What People are Commenting
Dressing Well, Precious Blood & Fatima 7
Dressing Well in Any Occasion
To TIA, (from Instagram)
Re: Chapter 20: Traveling of TIA's series of reels on the Manual of Civility
I like this! I always thought the same way not knowing it is a Catholic thing. I could not stand people tell me that you should be comfortable for any reason in public. There is no excuse whether it is because you are a mom or travelling - it is not appropriate to wear leggings and a t-shirt in public. We are supposed to dress as women and men who have true charity towards our neighbor: they do not need to be scandalized by our laziness.
My husband once went to adoration in his shorts and t-shirt. It was around midnight and he thought no one would be there, but there was one man and he tapped him on the shoulder and said from behind him in his ear: "You should not be wearing that in the presence of our Lord".
After that he made it clear we are all to dress accordingly no matter what time of day. The only excuse I could see would be because you are in a ambulance and practically dying if you are wheeled away in pajamas which happened to me, and when I came back, I felt embarrassed and asked for lots of blankets plus I was cold anyways.
Re: Chapter 20: Traveling of TIA's series of reels on the Manual of Civility
I like this! I always thought the same way not knowing it is a Catholic thing. I could not stand people tell me that you should be comfortable for any reason in public. There is no excuse whether it is because you are a mom or travelling - it is not appropriate to wear leggings and a t-shirt in public. We are supposed to dress as women and men who have true charity towards our neighbor: they do not need to be scandalized by our laziness.
My husband once went to adoration in his shorts and t-shirt. It was around midnight and he thought no one would be there, but there was one man and he tapped him on the shoulder and said from behind him in his ear: "You should not be wearing that in the presence of our Lord".
After that he made it clear we are all to dress accordingly no matter what time of day. The only excuse I could see would be because you are in a ambulance and practically dying if you are wheeled away in pajamas which happened to me, and when I came back, I felt embarrassed and asked for lots of blankets plus I was cold anyways.
How Depopulation Works
Below is a declaration by Dr. Paul Alexander. Paul Elias Alexander is a Canadian health researcher and was a former Trump administration official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Alexander was recruited from his part-time, unpaid position at McMaster University to serve as an aide to HHS assistant secretary for public affairs Michael Caputo in March 2020.
Gary Morella
Dr. Paul Alexander
July 4th 2022
I have been trying to warn. I have written on this here in stack.
I was told in discussions with FDA, CDC, NIH, Moderna, & Pfizer officials in Washington at HHS July/August 2020, their grave concerns, why they must be silent as in fear for safety and careers.
I was told by these officials, in confidential secret discussions, that in about 6 to 6.5 years from roll-out, in those who take the injections mass auto-immune disease and deaths will occur. They anticipate constant deaths from the injections.
They said that the COVID injections could never work, especially the mRNA platform. It never worked in the animal model and was pathological.
They told me that in about 6 to 6.5 years, there will be a massive surge in deaths in persons who take the injections. They advised me [not to take the vax because neither] they nor their families will ever take any of the COVID injections.
Below is a declaration by Dr. Paul Alexander. Paul Elias Alexander is a Canadian health researcher and was a former Trump administration official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Alexander was recruited from his part-time, unpaid position at McMaster University to serve as an aide to HHS assistant secretary for public affairs Michael Caputo in March 2020.
Gary Morella
Dr. Paul Alexander
July 4th 2022
I have been trying to warn. I have written on this here in stack.
I was told in discussions with FDA, CDC, NIH, Moderna, & Pfizer officials in Washington at HHS July/August 2020, their grave concerns, why they must be silent as in fear for safety and careers.
I was told by these officials, in confidential secret discussions, that in about 6 to 6.5 years from roll-out, in those who take the injections mass auto-immune disease and deaths will occur. They anticipate constant deaths from the injections.
They said that the COVID injections could never work, especially the mRNA platform. It never worked in the animal model and was pathological.
They told me that in about 6 to 6.5 years, there will be a massive surge in deaths in persons who take the injections. They advised me [not to take the vax because neither] they nor their families will ever take any of the COVID injections.
The Precious Blood Devotion
Good evening TIA,
I have been dedicated to the Precious Blood devotion since November when I received the prayer card in a set after purchasing the family collection. I was amazed with its promises for so little a cost. Our Lord is so incredibly merciful that he would offer these wonderful gifts to us for so few prayers a day.
A plenary indulgence; freed from Purgatory; dying before finishing the three years would still equate to finishing it; upon death, it will be as if you shed all of your blood for the Holy Faith; your soul and your relatives until the fourth generation will be taken to heaven.
