What People Are Commenting
Communion in Hand During Pandemic?
This is a question that I have pondered. Though I do not have a Church to attend, I am doing on-line Mass at a Traditional Latin Mass. The live video does not show the Communion.
My question is: What are the priests in Traditional Latin Mass typically doing? Are they giving the Blessed Sacrament in the hand or on the tongue?
I ask because should eventually attend a Mass, I am quite uncomfortable taking the Holy Eucharist in the hand, even with this so-called pandemic. I believe we should answer to God first, not the government.
TIA responds:
We cannot respond for all Traditional Latin Masses; however, we can affirm that the priests who say these Masses should not give Communion in the hand, which is a practice introduced in the Novus Ordo Mass to accommodate Protestantism.
Indeed, since Protestants do not believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist or in the sacrificial character of the Mass, their services are nothing but a memorial of the Last Supper, which they commemorate as a banquet. So, people go there and take their meaningless bread with their hands to partake in that meal.
This so-called pandemic is being used to give a “hygienic” pretext to enforce this progressivist practice at Tridentine Masses.
We hope no priest who celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass will fall into this double trap.
TIA correspondence desk
This is a question that I have pondered. Though I do not have a Church to attend, I am doing on-line Mass at a Traditional Latin Mass. The live video does not show the Communion.
My question is: What are the priests in Traditional Latin Mass typically doing? Are they giving the Blessed Sacrament in the hand or on the tongue?
I ask because should eventually attend a Mass, I am quite uncomfortable taking the Holy Eucharist in the hand, even with this so-called pandemic. I believe we should answer to God first, not the government.
TIA responds:
We cannot respond for all Traditional Latin Masses; however, we can affirm that the priests who say these Masses should not give Communion in the hand, which is a practice introduced in the Novus Ordo Mass to accommodate Protestantism.
Indeed, since Protestants do not believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist or in the sacrificial character of the Mass, their services are nothing but a memorial of the Last Supper, which they commemorate as a banquet. So, people go there and take their meaningless bread with their hands to partake in that meal.
This so-called pandemic is being used to give a “hygienic” pretext to enforce this progressivist practice at Tridentine Masses.
We hope no priest who celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass will fall into this double trap.
TIA correspondence desk
Brazilian Bishops Promote Open Heresy
Greetings TIA,
I assume you are familiar with the state of the Brazilian Church, especially the “Campanhas da Fraternidade” (Fraternity Campaigns), a subversive initiative to turn people away from Lenten contemplation, penance and repentance by instead emphasizing some feel-good, flavor-of-the-month social cause.
However, this year the Brazilian Church hit a new low. Our Bishops have outsourced the “Fraternity Campaign” to left-wing protestant heretics, headed by the infamous Romi Bencke, a communist and feminist militant who also claims to be a pastor.
Now, to have Protestants dictate what is read in our Masses is scandalous enough. However, if one looks at the actual document of this “Fraternity Campaign,” one sees an unprecedented degree of subversion:
The Dom Bosco Center has made an excellent video exposing this travesty. It is worth a watch if you understand Portuguese.
Let us pray for our Holy Church.
My best regards,
V.N., Brazil
I assume you are familiar with the state of the Brazilian Church, especially the “Campanhas da Fraternidade” (Fraternity Campaigns), a subversive initiative to turn people away from Lenten contemplation, penance and repentance by instead emphasizing some feel-good, flavor-of-the-month social cause.
However, this year the Brazilian Church hit a new low. Our Bishops have outsourced the “Fraternity Campaign” to left-wing protestant heretics, headed by the infamous Romi Bencke, a communist and feminist militant who also claims to be a pastor.
