What People Are Commenting
Galarreta, ‘Cristo Rey’ & Body of Christ
Disappearance of Men
Your article on fathers and the disappearance of men hearkens back to the 1950's and 60's as the article stated. So many of the shows, and very popular ones at that time, did not have a nuclear family. As a boy one of the first show I can remember, Jeff's' Collie, which would morph into Lassie, featured a young boy who had no father. Then there was The Andy Griffith Show where there was no mother, and the very popular My Three Sons was one more example of no formal family in which the sons were raised.
Two of the most watched Westerns, Bonanza and The Rifleman, were more cases in which boys and young men had no full family commonly understood, in a restricted sense at least, of growing up with a mother and father.
You have provided us with a fine testimony of just what a vehicle the T.V. was and still is to bring us down as a Church and Country.
St. John Neuman, St. Mary Francis Cabrini, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.
Sacraments by Galarreta
Dear TIA,
Thank you for your exceptional website. I have been reading it daily for some time now.
I know that TIA does not affiliate itself with SSPX, however, it is the only traditional Catholic mass in Sydney. Following my understanding of the deficiencies of confirmation in the Novus Ordo rite I had my confirmation repeated conditionally by Bishop Alfonso De Galarreta at SSPX Sydney.
Would you consider this to be valid, etc. so that I longer have to worry? I am no longer attending Novus Ordo masses, etc.
Thank you. Sincerely
P.F., Australia
TIA responds:
Dear P.F.,
Thank you for your amiable words.
We compliment you for stopping attending the New Mass.
Your Confirmation is sound. You do not need to worry about its validity. Bishop Galarreta received the plenitude of the power of Orders from Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Castro Mayer, both perfectly valid Bishops.
TIA correspondence desk
Viva Cristo Rey!
Hello Atila,
I hope all is well with you.
I am forwarding this announcement to you about the play production Viva Cristo Rey” taking place in LA starting this weekend. I participated in the San Jose production of this play a few years ago and I think it is very good.
I hope you get a chance to attend. Feel free to forward this information to others.
Best regards,
Dan O’Connell
“Pope Siri”
Thank you for your response [on sede-vacantism]. It was very clear and reasonable. It clarifies this view for me and points in the right direction. Again, thank you.
Terrifying Confusion
Dear TIA,
I have been visiting your site for several months, but have been struggling with the sede-vacant position and many of their "discoveries of the REAL truth" for over a year. Today, after having read your response regarding the sick head vs. no head of the Church, I think I have finally gotten it. Your words provided a very effective means of driving home the message about the situation in the Church today.
Thank you very much for attempting, once again, to set the record straight on this matter, and for such a clarifying response.
Thank you, also, for all of the obvious dedication you have given to the creation of a website that is full of obvious love for our Faith.
It is a beacon of light in such a state of near complete darkness and very disturbing, and often terrifying confusion.
Author of Harry Potter
Regarding this video on Harry Potter author, J.K.Rowling.
When I watch this I found myself substituting names that are familiar to me because of the research I have done for her description in the book. I am sure she is an Illuminati slave or mind-controlled person. Listen to all parts and tell me what you think.
She is definitely involved in a cult and to me it is crystal clear. She exhibits fear and knowledge of occult the like of which cannot be invented in her mind. Not to mention the tremendous fear she had that her daughter was going to die. It all seems diabolical to me. She has knowledge of satanic origins which appear to go back to her early childhood. She is the instrument the godless use to indoctrinate children into evil and occult practice. The world loves her - that says it all for me.
I hate her motives and her ideology and her evil books. There is much more to her than just a "children's book author".
Body of Christ
Thank you for your great contributions in keeping Catholic Tradition alive.
I have read that the Bishops Commission on the Liturgy has forbidden a priest when giving out the Eucharist to say "THIS IS THE BODY OF CHRIST" in place of "BODY OF CHRIST," thus implying that the words "BODY OF CHRIST" means the people.
If this is true, could you please furnish official documentation as I have not been able to find any?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your initial words.
As you observed, in the progressivist area of the Church there is an increasing confusion between the Body of Christ as present in the Eucharist, and the “Body of Christ” as present in the parish community when celebrating the Mass.
This results from a hypertrophy of the so-called theology of communion or theology of the people of God that tries to explain all sacraments as communitarian acts. There are known theologians such as Cardinal Yves Congar, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx and others, who directly or indirectly defend the mentioned thesis. For example, Congar writes:
“What we say without hesitation is that the personal body of Christ is there, not just to be there (and be possibly adored), but for us, to be consumed by the faithful as food, an act by which the people of God, or the congregatio fidelium, fully becomes the ‘Body of Christ.’ In this sense the res et sacramentum of the Eucharist does have an ecclesiological aspect” (Un peuple messianique, p. 67).
This and other similar texts can be found in A.S. Guimarães’ book Will He Find Faith, volume VI of his collection on Vatican II. The matter is dealt with in chapter V, pp. 266 to 275.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted October 13, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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