What People are Commenting
Seville’s Cathedral & Front Line Doctors
Tour at Seville’s Cathedral
Dear TIA,
Take a moment to watch here some nice footage on Seville's Cathedral, the largest gothic cathedral in the world.
The altarpiece is also said to be the largest in the world, carved out of wood and entirely gilded in gold.
In Jesu et Maria,
Take a moment to watch here some nice footage on Seville's Cathedral, the largest gothic cathedral in the world.
The altarpiece is also said to be the largest in the world, carved out of wood and entirely gilded in gold.
In Jesu et Maria,

True & False Martyrdom
After reading about the false martyrdom of Bishop Angelelli, it reminded me of what Pope Eugene IV said - that even one who had shed blood for Christ cannot be saved unless he is in the Catholic Church.
Maximilian Kolbe did not die in defense of the faith, but he did an act of charity.
Worse is that the Catholics honor non-Catholic "martyrs." Imagine the Catholic Church declaring George Custer a "martyr" for dying in battle against the Indians.
After reading about the false martyrdom of Bishop Angelelli, it reminded me of what Pope Eugene IV said - that even one who had shed blood for Christ cannot be saved unless he is in the Catholic Church.
Maximilian Kolbe did not die in defense of the faith, but he did an act of charity.
Worse is that the Catholics honor non-Catholic "martyrs." Imagine the Catholic Church declaring George Custer a "martyr" for dying in battle against the Indians.
Not a Trad
Dear TIA members,
Re: Heaven Speaks Fast
What a strange look this traditionalist and attorney has; hasn’t he?
I totally agree with you in all you have written about the importance of the way in which we present ourselves to others, and the look of that attorney contradicts what I understand you think about the topic.
Are you sure that person is an attorney, a traditionalist, a real Catholic? Is he not instead a speaker for the other side?
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
No, that attorney is not a real Catholic or a traditionalist. He is a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that allegedly fights terrorism. Actually, it is an anti-Catholic leftist organization that tries to incriminate real Catholics by spreading lies about them. It spread the falsehood that TIA and other organizations of Catholic laymen are extremist and anti-Semitic, which is a demonstrated untruth.
It was a providential irony that their attorney was caught in a terrorist act of vandalizing a police facility in Atlanta.
This episode shows how hypocritical the SPLC is, since it pretends to be honestly combating terrorism. It also shows that in reality it is a façade to protect real terrorists and to attack honest Americans who disagree with its far-left agenda.
TIA correspondence desk
Re: Heaven Speaks Fast
What a strange look this traditionalist and attorney has; hasn’t he?
I totally agree with you in all you have written about the importance of the way in which we present ourselves to others, and the look of that attorney contradicts what I understand you think about the topic.
Are you sure that person is an attorney, a traditionalist, a real Catholic? Is he not instead a speaker for the other side?
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
No, that attorney is not a real Catholic or a traditionalist. He is a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that allegedly fights terrorism. Actually, it is an anti-Catholic leftist organization that tries to incriminate real Catholics by spreading lies about them. It spread the falsehood that TIA and other organizations of Catholic laymen are extremist and anti-Semitic, which is a demonstrated untruth.
It was a providential irony that their attorney was caught in a terrorist act of vandalizing a police facility in Atlanta.
This episode shows how hypocritical the SPLC is, since it pretends to be honestly combating terrorism. It also shows that in reality it is a façade to protect real terrorists and to attack honest Americans who disagree with its far-left agenda.
TIA correspondence desk
Spring vs. Autumn
Dear TIA,
I noticed that you recently had an article on your website, titled “St Joseph: the Harbinger of Spring”. It begins,
“Every Catholic soul delights to hear of the grandeur of St. Joseph who, according to tradition, died on March 19. How marvelous that his death should occur at the time of the Spring Equinox (March 21) when Winter must accede to Spring the cold reign that it has held over the world.
“For St. Joseph’s death is the signal for the fast approach of the Springtide of graces that comes to the world with Our Lord’s Death and Passion.”
I thought I should point out that, though this might apply to parts of the northern hemisphere, there are billions of people – including Catholics – who live in the southern hemisphere, where St Joseph’s feast day is in autumn (which Americans might call “fall”); and more billions who live in the tropics, where the weather is basically warm or hot all the time, and seasons do not mean much.
V.O.R., Australia
I noticed that you recently had an article on your website, titled “St Joseph: the Harbinger of Spring”. It begins,
“Every Catholic soul delights to hear of the grandeur of St. Joseph who, according to tradition, died on March 19. How marvelous that his death should occur at the time of the Spring Equinox (March 21) when Winter must accede to Spring the cold reign that it has held over the world.
“For St. Joseph’s death is the signal for the fast approach of the Springtide of graces that comes to the world with Our Lord’s Death and Passion.”
I thought I should point out that, though this might apply to parts of the northern hemisphere, there are billions of people – including Catholics – who live in the southern hemisphere, where St Joseph’s feast day is in autumn (which Americans might call “fall”); and more billions who live in the tropics, where the weather is basically warm or hot all the time, and seasons do not mean much.
V.O.R., Australia
Encouraging Home-Schooling
Dear TIA
I agree completely with your correspondent R.R. on the subject of a High School education. In Ireland we call this Secondary School and here also Catholic schools can no longer be trusted.
Our once great convent schools still exist but they are run by lay boards of management. They are subject to State curricula including certain areas of education to which Catholic girls should not be subjected. Academic standards are also poor and in decline. So many children leave school with poor literacy and conversational skills. The teaching of Catechism and Religious knowledge is in a deplorable state, and moral instruction non-existent.
In the United States you do at least have some schools in the hands of more traditional Religious. We do not enjoy this privilege. I would wholeheartedly recommend home schooling to parents. In this way you can follow a traditional and truly Catholic programme without the fear of your child being confused and corrupted by liberal, so called “progressive” ideas.
I know many girls who have been home schooled over the years and they really do stand apart, in terms of their modest dress and demeanour, their humble manner and their air of serenity.
God bless the great service you perform at TIA, day in, day out.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
I agree completely with your correspondent R.R. on the subject of a High School education. In Ireland we call this Secondary School and here also Catholic schools can no longer be trusted.
Our once great convent schools still exist but they are run by lay boards of management. They are subject to State curricula including certain areas of education to which Catholic girls should not be subjected. Academic standards are also poor and in decline. So many children leave school with poor literacy and conversational skills. The teaching of Catechism and Religious knowledge is in a deplorable state, and moral instruction non-existent.
In the United States you do at least have some schools in the hands of more traditional Religious. We do not enjoy this privilege. I would wholeheartedly recommend home schooling to parents. In this way you can follow a traditional and truly Catholic programme without the fear of your child being confused and corrupted by liberal, so called “progressive” ideas.
I know many girls who have been home schooled over the years and they really do stand apart, in terms of their modest dress and demeanour, their humble manner and their air of serenity.
God bless the great service you perform at TIA, day in, day out.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
American Frontline Doctors
Dear TIA,
I received this notification from the America’s Front Line Doctors, who are a group of courageous physicians who did and are still doing a lot of good by denouncing the frauds of the establishment on the so-called Covid pandemic and the harmful vaccine it is mandating.
I believe this group should be supported, since its program on these topics is not very different than that of TIA.
Dear EA,
America's Frontline Doctor's legal team proudly joined and supported a group of doctors suing the FDA for their anti-ivermectin campaign!
AFLDS' amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief was filed with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Robert L. Apter, et al. vs. Department of Health and Human Services.
The complaint, filed by Boyden Gray's law firm, consists of three courageous medical freedom fighters: Dr. Robert L. Apter, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, and Dr. Paul E. Marik These doctors want the right to prescribe ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. These doctors have been publicly insulted and threatened with professional discipline for prescribing ivermectin and decided not to cave to bureaucratic pressure.
As stated by an AFLDS-affiliated attorney, "It is shocking that in America, critically ill patients were forced to hire attorneys to go to court to obtain access to legal lifesaving medications such as ivermectin, legally prescribed by their doctors. Sadly, many of these patients passed away before their court proceedings were completed. This egregious interference with the practice of medicine and other real-world harms such as the unfair harassment of doctors by their medical boards, is fairly traceable to the illegal FDA propaganda campaign waged against ivermectin and must never be allowed to happen again."
While the case was sadly dismissed in December 2022, supporting this appeal's fight against the FDA's anti-ivermectin propaganda will save lives and protect doctors' free speech!
America's Frontline Doctors has been fighting for medical freedom since the beginning of the lockdowns. We have sued the Department of Defense and numerous universities for their COVID-19 mandates, and we continue to defend doctors who are prioritizing their patient’s best interests.
Thank you,
Simone Gold, MD, JD
Founder & President
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information
I received this notification from the America’s Front Line Doctors, who are a group of courageous physicians who did and are still doing a lot of good by denouncing the frauds of the establishment on the so-called Covid pandemic and the harmful vaccine it is mandating.
I believe this group should be supported, since its program on these topics is not very different than that of TIA.
Dear EA,
America's Frontline Doctor's legal team proudly joined and supported a group of doctors suing the FDA for their anti-ivermectin campaign!
AFLDS' amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief was filed with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Robert L. Apter, et al. vs. Department of Health and Human Services.
The complaint, filed by Boyden Gray's law firm, consists of three courageous medical freedom fighters: Dr. Robert L. Apter, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, and Dr. Paul E. Marik These doctors want the right to prescribe ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. These doctors have been publicly insulted and threatened with professional discipline for prescribing ivermectin and decided not to cave to bureaucratic pressure.
As stated by an AFLDS-affiliated attorney, "It is shocking that in America, critically ill patients were forced to hire attorneys to go to court to obtain access to legal lifesaving medications such as ivermectin, legally prescribed by their doctors. Sadly, many of these patients passed away before their court proceedings were completed. This egregious interference with the practice of medicine and other real-world harms such as the unfair harassment of doctors by their medical boards, is fairly traceable to the illegal FDA propaganda campaign waged against ivermectin and must never be allowed to happen again."
While the case was sadly dismissed in December 2022, supporting this appeal's fight against the FDA's anti-ivermectin propaganda will save lives and protect doctors' free speech!
America's Frontline Doctors has been fighting for medical freedom since the beginning of the lockdowns. We have sued the Department of Defense and numerous universities for their COVID-19 mandates, and we continue to defend doctors who are prioritizing their patient’s best interests.
Thank you,
Simone Gold, MD, JD
Founder & President
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information

Posted March 14, 2023
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Just a compliment
I am E., from Brazil.
I would like to thank you all for that wonderful site! Tradition in Action is a Blessing, a Light in this difficult moment we are all facing.
May God bless you and the Virgin Mary guide you!