Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Drive-thru Communion spreads over the U.S.
Among the many irreverences being made to the Most Holy Sacrament is the practice of receiving Communion through the car window.Inspired by the fast-food drive-through services, Catholic authorities in the U.S. are making this irreverent way of receiving the Eucharist a general practice.
Under the pretext of avoiding the plague – an argument certainly open to discussion since most of the Covid-19 information has revealed itself to be fraudulent to advance an ideological agenda – the Progressivist Church has placed the physical health of her faithful above their spiritual health and eternal salvation.
Doing this, our religious authorities are betraying their mission and implicitly presaging the end of the institution they represent. For, during the whole time of this so-called pandemic, it has essentially shut down: Masses are not being said, Sacraments are being denied to the faithful, and when they are given, it is often done in an unacceptable sacrilegious way.
Above top, Eucharistic ministers give Communion at St. Joseph's Basilica in Alameda, California, above bottom, at St. Joseph's Church in Libertyville, Illinois.
Below first row, Bishop Peter Baldacchino gives Communion in the parking lot of the Immaculate of Heart Cathedral in Las Cruces, New Mexico; second row, Fr. Larry LoMonaco at St. Aloysius Church in Hickory, North Carolina; third row, Msgr. Randall Vashon, at St. Bernard Clairvaux in Bridgewater, New Jersey; fourth row, Fr. Gary Blake at Holy Family Church in Oglesby, Illinois; last row, Fr. John Razembajgier at Mother of God Parish in Hillsborough, New Jersey.
Photos from the Internet

Posted August 9, 2020