The Divine Mercy Devotion
Brief Chronicle of Events
October 15, 2013: Msgr. Perez' Sermon - Many send questions to TIA asking: Is the Divine Mercy devotion licit? In a sermon, which TIA reproduces for our readers, Msgr. Patrick Perez elucidates the many problems with the Divine Mercy Devotion.
November 21, 2013: Was Divine Mercy Meant to Replace the Rosary? - Readers comment: The Diary of Sister Faustina contains many extravagant statements. Another reader writes his personal bad experience with the devotion.
February 24, 2014: Boycott Divine Mercy - A pro-homo priest speaks at a Divine Mercy conference.
October 21, 2014: Divine Mercy in Dispute - Msgr. Perez dismisses a feeble attempt to defend the devotion.
April 8, 2015: In Defense of the Divine Mercy Devotion - On the website of the Lepanto Institute, Michael Hichborn responds to Msgr. Perez's sermon.
January 12, 2016: Pope Francis and Divine Mercy - “If there is one devotion Francis promotes, it is that of divine mercy. Enough to make any Catholic suspicious. Your articles were very helpful and today I am saying my Rosary, as Our Lady told us to do at Fatima each time she appeared to the children.”
June 7, 2017: A Refutation - Later, Bro. Theodore Roriz, O.C., refutes Michael Hichborn's article defending Divine Mercy. To date, the refutation has received no reply.
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