What People Are Commenting
Precious Blood, Funeral & Cristero Standard
Where Political Correctness Belongs …
If you want to know where the political correctness regarding radical Muslims belongs, you might like this video clip.
R.B., Ph.D.
If you want to know where the political correctness regarding radical Muslims belongs, you might like this video clip.
R.B., Ph.D.
Requiescant in Pace
I was wondering if you knew the name of the painting on the page entitled Requiescant in Pace or if you knew where it was from?
Thank you,
T.N., United Kingdom
TIA responds:
The picture below, titled Royal Funeral of Charles VI, is an illumination from the Chroniques de Charles VI (15th century). Charles VI of France died in 1422 and was buried with his ancestors at the Basilica of Saint Denis.
This miniature shows the funeral procession leaving Paris. On the bier lies a richly dressed effigy of the dead king. The robe the effigy wears and the pillow it reclines on are decorated with fleur-de-lis.
Life-like funeral effigies were used in royal funerals throughout Europe well into the 18th century.
The mourners wear black but the chief mourner, the Duke of Bedford, and members of the Parliament of Paris wear red – the ceremonial color of the lawyer members of the Parliament – because the King never dies - "The King is dead, long live the King!"
TIA correspondence desk
I was wondering if you knew the name of the painting on the page entitled Requiescant in Pace or if you knew where it was from?
Thank you,
T.N., United Kingdom
TIA responds:
The picture below, titled Royal Funeral of Charles VI, is an illumination from the Chroniques de Charles VI (15th century). Charles VI of France died in 1422 and was buried with his ancestors at the Basilica of Saint Denis.
This miniature shows the funeral procession leaving Paris. On the bier lies a richly dressed effigy of the dead king. The robe the effigy wears and the pillow it reclines on are decorated with fleur-de-lis.
Life-like funeral effigies were used in royal funerals throughout Europe well into the 18th century.
The mourners wear black but the chief mourner, the Duke of Bedford, and members of the Parliament of Paris wear red – the ceremonial color of the lawyer members of the Parliament – because the King never dies - "The King is dead, long live the King!"
TIA correspondence desk

Site on Saints
I just found your website, I was reading about St. Anthony of Padua. Do you ever have any email updates? I do not have a computer at home and would like to stay in contact and be informed.
Could I please ask, do you approve of this website and its contents ?
On your site where the info on St. Anthony of Padua is, the last picture of him has a caption that says "St. Anthony threatening the enemies with heavenly fire." What do you think about printing a picture card of that? While there is a time to be gentle, there is also a time to be militant.
Thank you.
TIA responds:
It is good news for us to hear that you are becoming a regular visitor to our website. We do not have Twitter or Facebook or an e-mail list to alert people of new postings. However, it is not difficult to follow us since we make a new posting every day between 6 and 9 pm, Pacific Standard Time. You can place our website on your favorites and visit it regularly.
The website you asked about seems to have a large amount of material on saints. At a first superficial glance, the data appear to be historically sound. However, the series of videos advertised on that site are from the Diamond Brothers, who are radical sede-vacantists. They point out many heresies and wrong points in the Conciliar Popes, which can be objective facts. However, we do not agree with them regarding the juridical conclusions they reach, that is, the loss of the Papacy. For more on our position on this topic, please check here, here, here and here.
Thank you for your good suggestion of printing a card with St. Anthony throwing balls of fire at the enemies of the Church. If you know of any donor to sponsor this publication, please let us know. Unfortunately, our financial situation this year is quite tight, with two books reprinted and another going to press soon. If some extra income would come in, then we could cover this expense.
TIA correspondence desk
I just found your website, I was reading about St. Anthony of Padua. Do you ever have any email updates? I do not have a computer at home and would like to stay in contact and be informed.
Could I please ask, do you approve of this website and its contents ?
On your site where the info on St. Anthony of Padua is, the last picture of him has a caption that says "St. Anthony threatening the enemies with heavenly fire." What do you think about printing a picture card of that? While there is a time to be gentle, there is also a time to be militant.
Thank you.
TIA responds:
It is good news for us to hear that you are becoming a regular visitor to our website. We do not have Twitter or Facebook or an e-mail list to alert people of new postings. However, it is not difficult to follow us since we make a new posting every day between 6 and 9 pm, Pacific Standard Time. You can place our website on your favorites and visit it regularly.
The website you asked about seems to have a large amount of material on saints. At a first superficial glance, the data appear to be historically sound. However, the series of videos advertised on that site are from the Diamond Brothers, who are radical sede-vacantists. They point out many heresies and wrong points in the Conciliar Popes, which can be objective facts. However, we do not agree with them regarding the juridical conclusions they reach, that is, the loss of the Papacy. For more on our position on this topic, please check here, here, here and here.
Thank you for your good suggestion of printing a card with St. Anthony throwing balls of fire at the enemies of the Church. If you know of any donor to sponsor this publication, please let us know. Unfortunately, our financial situation this year is quite tight, with two books reprinted and another going to press soon. If some extra income would come in, then we could cover this expense.
TIA correspondence desk
Honor to the Cristero Standard
I am sending to you a poem composed by Msgr. Vicente M. Camacho in honor of the standard of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who is considered the Captain of the Cristero Army.
J.R.C., Peru
El Guerrero Victorioso
Oh guerrero victorioso! Para ti no son las flores
Ni la estrofa engalanada, ni el cantar de los amores;
Para ti, silvar de balas y rugidos del cañón;
Para ti los cantos roncos y los belicos tambores,
Y el vibrar de los clarines saludando al vencedor!
