 | Why This Page?
 | Who Is Attacking Us?
 | Who's Who In the Conservative Milieu? |
 | Polemic with Mr. Michael Davies on Cardinal Ratzinger's document Dominus Jesus and other topics
 | Polemic with Rev. Fr. Ladis J. Cizik, director of the American Blue Army, on John Paul II handing over the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan to the so-called Orthodox Russian Church
 | Polemic with Dr. Timothy Mitchell, editor of Pro Ecclesia magazine, on the books In the Murky Waters of Vatican II,
& An Urgent Plea: Do Not Change the Papacy
 | Polemic with His Excellency Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, NE on the book We Resist You to the Face
 | Polemic with Mr. Alphonse Matt, editor of weekly newspaper The Wanderer, on the book We Resist You to the Face
 | Polemic with Mr. Frank Morris, columnist of The Wanderer, on the book Quo Vadis, Petre?
Discussion & Controversy
Under this title TIA lists controversial topics that are open for discussion amongst our readers and editors. TIA does not always endorse an opinion on these subjects, but is posting them in the interest of arriving at the truth through the sharing of information and insights.
The Coronavirus Psy-War NEW! Read all about the Covid-19 Hoax
 | The Two Sister Lucy's Controversy The explosive debate started here on the TIA website
 | Against Distributism Is Distributism a viable "third position" between Capitalism and Socialism?
Divine Mercy Is the Divine Mercy devotion licit for Catholics, or is it condemned?
 | The Third Secret of Fatima Has the real Third Secret of Fatima been found?
 | Arch. Lefebvre and Freemasonry Was Archbishop Lefebvre a Freemason?
 | Card. Newman's Homosexuality Evidence suggests Cardinal Newman was homosexual
Under this title TIA will bring to the attention of its readers and visitors some of the challenges we have made, which, up to the moment, remain unanswered. Should an answer appear, the exchange will be transferred to the Face-to-Face section.
 | Card. Avery Dulles Challenged
 | Question to the Canon Law Society of America