International Affairs
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The Snakes Have Returned to Ireland
TIA Note: We willingly publish the comments below, sent to us by readers, regarding the dismal result of the Irish referendum on same-sex “marriage” on May 22, 2015. As far of the objectivity of the analysis is concerned, we believe each item is very accurate and reflects well the causes of today’s situation in the Land of St. Patrick.
We object, however, to the hierarchy of the causes as presented by the anonymous writer. We believe that the most important factor for the recent catastrophe is the one that was presented last – the failure of post-conciliar Catholicism. Next, would be the role of the Church in Ireland, that is, of its Dublin Archbishop as well as the Irish Bishops and clergy. After that, we would place the political powers – the Irish government, the European Union – followed by the media.
The influence of money, which obsesses the author, we would rank in the last place. Money can do nothing against the genuine Catholic Faith. The same is true for Freemasonry, which controls the Irish government and the E.U. History is filled with examples of Catholic triumphs in this regard. We hope that, taking these observations into consideration, our readers will profit from reading this article. – The Editor
We object, however, to the hierarchy of the causes as presented by the anonymous writer. We believe that the most important factor for the recent catastrophe is the one that was presented last – the failure of post-conciliar Catholicism. Next, would be the role of the Church in Ireland, that is, of its Dublin Archbishop as well as the Irish Bishops and clergy. After that, we would place the political powers – the Irish government, the European Union – followed by the media.
The influence of money, which obsesses the author, we would rank in the last place. Money can do nothing against the genuine Catholic Faith. The same is true for Freemasonry, which controls the Irish government and the E.U. History is filled with examples of Catholic triumphs in this regard. We hope that, taking these observations into consideration, our readers will profit from reading this article. – The Editor
Saint Patrick betrayed: Ireland votes for same gender ‘marriage’
May 27, 2015 –The Catholic Faith and the Christian civilization which Saint Patrick brought to Ireland nearly 1600 years ago was repudiated by more than 3/5 of the voters of the Republic of Ireland last Saturday, when that country became the first nation on earth to endorse, by popular referendum, the fashionable, neo-pagan superstition that sodomy is a conjugal act.
More than 60 generations of Irishmen and Irishwomen remained loyal to the apostle “who brought to our mountains the gift of God's Faith and the sweet light of His love.” They did so through 800 years of foreign occupation, 300 years of religious persecution and economic dispossession, 100 years of pre-20th century totalitarianism known as the Penal Laws – aptly described by Edmund Burke as “a model of vicious perfection” – and a dozen hellish years of Cromwellian genocide.

A shameful celebration of the homosexual victory outside Dublin Castle
This generation, of mostly young citizens of Ireland, will now forever be remembered for an appalling act of national apostasy and betrayal, effecting a moral deformity, a societal deconstruction and a civilizational change.
Ireland is, once again, as it was before Saint Patrick, a pagan country. The difference is the pre-Christian pagan culture of Classical Antiquity admired beauty and reason, and sought truth through natural law. The post-Christian pagan culture of modernity is depraved and demonic, rejects reason, and is aggressively hostile to any expression of truth.
Among the influences which led to the debacle were the following:
I. The Power of Money: The old saying that the three most important factors in politics are, in ascending order of importance, money, money and money was reaffirmed on May 22 in Ireland. The Yes side outspent the No side by several orders of magnitude. The American billionaire Chuck Feeney funneled at least $28,000,000 into the homosexual movement in Ireland in the last twelve years.
The Yes side had seemingly unlimited resources for voter registration, advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts. The No side could not compete financially.
II. The Power of Government: The government of pro-abortion Prime Minister Enda Kenny and all Irish political parties supported the Yes campaign. Kenny was not reluctant to resort to the instruments of coercion. Funding was cut off for Catholic marriage counseling services. Non-profit organizations dependent on state support were threatened. Even the Gardaí – Ireland's National Police – were mobilized to help the Yes campaign. Kenny had already, during the abortion controversy of 2013, purged his Fine Gael Party of Catholic objectors.

A well funded Yes Equality campaign – along with many others – pushed the pro-homo agenda
IV. The Power of Corporate Capitalism: American multinationals, which provide tens of thousands of jobs to the struggling Irish economy, instructed – in a flagrant violation of Irish sovereignty – their employees to support the Yes campaign.
V. The Power of Organized Labor: The Irish trade unions and their political arm, the Labor Party, campaigned for a Yes vote. The Labor Party has become so anti-Catholic that one of its leaders has called for the exclusion of practicing Catholics from government – overt religious discrimination in employment – because Catholics are loyal to a foreign power, the Holy See. This charge is the same one English occupiers used for centuries to rob and oppress the Irish.
VI. The Power of the European Union: The influence of the E.U. in Ireland has been profoundly corrupting and malign. For decades now, the E.U. has operated what amounts to a system of organized bribery in Irish politics. Irish politicians are suborned by everything from infra-structure monies to the perks, privileges, and paychecks that come from European Commissionerships, and M.E.P. (Member of the European Parliament) status. The quid pro quo is de-Christianization.
The decision to ordain homosexuals to the Catholic priesthood, failing to stop them when they molested minors, and then covering up for them rather than punishing them and getting rid of them, bankrupted the moral authority of the Irish Church.
VIII. The Cowardice of the Bishops: The conduct of the Irish Hierarchy during the referendum campaign was shameful, cowardly and pandering. They conceded the arguments and accepted the intellectual premises of the enemy.

Archbishop Martin, left, said it was ‘not his policy to tell others how to vote.’ McKeown, right, was stronger: ‘Catholics can back gay marriage in good conscience’...
At least 15 Irish priests publicly endorsed the Yes campaign. Not one of them was removed, reprimanded or silenced by their Bishops.
X. The Failure of Post-Conciliar Catholicism: It is difficult to find a more compelling example of the absolutely dysfunctional character of the contemporary Church. Exactly 50 years after the close of Vatican II, what was the most Catholic country in the world is now mission territory. Fifty years of Modernism, sappy ecumenism, toleration of heresy, secularization of Catholic institutions, corruption in religious orders, immorality against nature in the priesthood, novelties in teaching and practice, and the unprecedented invention of a new, abuse prone vernacular liturgy have all turned the Church Militant into the Church Dialoging.
Enda Kenny's next target will be Catholic schools. He has already demanded that they present same sex unions as the same as traditional marriage. What remains of the Faith in Ireland will now face persecution.
Please pray for Ireland!
Sanctus Patricius, ora pro nobis!

Posted June 8, 2015