Now, to have Protestants dictate what is read in our Masses is scandalous enough. However, if one looks at the actual document of this “Fraternity Campaign,” one sees an unprecedented degree of subversion:
- It supports the forced recognition of homosexual faux-marriage. It even uses the term “LGBTQI+”, preferred by radical sexual militants;
- It celebrates the memory of a communist and lesbian politician called Marelle Francisco, a previously unkown councilwoman whoi was murdered by drug mafias;
- It expresses solidarity towards practicioners of African witchcraft (“mães-de-santo”);
- It promotes animosity between blacks and whites and supports the terrorist BLM movement;
- It claims the Protestant Revolution was inspired by the Holy Spirit;
- It supports the forced closure of churches under the pretext of COVID-19;
- Its only mention of Catholicism is to ask for money from Catholics.
The Dom Bosco Center has made an excellent video exposing this travesty. It is worth a watch if you understand Portuguese.
Let us pray for our Holy Church.
My best regards,
V.N., Brazil
Our Lady of Good Success & a Personal Miracle
Aloha [Hawaiian for love] to all at TIA:
This is a letter/story to publically thank Our Lady of Good Success for a personal miracle received and many small favors granted along the way. Our Lady of Good Success has been so good to me; more than I probably deserve.
Time passes so quickly. It is hard to tell when I first began this novena, the short novena, plus the daily rosary in Latin. For a few years anyway, this novena has been a constant prayer. The major Miracle from our Our Lady, was granted on November 20, 2020.
Seventeen years ago, I was diagnosed with fibroid tumors. These fibroid tumors were supposed to shrink and go away. This never happened. They kept growing. It was very frustrating. Doctors kept telling me, there was no need to remove them. More frustration grew along with the tumors. Doctors said, as long as they are benign, we don’t have to do anything or remove them. This procedure would require a complete or partial hysterectomy. So, the years went by with no answer to this problem. The tumors kept growing.
July 2020 found me in the Emergency Room with food poisoning. While there, the doctor ran tests, and a CAT Scan, which revealed a large unknown mass. Later, my primary doctor scheduled an MRI. The MRI revealed a large unknown mass attached to the left ovary. He referred me to an Oncology GYN doctor. It was a challenge to get an appointment.
So, I made an appointment with an OB/GYN doctor. She saw me almost immediately. After the examination, she came to the same conclusion: A large unknown mass attached to the left ovary. Her concern was ovarian cancer. Scary!!! She ordered a ROMA blood test. The results came back normal. While waiting for the blood test, she referred me to a GYN-Oncologist. I made an appointment with this doctor. Appointment was then 2 weeks away.
In the meantime, his office called, and said they would not see me; but referred me to someone else, who knows where. There was no explanation as to why this doctor refused to see me. My phone calls to this doctor were never returned. So I let the problem of this mass, slide.
During this trying time, my Sweet Guardian Angel kept telling me to go to St. Joseph’s Hospital. I said to myself: “St. Joseph’s Hospital! Where!” I only knew of one St. Joseph’s Hospital, in the city of Orange.
Another medical issue I have needed attention. So, I went to see my surgeon at Loma Linda to see if that problem could be solved first. We had a long discussion about my medical problems. Her recommendation was to take care of the large mass first. She recommended the University of Arizona in Phoenix.
So, I went online, and discovered a wonderful doctor and St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix. My appointments began with this doctor in Phoenix, who said he could take care of me. What a blessing from Our Lady!
During all this, my husband moved us to Kingman, Arizona. Each appointment meant a 3 hour drive from Kingman to Phoenix - not an easy drive. Our Lady of Good Success, Jesus, my Sweet Guardian Angel, as well as the 9 choirs of Angels, kept us safe on the road. The last trip was on January 12, 2021.
On November 19, 2020, we traveled to Phoenix to spend the night, as surgery was scheduled at 8am. Arrival time was 6am. Initially, surgery was scheduled at 12p.m. The whole situation was very difficult. I kept leaning on Our Lady of Good Success, I really needed my Mother.
Every now and then, I would cry, and say, don’t I have enough troubles, now this! The possibility of ovarian cancer hanging over my head! I asked Our Lady, to please, please, make the outcome totally benign. The surgery went as scheduled and took 4.5 hours.
