
We would appreciate it if in further correspondence you would be a little more explicit about what you want to know from us. In your e-mail as it is, you oblige us to guess what your questions would be.
The correct Catholic position on salvation outside the Church is the rule that only Catholics can be saved. There are some exceptions, however, in the cases of those who die with a desire to be a part of the Church, a position explained here. This does not mean that the Vatican II ecumenism is correct when it extends these exceptions so much that they are transformed into the rule. The errors of this ecumenism are exposed in this excerpt of a book by Atila S. Guimaraes; read it from page 5 on.
Both Romanian and Ruthenian Catholic Rites have valid Masses.
Stay away from the so-called “Orthodox.” It is a self-imposed inappropriate designation encompassing all kinds of old and new heresies. The most common “Orthodox” known in the United States are the Greek and Russian Schismatics, who deny the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son, papal infallibility, the papal primacy and the Immaculate Conception. Therefore, before Vatican II, Catholics used to call them Schismatics just out of courtesy, because in fact they are much more than Schismatics: They are heretics.
Partisans of analogous positions are also the Schismatics/Heretics of Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem. Each of these denominations is entirely independent of the others, relying only on the head of State to which they belong, whom they obey. In other words, they all are not really independent as they boast, but completely obey the government of their countries, no matter their ideological color.
Other “Orthodox,” without any relation to the previous groups, include the Copt Monophysites, Syrian Monophysites and Armenian Monophysites; all of these are heretics because they deny the two natures of Our Lord Jesus Christ, although each is independent from the others.
TIA correspondence desk
Coming to grips with “no salvation outside the Church,” I mentioned to my wife an alternate proposal on way home from Mass this weekend.
The only guaranteed path to Heaven is through the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Any other path is playing Russian roulette. No salvation outside the Church is a spur to evangelize but to say only Catholics/Orthodox? will be found in heaven seems unlikely.
It seems as if some ultra-trads lack common sense but who knows [mhfm as an example]? I am trying to find precision in my thoughts here.
I actually changed rites to the Romanian Catholic Church not too long ago; my wife was already Ruthenian. I did it for the child so he could get confirmed right away.
We have some excellent Latin Rite priests though in our area and multiple Latin Masses and now a typika [byzantine w/o a priest] all within an hour driving distance. So there are options.
TIA responds:
Hello D.B.,
We would appreciate it if in further correspondence you would be a little more explicit about what you want to know from us. In your e-mail as it is, you oblige us to guess what your questions would be.
The correct Catholic position on salvation outside the Church is the rule that only Catholics can be saved. There are some exceptions, however, in the cases of those who die with a desire to be a part of the Church, a position explained here. This does not mean that the Vatican II ecumenism is correct when it extends these exceptions so much that they are transformed into the rule. The errors of this ecumenism are exposed in this excerpt of a book by Atila S. Guimaraes; read it from page 5 on.
Both Romanian and Ruthenian Catholic Rites have valid Masses.
Stay away from the so-called “Orthodox.” It is a self-imposed inappropriate designation encompassing all kinds of old and new heresies. The most common “Orthodox” known in the United States are the Greek and Russian Schismatics, who deny the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son, papal infallibility, the papal primacy and the Immaculate Conception. Therefore, before Vatican II, Catholics used to call them Schismatics just out of courtesy, because in fact they are much more than Schismatics: They are heretics.
Partisans of analogous positions are also the Schismatics/Heretics of Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem. Each of these denominations is entirely independent of the others, relying only on the head of State to which they belong, whom they obey. In other words, they all are not really independent as they boast, but completely obey the government of their countries, no matter their ideological color.
Other “Orthodox,” without any relation to the previous groups, include the Copt Monophysites, Syrian Monophysites and Armenian Monophysites; all of these are heretics because they deny the two natures of Our Lord Jesus Christ, although each is independent from the others.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted June 9, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I wish to repeat what I once said about Atila’s book series: These books will be source documentation for a council to condemn Vatican II.
I wish I could afford to order them all [the nine that have been published to date], but I do hope someday soon I will be able to.
Sincerely in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,