What People are Commenting
Pectoral Cross & Syro-Malabar Dancing
Francis' & Bernardin's Pectoral Crosses
Dear TIA,
The Pectoral Cross Pope Francis wears has given rise to many comments. Now it comes to light that the late Card. Bernardin, who had a horrible past of involvement with the occult and pedophilia, used precisely the same Pectoral Cross. See the two sets of photos below.
Since this cross has a very particular design and style, it is very difficult to imagine that the two wore the same cross by coincidence.
So, what is the reason behind it?
Even if we don't buy all the interpretations of this sede-vacantist site, the fact remains that it presents some interesting facts on this topic.
Keep up the good work,
The Pectoral Cross Pope Francis wears has given rise to many comments. Now it comes to light that the late Card. Bernardin, who had a horrible past of involvement with the occult and pedophilia, used precisely the same Pectoral Cross. See the two sets of photos below.
Since this cross has a very particular design and style, it is very difficult to imagine that the two wore the same cross by coincidence.
So, what is the reason behind it?
Even if we don't buy all the interpretations of this sede-vacantist site, the fact remains that it presents some interesting facts on this topic.
Keep up the good work,

Above left, Card. Bergoglio's brass cross; right, Francis's pewter cross;
below left, Card. Bernardin with the same cross; right, detail

Suicide Machine
Re: Sarco/suicide pod
Unreal. Totally unbelievable!
Who on Earth thinks of this kind of thing other than minions of the Devil??
E.S., Ph.D.
Re: Sarco/suicide pod
Unreal. Totally unbelievable!
Who on Earth thinks of this kind of thing other than minions of the Devil??
E.S., Ph.D.
Exposing the Modernism of Syro-Malabar Church
It is very sad that many say that Syro-Malabar Church is traditional. It is not at all true. I was a Syro-Malabar priest. Now I am a traditional Carmelite priest.
In the video attached we see nuns dancing to a Malayalam song. It is the spirit of Vatican II Council.
Instead of teaching the children the true Catholic Faith they try to attract youth using such methods. In fact, vocations are decreasing among women religious.
In Cor Jesu et Maria,
Fr. T.M.
It is very sad that many say that Syro-Malabar Church is traditional. It is not at all true. I was a Syro-Malabar priest. Now I am a traditional Carmelite priest.
In the video attached we see nuns dancing to a Malayalam song. It is the spirit of Vatican II Council.
Instead of teaching the children the true Catholic Faith they try to attract youth using such methods. In fact, vocations are decreasing among women religious.
In Cor Jesu et Maria,
Fr. T.M.
Bergoglio Beats His Own Records on Supporting Homosexuality
We all are impressed about how much a Pope can support homosexuality.
Homosexuality is a sin against nature that cry to heaven for vengeance; it is a sin against purity (6th commandment); it is a sin against the religious vows of chastity when it is committed or supported by religious men or women; it is a sin of scandal when it is committed in public or spread openly because it induces others to imitate it.
These reasons should be enough to stop any religious authority from approving or promoting it. But they do not. In fact, Pope Bergoglio is in the frontline promoting it as much as he can.
His latest public act of approval was recently released: a spokesman of New Ways Ministry – the controversial "Catholic" organization that for decades has promoted active homosexuality and marriage for homos and consequently was condemned by many Bishops – has revealed two letter Francis sent to the organization praising its work.
You may read the main content of the two letters in the news report below.
Contrary to how the Saints performed acts that constantly led them to attain new apexes of holiness, today we have a Pope that constantly descends into new abysses of evil and horror.
Francis thanks New Ways Ministry in recent correspondence
Brian Fraga
Dec 8, 2021 - In two letters to New Ways Ministry this year, Pope Francis commended the organization for its outreach to the LGBTQ community and referred to one of its co-founders, Loretto Sr. Jeannine Gramick, as "a valiant woman" who had suffered much for her ministry.
Written in Spanish on official Vatican stationery, Francis' letters mention that the pope is aware that New Ways Ministry's "history has not been an easy one," but that loving one's neighbor is still the second commandment, tied "necessarily" to the first commandment to love God.
"Thank you for your neighborly work," Francis wrote in a June 17 letter addressed to Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, which is based in Mount. Rainier, Maryland.
"Despite what some church leaders might say or think of us, it appears that Pope Francis is happy that we're reaching out and helping to bring LGBTQ people into the church, and helping those who are here to stay," DeBernardo told NCR.
DeBernardo said he decided to publicly disclose the correspondence between New Ways Ministry and the pope in response to the Vatican's General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops removing a New Ways Ministry webinar video from a resources website for the 2021-2023 synod on synodality.
Reports in conservative Catholic media outlets indicated that the secretariat removed the video on Dec. 7 after learning that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops had censured New Ways Ministry in 2010 for its support of civil marriage for same-sex couples. A spokesman for the secretariat has not returned requests for comment from NCR.
"We weren't planning on making the correspondence public," DeBernardo said, "but given this situation, it's important for people to know. We do believe [Francis] wants LGBTQ people speaking, and we think it'd be helpful for him and helpful for his message and his invitation of inclusion, that people know that he has been corresponding with us."
Francis' correspondence with New Ways Ministry – an organization that has often drawn the ire of church authorities who doubt the group's adherence to Catholic doctrine on homosexuality - is one more example of Francis striking a more conciliatory posture than his more conservative predecessors and the U.S. Catholic bishops.
Original here
We all are impressed about how much a Pope can support homosexuality.
Homosexuality is a sin against nature that cry to heaven for vengeance; it is a sin against purity (6th commandment); it is a sin against the religious vows of chastity when it is committed or supported by religious men or women; it is a sin of scandal when it is committed in public or spread openly because it induces others to imitate it.
These reasons should be enough to stop any religious authority from approving or promoting it. But they do not. In fact, Pope Bergoglio is in the frontline promoting it as much as he can.
His latest public act of approval was recently released: a spokesman of New Ways Ministry – the controversial "Catholic" organization that for decades has promoted active homosexuality and marriage for homos and consequently was condemned by many Bishops – has revealed two letter Francis sent to the organization praising its work.
You may read the main content of the two letters in the news report below.
Contrary to how the Saints performed acts that constantly led them to attain new apexes of holiness, today we have a Pope that constantly descends into new abysses of evil and horror.
Brian Fraga

