What People Are Commenting
I Loved the Feedback
Re: Masonic Medal
I love all the feedback from readers this time. I double looked to make sure my Miraculous medal is legit and it is very legit – also, my daughter has one with original French on it – nice! I got mine from a person on Etsy who accommodated that I didn’t want a medal chain and they got me a nice cord and the medal is blue background in front – very nice and larger design. (I like large things including scapulars).
Re: Masonic Medal
I love all the feedback from readers this time. I double looked to make sure my Miraculous medal is legit and it is very legit – also, my daughter has one with original French on it – nice! I got mine from a person on Etsy who accommodated that I didn’t want a medal chain and they got me a nice cord and the medal is blue background in front – very nice and larger design. (I like large things including scapulars).
The Purpose of the Ur Visit
Re: Bergoglio’s Visit to Ur
You were right, as usual. The purpose of the trip to UR was to emphasize Abraham as father of three religions.
Crux news reported:
“He invited others of the Judaic and Islamic traditions to join him for prayer on the very plains of the revered father of all Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The selection of the place was purposeful and intentional. The pope wanted the interreligious prayer service to be held at Ur. He wanted prayers to be offered at that specific place. Why? ...
“In choosing Ur, the pope was spiritually calling all monotheistic believers (and all people of goodwill) back home to a purity of faith."
As Pope Francis said in his comments at Ur: “Here, where Abraham our father lived, we seem to have returned home. It was here that Abraham heard God’s call; it was from here that he set out on a journey that would change history. We are the fruits of that call and that journey.”
We are led to believe that the “purity of faith that Francis wants is the same as the UN and New World Order – a one world religion that unites all sects under the title of “Truth.” A false truth, a false path, a shameful trip to Ur to misuse the great patriarch Abraham.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Re: Bergoglio’s Visit to Ur
You were right, as usual. The purpose of the trip to UR was to emphasize Abraham as father of three religions.
Crux news reported:
“He invited others of the Judaic and Islamic traditions to join him for prayer on the very plains of the revered father of all Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The selection of the place was purposeful and intentional. The pope wanted the interreligious prayer service to be held at Ur. He wanted prayers to be offered at that specific place. Why? ...
“In choosing Ur, the pope was spiritually calling all monotheistic believers (and all people of goodwill) back home to a purity of faith."
As Pope Francis said in his comments at Ur: “Here, where Abraham our father lived, we seem to have returned home. It was here that Abraham heard God’s call; it was from here that he set out on a journey that would change history. We are the fruits of that call and that journey.”
We are led to believe that the “purity of faith that Francis wants is the same as the UN and New World Order – a one world religion that unites all sects under the title of “Truth.” A false truth, a false path, a shameful trip to Ur to misuse the great patriarch Abraham.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Where the US Dollar is Heading
Take a good look at the photo below. This is where the US dollar is heading, to line the streets as useless paper.
We are printing the dollar like there is something standing behind it, but there is nothing. It can collapse anytime, whenever the Secret Forces want.
Venezuelan Money Worthless
MSN – March 6, 2021 – Venezuela said it will introduce new large-denomination Bolivar notes as hyperinflation renders most bills worthless, forcing citizens to turn to the U.S. dollar for everyday transactions. The country’s central bank posted a statement on its website Friday saying it would begin circulating the new 200,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 bills to “fulfill the current economy’s requirements” without providing further details. The 1,000,000 note — the largest in the nation’s history — is worth only $0.53 cents.
Read more here.
Take a good look at the photo below. This is where the US dollar is heading, to line the streets as useless paper.
We are printing the dollar like there is something standing behind it, but there is nothing. It can collapse anytime, whenever the Secret Forces want.
MSN – March 6, 2021 – Venezuela said it will introduce new large-denomination Bolivar notes as hyperinflation renders most bills worthless, forcing citizens to turn to the U.S. dollar for everyday transactions. The country’s central bank posted a statement on its website Friday saying it would begin circulating the new 200,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 bills to “fulfill the current economy’s requirements” without providing further details. The 1,000,000 note — the largest in the nation’s history — is worth only $0.53 cents.
Read more here.

Miracle: No More Flu
February is historically PEAK flu season. This year there is none – it’s all been replaced by COVID. Pretty much proof they’re robbing Peter to pay Paul. The big LIE. This has been going on since February 2020. Calling every flu and pneumonia case COVID to make more money & cause global panic.
Remember that scientist who examined samples of “false positive” tests under an electron microscope and discovered mostly Influenza A and B. Now you know why.
Anyone who thinks COVID cured the flu, or that somehow masks stopped the flu but kept COVID going, is simply living in a fantasy land. Last month, top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski asserted that “Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”
By the way, people say that COVID is easily recognized by a loss of smell. Well, in 2018, the CDC said HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people go to the doctor every year because they lose their sense of smell from allergies or colds. Sounds like another con job to me.
February is historically PEAK flu season. This year there is none – it’s all been replaced by COVID. Pretty much proof they’re robbing Peter to pay Paul. The big LIE. This has been going on since February 2020. Calling every flu and pneumonia case COVID to make more money & cause global panic.
Remember that scientist who examined samples of “false positive” tests under an electron microscope and discovered mostly Influenza A and B. Now you know why.
Anyone who thinks COVID cured the flu, or that somehow masks stopped the flu but kept COVID going, is simply living in a fantasy land. Last month, top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski asserted that “Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”
By the way, people say that COVID is easily recognized by a loss of smell. Well, in 2018, the CDC said HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people go to the doctor every year because they lose their sense of smell from allergies or colds. Sounds like another con job to me.
Deaths Caused by the Vaccine
I urge you to read the news report below as well as many others posted on the website Health Impact News.
It gives a picture completely different from the one spread by the media.
Even if you don't agree with what is reported there, it is useful to know these facts to have both sides of the story.
T.H.UK Reports 460 Dead & 243,612 Injured
from COVID-19 Vaccines
March 4, 2021 – The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency released their latest report today, March 4, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through February 21, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. They report a total of 460 deaths and 243,612 injuries.
Read more here.
I urge you to read the news report below as well as many others posted on the website Health Impact News.
It gives a picture completely different from the one spread by the media.
Even if you don't agree with what is reported there, it is useful to know these facts to have both sides of the story.
from COVID-19 Vaccines
March 4, 2021 – The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency released their latest report today, March 4, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through February 21, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. They report a total of 460 deaths and 243,612 injuries.

Read more here.

Posted March 9, 2021
Re: Masonic Medal
The Medal illustrations show 5 Pointed Stars around the Medal. Well this is interesting as the 5 POINTED STAR is always a symbol of Freemasonry. The original Miraculous Medal from 1832 shows 5 POINTED STARS. What gives?
TIA responds:
Dear I.C.,
We believe that your statement that the 5-pointed star is always a symbol of Freemasonry is not objective.
As you can read here, this usage is not exclusive.
Also, as you can see below, several ancient peoples used it many centuries before Freemasonry made its symbols public.
Antiquity – Above left is an Inca bronze star, center, an Egyptian hieroglyph, right, a representation of Babylonian astrologists
Medieval Age – In medieval representations of the sky, 5-pointed stars, 6-pointed stars or multi-pointed stars were all used
Traditional Catholic piety – It is quite common in Catholic art to use the 5-pointed star in a halo around the head of Our Lady
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