After the surgery, the doctor came and said, everything went well. They were large non-malignant fibroid tumors that wrapped around the ovaries. Everything was totally benign. All I had to do now was to heal up.
Thank you dear Mother of Good Success for all you do for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am forever grateful.
This is a letter/story to publically thank Our Lady of Good Success for a personal miracle received and many small favors granted along the way. Our Lady of Good Success has been so good to me; more than I probably deserve.
Time passes so quickly. It is hard to tell when I first began this novena, the short novena, plus the daily rosary in Latin. For a few years anyway, this novena has been a constant prayer. The major Miracle from our Our Lady, was granted on November 20, 2020.
Seventeen years ago, I was diagnosed with fibroid tumors. These fibroid tumors were supposed to shrink and go away. This never happened. They kept growing. It was very frustrating. Doctors kept telling me, there was no need to remove them. More frustration grew along with the tumors. Doctors said, as long as they are benign, we don’t have to do anything or remove them. This procedure would require a complete or partial hysterectomy. So, the years went by with no answer to this problem. The tumors kept growing.
July 2020 found me in the Emergency Room with food poisoning. While there, the doctor ran tests, and a CAT Scan, which revealed a large unknown mass. Later, my primary doctor scheduled an MRI. The MRI revealed a large unknown mass attached to the left ovary. He referred me to an Oncology GYN doctor. It was a challenge to get an appointment.
So, I made an appointment with an OB/GYN doctor. She saw me almost immediately. After the examination, she came to the same conclusion: A large unknown mass attached to the left ovary. Her concern was ovarian cancer. Scary!!! She ordered a ROMA blood test. The results came back normal. While waiting for the blood test, she referred me to a GYN-Oncologist. I made an appointment with this doctor. Appointment was then 2 weeks away.
In the meantime, his office called, and said they would not see me; but referred me to someone else, who knows where. There was no explanation as to why this doctor refused to see me. My phone calls to this doctor were never returned. So I let the problem of this mass, slide.
During this trying time, my Sweet Guardian Angel kept telling me to go to St. Joseph’s Hospital. I said to myself: “St. Joseph’s Hospital! Where!” I only knew of one St. Joseph’s Hospital, in the city of Orange.
Another medical issue I have needed attention. So, I went to see my surgeon at Loma Linda to see if that problem could be solved first. We had a long discussion about my medical problems. Her recommendation was to take care of the large mass first. She recommended the University of Arizona in Phoenix.
So, I went online, and discovered a wonderful doctor and St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix. My appointments began with this doctor in Phoenix, who said he could take care of me. What a blessing from Our Lady!
During all this, my husband moved us to Kingman, Arizona. Each appointment meant a 3 hour drive from Kingman to Phoenix - not an easy drive. Our Lady of Good Success, Jesus, my Sweet Guardian Angel, as well as the 9 choirs of Angels, kept us safe on the road. The last trip was on January 12, 2021.
On November 19, 2020, we traveled to Phoenix to spend the night, as surgery was scheduled at 8am. Arrival time was 6am. Initially, surgery was scheduled at 12p.m. The whole situation was very difficult. I kept leaning on Our Lady of Good Success, I really needed my Mother.
Every now and then, I would cry, and say, don’t I have enough troubles, now this! The possibility of ovarian cancer hanging over my head! I asked Our Lady, to please, please, make the outcome totally benign. The surgery went as scheduled and took 4.5 hours.
After the surgery, the doctor came and said, everything went well. They were large non-malignant fibroid tumors that wrapped around the ovaries. Everything was totally benign. All I had to do now was to heal up.
Thank you dear Mother of Good Success for all you do for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am forever grateful.

Posted February 9, 2021
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Holy Slavery to the Blessed Virgin Mary
What the left and modernists call “freedom” is actually license – doing whatever you will disregarding the effects on others and themselves.