The Vatican in 1999 barred Sr. Jeannine Gramick and Fr. Robert Nugent from ministry involving homosexual people. The two had been involved in gay ministry in the United States for more than 30 years. (CNS/Nancy Wiechec)
Dec 8, 2021 - In two letters to New Ways Ministry this year, Pope Francis commended the organization for its outreach to the LGBTQ community and referred to one of its co-founders, Loretto Sr. Jeannine Gramick, as "a valiant woman" who had suffered much for her ministry.
Written in Spanish on official Vatican stationery, Francis' letters mention that the pope is aware that New Ways Ministry's "history has not been an easy one," but that loving one's neighbor is still the second commandment, tied "necessarily" to the first commandment to love God.
"Thank you for your neighborly work," Francis wrote in a June 17 letter addressed to Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, which is based in Mount. Rainier, Maryland.
"Despite what some church leaders might say or think of us, it appears that Pope Francis is happy that we're reaching out and helping to bring LGBTQ people into the church, and helping those who are here to stay," DeBernardo told NCR.
DeBernardo said he decided to publicly disclose the correspondence between New Ways Ministry and the pope in response to the Vatican's General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops removing a New Ways Ministry webinar video from a resources website for the 2021-2023 synod on synodality.
Reports in conservative Catholic media outlets indicated that the secretariat removed the video on Dec. 7 after learning that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops had censured New Ways Ministry in 2010 for its support of civil marriage for same-sex couples. A spokesman for the secretariat has not returned requests for comment from NCR.
"We weren't planning on making the correspondence public," DeBernardo said, "but given this situation, it's important for people to know. We do believe [Francis] wants LGBTQ people speaking, and we think it'd be helpful for him and helpful for his message and his invitation of inclusion, that people know that he has been corresponding with us."
Francis' correspondence with New Ways Ministry – an organization that has often drawn the ire of church authorities who doubt the group's adherence to Catholic doctrine on homosexuality - is one more example of Francis striking a more conciliatory posture than his more conservative predecessors and the U.S. Catholic bishops.
Original here
Re: Is It Morally Acceptable to Receive the Covid Vaccine?
The shot does not even protect the transmission of this pathogen. It gives a temporary boost (if it even gives that) to the person who took the shot. The CDC has said so themselves. So all of this is based on LIES!
So it is not really a loving thing to do per se... as it does not appear to affect transmission. I have seen men and women treat deathly ill people and not get the COVID pathogen.
Here is another interesting factoid. The Russians, Chinese -- and GET THIS, the Argentinians are taking a traditional vaccine. If we have to go to war with them: our guys are going to be struggling with the shots as much as the enemy: look at what the shot is doing to athletes. Their troops will not have the same disadvantage...