To be freed from Purgatory is an incredible gift but to secure heaven for your family until the fourth generation is just wonderful. What perplexes me the most is the fourth promise that we will have shed all of our blood for The Faith. This sounds as if we will attain martyrdom for this devotion. Have we gotten so far away from The Faith that we simply have to say these prayers every day for three years to attain martyrdom? If so, Our Lord is not only infinitely merciful but infinitely kind in his loving gifts to us.
What does this say about our times that this devotion would rise again now when the church is at its lowest point? We must have hope.
In Maria,
I have been dedicated to the Precious Blood devotion since November when I received the prayer card in a set after purchasing the family collection. I was amazed with its promises for so little a cost. Our Lord is so incredibly merciful that he would offer these wonderful gifts to us for so few prayers a day.
A plenary indulgence; freed from Purgatory; dying before finishing the three years would still equate to finishing it; upon death, it will be as if you shed all of your blood for the Holy Faith; your soul and your relatives until the fourth generation will be taken to heaven.
To be freed from Purgatory is an incredible gift but to secure heaven for your family until the fourth generation is just wonderful. What perplexes me the most is the fourth promise that we will have shed all of our blood for The Faith. This sounds as if we will attain martyrdom for this devotion. Have we gotten so far away from The Faith that we simply have to say these prayers every day for three years to attain martyrdom? If so, Our Lord is not only infinitely merciful but infinitely kind in his loving gifts to us.
What does this say about our times that this devotion would rise again now when the church is at its lowest point? We must have hope.
In Maria,
Fatima 7
On May 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary told the three children of Fatima:
“I have come to ask you to come here for six months in succession, on the 13th day, at this same hour. Later on, I will tell you who I am and what I want.
"Afterwards, I will return here yet a seventh time.” (The Whole Truth About Fatima by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, Volume 1, Immaculate Heart Publicatins, 1989)
From a simply human perspective, the situation of the Church (i.e. heterodoxy and heteropraxis in the post Vatican II period) and of the world (e.g. the war in Ukraine and the global expansionism of China) is terribly bleak and hopeless with no solution in sight.
We need the extraordinary intervention of Heaven to overcome the evils that afflict the Church and of contemporary society. We need the immediate help of the Virgin Mary.
She promised that She would return to Fatima yet a seventh time.
Contextualized within current events, we can only conclude that She foresaw the course of world history in 1917 and that Her direct assistance would be necessary for the survival of the Church and of the human race.
Let us include as an intention in our prayer of the Holy Rosary the return of the Queen of Heaven to Fatima for a seventh time for only She can help the Church and save the human race.
Fatima 7 will be a prayer network united in prayer begging Almighty God to save the Catholic Church and the human race from the evils of our time by sending Our Lady to Fatima a seventh time.
She promised that She will return and we cling to the words of the Virgin most faithful.
That is our hope and we know that we do not hope in vain.
We only have to ask, to beg and to pray.
William Lorenzo
On May 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary told the three children of Fatima:
“I have come to ask you to come here for six months in succession, on the 13th day, at this same hour. Later on, I will tell you who I am and what I want.
"Afterwards, I will return here yet a seventh time.” (The Whole Truth About Fatima by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, Volume 1, Immaculate Heart Publicatins, 1989)
From a simply human perspective, the situation of the Church (i.e. heterodoxy and heteropraxis in the post Vatican II period) and of the world (e.g. the war in Ukraine and the global expansionism of China) is terribly bleak and hopeless with no solution in sight.
We need the extraordinary intervention of Heaven to overcome the evils that afflict the Church and of contemporary society. We need the immediate help of the Virgin Mary.
She promised that She would return to Fatima yet a seventh time.
Contextualized within current events, we can only conclude that She foresaw the course of world history in 1917 and that Her direct assistance would be necessary for the survival of the Church and of the human race.
Let us include as an intention in our prayer of the Holy Rosary the return of the Queen of Heaven to Fatima for a seventh time for only She can help the Church and save the human race.
Fatima 7 will be a prayer network united in prayer begging Almighty God to save the Catholic Church and the human race from the evils of our time by sending Our Lady to Fatima a seventh time.
She promised that She will return and we cling to the words of the Virgin most faithful.
That is our hope and we know that we do not hope in vain.
We only have to ask, to beg and to pray.
William Lorenzo

Posted August 18, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Regarding the extremist terrorists in your photo: They can carry lots more concealed [weapons] under those clan robes, too.
I am not telling you what this world will come up with next to harass Catholic religious & laity.