Progressivism in the Church
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Photo of the Week
In Germany Benedict gives Communion in the hand
Last Sunday, on September 25, 2011, in an outdoor Mass in Freiburg im Breigau on the last day of his visit to Germany, Benedict XVI once again gave Communion in the hand. It is another example where the Pontiff does not want to appear committed to the traditional custom of only giving Communion on the tongue.
Since his recent practice of giving Communion on the tongue - the "irrefutable proof" that Benedict had returned to tradition - shows itself to be inconsistent, let us wait and see what will be the next tale spread by those who want to present Benedict as a "conservative" in order not to face his Progressivism. Doing this, such persons are able to maintain their beloved middle-of-the-road position.
Above, the Pope gives Communion in the hand to a kneeling gentleman in Freiburg; below first row the same person brings the Host to his mouth (watch video here). Second row, in the Mass of Erfurt on September 24, Communion in the hand for all those who wanted it was also given.
Posted October 2, 2011

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