Hace mucho que peleas, tremolando una bandera
Cuyo escudo es una fragua, cuyo escudo es una hoguera,
Cuyo escudo es un Imagen del Sagrado Corazón!
Y peleando como un héroe has vencido dondequiera:
cuantas frentes se inclinarón ante el Cristo Redentor!
Tras el carro de tus triunfos nos ataste prisioneros…
Ahora somos el ejército de tus débiles guerreros
Que sabrán morir contigo, si no saben pelear;
Cuando clamen a la lucha los clarines vocingleros
Formaremos tu vanguardia, oh valiente Capitán!
Y por eso, en este dia, al venir a saludarte,
Nuestra ofrenda no es de flores, ni venimos a cantarte;
Nuestra ofrenda es más sagrada: te venimos a jurar
Que contigo lucharemos y que, al pie de tu estandarte
O la muerte, o la victoria, tus soldados ganarán!
Sí! Que vibren los clarines, y que bramen los cañones,
Y que crujan los aceros, y que piafen los bridones;
Que no calle un momento el redouble del tambor;
Y que avance victorioso, dobegando corazones,
El pendón de nuestro ejército: el Divino Corazón!
Monseñor Vicente M. Camacho
The Victorious Warrior
O victorious warrior! For you there are no flowers
Or embellished verses, or songs of love;
For you, the whistling of bullets and the thunder of cannons;
For you the raucous shouts and the drums of war,
And the call of the trumpets saluting the victorious!
Long have you battled, holding aloft a banner in the wind
Whose shield is a forge, whose shield is a fire,
Whose shield is an image of the Sacred Heart!
And fighting wherever you go:
How many heads have bowed before Christ the Redeemer!
You tied us prisoners behind your cart of triumph…
Now we have became the army of your weak warriors
Who will know at least how to die, if we know not how to battle;
When the resounding bugles will signal the fight
We will form your vanguard, O courageous Captain!
And thus, today, as we came to salute you,
We do not offer You flowers or cheering songs;
Our offer is more sacred: we come to swear to you
That we will join you in the fight and under your shadow
We, your warriors, will achieve either death or victory!
Yes! Let the bugles call, let the cannons thunder,
Let the steel creak, and the horses neigh;
Let the drums beat without a moment of relief;
And advancing victoriously, conquering hearts,
Is the pennant of our army: the Divine Heart!
Monseñor Vicente M. Camacho
I am sending to you a poem composed by Msgr. Vicente M. Camacho in honor of the standard of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who is considered the Captain of the Cristero Army.
J.R.C., Peru
El Guerrero Victorioso
Oh guerrero victorioso! Para ti no son las flores
Ni la estrofa engalanada, ni el cantar de los amores;
Para ti, silvar de balas y rugidos del cañón;
Para ti los cantos roncos y los belicos tambores,
Y el vibrar de los clarines saludando al vencedor!
Hace mucho que peleas, tremolando una bandera
Cuyo escudo es una fragua, cuyo escudo es una hoguera,
Cuyo escudo es un Imagen del Sagrado Corazón!
Y peleando como un héroe has vencido dondequiera:
cuantas frentes se inclinarón ante el Cristo Redentor!
Tras el carro de tus triunfos nos ataste prisioneros…
Ahora somos el ejército de tus débiles guerreros
Que sabrán morir contigo, si no saben pelear;
Cuando clamen a la lucha los clarines vocingleros
Formaremos tu vanguardia, oh valiente Capitán!
Y por eso, en este dia, al venir a saludarte,
Nuestra ofrenda no es de flores, ni venimos a cantarte;
Nuestra ofrenda es más sagrada: te venimos a jurar
Que contigo lucharemos y que, al pie de tu estandarte
O la muerte, o la victoria, tus soldados ganarán!
Sí! Que vibren los clarines, y que bramen los cañones,
Y que crujan los aceros, y que piafen los bridones;
Que no calle un momento el redouble del tambor;
Y que avance victorioso, dobegando corazones,
El pendón de nuestro ejército: el Divino Corazón!
Monseñor Vicente M. Camacho
The Victorious Warrior
O victorious warrior! For you there are no flowers
Or embellished verses, or songs of love;
For you, the whistling of bullets and the thunder of cannons;
For you the raucous shouts and the drums of war,
And the call of the trumpets saluting the victorious!
Long have you battled, holding aloft a banner in the wind
Whose shield is a forge, whose shield is a fire,
Whose shield is an image of the Sacred Heart!
And fighting wherever you go:
How many heads have bowed before Christ the Redeemer!
You tied us prisoners behind your cart of triumph…
Now we have became the army of your weak warriors
Who will know at least how to die, if we know not how to battle;
When the resounding bugles will signal the fight
We will form your vanguard, O courageous Captain!
And thus, today, as we came to salute you,
We do not offer You flowers or cheering songs;
Our offer is more sacred: we come to swear to you
That we will join you in the fight and under your shadow
We, your warriors, will achieve either death or victory!
Yes! Let the bugles call, let the cannons thunder,
Let the steel creak, and the horses neigh;
Let the drums beat without a moment of relief;
And advancing victoriously, conquering hearts,
Is the pennant of our army: the Divine Heart!
Monseñor Vicente M. Camacho

Posted July 1, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
This is an important devotion and TIA readers may be interested in knowing about. The month of July is the Month of the Precious Blood, a good time to begin the devotion.
In Jesus through Mary,
on His Way to Calvary
St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers, upon which Our Lord revealed to them:
To all the faithful who shall recite for 3 years, each day, 2 Our Fathers, 2 Hail Marys and 2 Glory Bes in honor of the drops of Blood I lost, I will concede the following 5 graces: