What People Are Commenting
Right Man for the Job of Destruction
Dear TIA,
The Church in Germany continues to be in the forefront of the Revolution. Their new president of the Bishops National Conference, Georg Bätzing of Limburg, certainly is, as the article says, "the right man at the right time" to lead the Vatican II Revolution ahead at fast pace.
If you look at his picture he looks more like the jolly optimistic head of a local Rotary Club than a Prince of the Church. No princes for him though.
Bishop Bätzing succeeds Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, and is a bosom buddy. Enough said since Marx was surely one of the most radical far left Cardinals in Francis' inner circle. The new Bishop notes he will rely on Marx as his contact in Rome since he doesn't speak Italian.
He's also a keen ecumenist. He said he intends to immediately start preparing for the Ecumenical Kirchentag, which is to take place in Frankfurt in May 2021.
Asked what scope he saw for homosexuality or premarital sex in Church teaching, Bishop Bätzing said Pope Francis' exhortation Amoris laetitia has pushed the "door wide open."
He said it's now necessary to explore how Church teaching could be worded in such a way that it is seen as "orientation know-how" and not as "this continuous prohibitive morality."
"And that also concerns how we deal with homosexuals and their lifestyle. On that score, things simply must change," he added.
He is also a champion of women power in the Church. “Women must be given equal rights," he said.
And as for mandatory celibacy for priests, he thinks that not important. “I think no harm is done if priests are married since they can then bring those experiences with them," he said in another TV interview. He emphasized that he's in favor having both celibate and married priests.
It is Revolution fast speed.
It reminds me of that article you printed some time ago when Card. Schönborn warned us about a decision that much have been made (under BENEDICT) to move up the speed of the Revolution in the Church: : "The Church will look quite different from the Church we have known up until now; her very nature will change."
Thanks for your solid and sound positions and reporting, especially Revolution in Pictures and Birds' Eye View.
The Church in Germany continues to be in the forefront of the Revolution. Their new president of the Bishops National Conference, Georg Bätzing of Limburg, certainly is, as the article says, "the right man at the right time" to lead the Vatican II Revolution ahead at fast pace.

Bishop Georg Bätzing
Bishop Bätzing succeeds Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, and is a bosom buddy. Enough said since Marx was surely one of the most radical far left Cardinals in Francis' inner circle. The new Bishop notes he will rely on Marx as his contact in Rome since he doesn't speak Italian.
He's also a keen ecumenist. He said he intends to immediately start preparing for the Ecumenical Kirchentag, which is to take place in Frankfurt in May 2021.
Asked what scope he saw for homosexuality or premarital sex in Church teaching, Bishop Bätzing said Pope Francis' exhortation Amoris laetitia has pushed the "door wide open."
He said it's now necessary to explore how Church teaching could be worded in such a way that it is seen as "orientation know-how" and not as "this continuous prohibitive morality."
"And that also concerns how we deal with homosexuals and their lifestyle. On that score, things simply must change," he added.
He is also a champion of women power in the Church. “Women must be given equal rights," he said.
And as for mandatory celibacy for priests, he thinks that not important. “I think no harm is done if priests are married since they can then bring those experiences with them," he said in another TV interview. He emphasized that he's in favor having both celibate and married priests.
It is Revolution fast speed.
It reminds me of that article you printed some time ago when Card. Schönborn warned us about a decision that much have been made (under BENEDICT) to move up the speed of the Revolution in the Church: : "The Church will look quite different from the Church we have known up until now; her very nature will change."
Thanks for your solid and sound positions and reporting, especially Revolution in Pictures and Birds' Eye View.
Removing the Male Conservative
Re: Feminism, Mediocrity & Abandonment of the Fight
As a Captain America fan since my 1960's childhood, I appreciated this article explaining his abdication as a warrior to oppose the One World Order.
I found the entire piece to be very insightful.
In our culture – in our Church – many men have walked away from their roles as protectors, guardians of their own generation and those following.
Yet, some of us – even though we may now be in our waning years – will clutch our Rosaries, not give in to temptation, and will be living Lights of the Faith.
Lord Jesus, our Captain, help us to persevere in the fight... to our deaths.
We will die in white and/or red martyrdom for the Reign of Queen Mary to come forth.
Re: Feminism, Mediocrity & Abandonment of the Fight
As a Captain America fan since my 1960's childhood, I appreciated this article explaining his abdication as a warrior to oppose the One World Order.
I found the entire piece to be very insightful.
In our culture – in our Church – many men have walked away from their roles as protectors, guardians of their own generation and those following.
Yet, some of us – even though we may now be in our waning years – will clutch our Rosaries, not give in to temptation, and will be living Lights of the Faith.
Lord Jesus, our Captain, help us to persevere in the fight... to our deaths.
We will die in white and/or red martyrdom for the Reign of Queen Mary to come forth.
The Real Superhero
Re: Feminism, Mediocrity & Abandonment of the Fight
It's so weird who people can believe in super heroes and spend so much money going to the movies when the heroic supernatural they need to worship is Jesus Christ and honor Him and our Mother and pray to the holy Angels and Saints for protection.
So we have their favor to be in their supernatural existence not some made up black magic light that dulls our senses!
Respectfully yours,
Through mother Mary and Jesus Christ
Sister C.P.
Re: Feminism, Mediocrity & Abandonment of the Fight
It's so weird who people can believe in super heroes and spend so much money going to the movies when the heroic supernatural they need to worship is Jesus Christ and honor Him and our Mother and pray to the holy Angels and Saints for protection.
So we have their favor to be in their supernatural existence not some made up black magic light that dulls our senses!
Respectfully yours,
Through mother Mary and Jesus Christ
Sister C.P.
Coronavirus / Communion in the Hand
I am completely annoyed with recent notices by parishes here in the USA that we can only receive Holy Communion by the taking the Holy Eucharist in the hand. For me, this is outrageous. I refuse to take it from any lay-person. And I always kneel and say Tantum Ergo Sacramentum before saying Amen. Yet...
To begin with, what meaningful assurances are there that the individual, including priests, are not infected. Therefore, what difference does it make?
This reminds me of the behavior of religious during the Black Plague. They refused to anoint the sick, give last rites, hold public masses, etc. In other words, they went into hiding.
And this flu is not pandemic but a creation of the media and the Powers-That-Be.
God help us.
TIA responds:
We certainly agree with you that it appears the Vatican II Church is taking the opportunity with the Coronavirus scare to finally achieve its goal to completely eradicate the good custom of receiving the Sacred Host on the tongue. Churches are even emptying holy water fonts, demonstrating that an impious clergy and people know longer seem to believe in the sacramental power of blessed water.
We also agree with you that this flu is being over-hyped by the media and world leaders, creating a state of panic and hysteria that is not proportional to the facts. (As of this writing, only 113,000 cases are reported worldwide and the percentage of deaths is very small; most of those infected recover.
Where we disagree with you is your statement that during the Black Plague at the end of the Middle Ages, the clergy and religious refused to anoint the sick, give last rites, etc. and hid away to save their own lives.
This is a myth created by the Protestants, and not the reality. Recent research is actually demonstrating what Catholic always believed and reported in their chronicles: that the majority of the clergy were not running away, but rather, they stayed and helped the people in their villages, even knowing that they were risking infection and death. It has been found than greater than 50 percent of clergy died during the Black Death for this reason (a higher percentage than deaths among the regular people, by the way).
It is true that people abandoned cities and ran off to the countryside where it was believed to be safer to live; the fear became so great some even abandoned infected family members. Doctors would refuse treatment. Yet there was one group of people who as a whole looked out for those who were sick: the Catholic clergy and religious men and women. Priests, nuns and monks were typically the only ones tending the sick, offering solace and services to the dying and burying the dead.
It is refreshing to find that honest scholars (Catholic and Protestant) are presenting evidence (e.g. here) to refute the black legend that the majority of priests and religious abandoned the people in fear during the plague. The opposite is in fact true.
TIA correspondence desk
I am completely annoyed with recent notices by parishes here in the USA that we can only receive Holy Communion by the taking the Holy Eucharist in the hand. For me, this is outrageous. I refuse to take it from any lay-person. And I always kneel and say Tantum Ergo Sacramentum before saying Amen. Yet...
To begin with, what meaningful assurances are there that the individual, including priests, are not infected. Therefore, what difference does it make?
This reminds me of the behavior of religious during the Black Plague. They refused to anoint the sick, give last rites, hold public masses, etc. In other words, they went into hiding.
And this flu is not pandemic but a creation of the media and the Powers-That-Be.
God help us.
TIA responds:
We certainly agree with you that it appears the Vatican II Church is taking the opportunity with the Coronavirus scare to finally achieve its goal to completely eradicate the good custom of receiving the Sacred Host on the tongue. Churches are even emptying holy water fonts, demonstrating that an impious clergy and people know longer seem to believe in the sacramental power of blessed water.
We also agree with you that this flu is being over-hyped by the media and world leaders, creating a state of panic and hysteria that is not proportional to the facts. (As of this writing, only 113,000 cases are reported worldwide and the percentage of deaths is very small; most of those infected recover.
Where we disagree with you is your statement that during the Black Plague at the end of the Middle Ages, the clergy and religious refused to anoint the sick, give last rites, etc. and hid away to save their own lives.
This is a myth created by the Protestants, and not the reality. Recent research is actually demonstrating what Catholic always believed and reported in their chronicles: that the majority of the clergy were not running away, but rather, they stayed and helped the people in their villages, even knowing that they were risking infection and death. It has been found than greater than 50 percent of clergy died during the Black Death for this reason (a higher percentage than deaths among the regular people, by the way).
It is true that people abandoned cities and ran off to the countryside where it was believed to be safer to live; the fear became so great some even abandoned infected family members. Doctors would refuse treatment. Yet there was one group of people who as a whole looked out for those who were sick: the Catholic clergy and religious men and women. Priests, nuns and monks were typically the only ones tending the sick, offering solace and services to the dying and burying the dead.
It is refreshing to find that honest scholars (Catholic and Protestant) are presenting evidence (e.g. here) to refute the black legend that the majority of priests and religious abandoned the people in fear during the plague. The opposite is in fact true.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted March 10, 2020
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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This unfortunate incident occurred ahead of St. Patrick’s Day, which makes the bite ominous – as according to legend, the patron saint of Ireland performed a miracle that banished all the venomous snakes from the island almost 1,500 years ago, using nothing but his faith.
According to The Irish Post, a 22-year-old man from Dublin was sent to Connolly Hospital due to a venomous snakebite – which is believed to be the first such case ever recorded in the country. The hospital had to ask the National Reptile Zoo for an anti-venom, as only this facility has the right to house it in Ireland – but even they had to request it from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom, the RTE reported.
This should come as no shock, given the recent Irish VOTE to legalize abortion and sodomite 'marriage' in a nation no longer officially Roman Catholic.
[Another news report confirming this email]