What People are Commenting
Navy Drag Queens & Importance of Canons
Israel Suffering from the Vax
The Testimonies Project was created by concerned individuals in Israel to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.
Watch a video on this topic here
Check out IPC (Israeli Peoples Committee)
The Testimonies Project was created by concerned individuals in Israel to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.
Watch a video on this topic here
Check out IPC (Israeli Peoples Committee)
Navy Drag Queens
Good morning TIA,
Salve Maria!
According to this article:
“Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who goes by the stage name Harpy Daniels, announced on social media in November that they had been invited to become a "digital ambassador" for the Navy, and has performed drag acts for sailors.”
And people wonder why no one wants to enlist. We get our best service members from conservative homes, and when the military pushes stories like this, it completely turns them away. I am not surprised to see this from the Navy, sadly, and I’m sure this is only the beginning. With reassignment surgeries and transgenders allowed to serve, homosexual men and women, and the ASVAB score being lowered from 30/100 to 10/100, we are in for a terrible conflict when it comes.
Our Lady of Victories, pray for us
In Jesu et Maria,
Salve Maria!
According to this article:
“Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who goes by the stage name Harpy Daniels, announced on social media in November that they had been invited to become a "digital ambassador" for the Navy, and has performed drag acts for sailors.”
And people wonder why no one wants to enlist. We get our best service members from conservative homes, and when the military pushes stories like this, it completely turns them away. I am not surprised to see this from the Navy, sadly, and I’m sure this is only the beginning. With reassignment surgeries and transgenders allowed to serve, homosexual men and women, and the ASVAB score being lowered from 30/100 to 10/100, we are in for a terrible conflict when it comes.
Our Lady of Victories, pray for us
In Jesu et Maria,
Meaning & Importance of Canons
Dear TIA Representative,
Christ is Risen! Queen of Heaven Rejoice! Alleluia!
I recently read an article in The Latin Mass of Winter-Spring 2023, Games People Play with the Holy Spirit by Dr. Peter A Kwasniewski wherein he responds to a question from a Newbie Trad on the Novus Ordo.
In a section entitled 'Realism from Church History' he seems to have tread rather brashly where angels may have feared to do so, in not sufficiently caring (my opinion) to ground his distinctions in authoritative references. Has the Church ever ruled on the distinction and weight of categories of canons she pronounces? The very definition of 'canon' would seem to preclude any canon from ever being treated as superficial and irrelevant.
I would like this question also addressed to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano but do not have any way to contact him. Is it possible for you to convey this message to him through one of your numerous contacts or directly perhaps?
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely in the Most Holy Rosary,
TIA responds:
Dear W.C.,
He is truly risen! Alleluia!
The term canon refers to rules, decrees, laws and definitions concerning the Catholic Faith or life. (Cf. Donald Attwater, A Catholic Dictionary, Rockford: TAN, 1997)
The term is used in the Catholic Church with a variety of meanings. Thus, for example:
The canons of the Code of Canon Law as an ensemble enjoy the authority of whoever promulgates it. Now then, The Canon Law of 1917 initiated by St. Pius X and promulgated by Benedict XV was in direct continuity with all the laws and customs of the Catholic Church for her almost two millennia of existence. Therefore, it can be said that it was promulgated by the entire Church throughout History and that it enjoyed the full authority of the Church. Because of this continuity, several grave authors consider that it participated in the Infallibility of the Church.
Differently, the Code of Canon Law of 1983 initiated by Paul VI and promulgated by John Paul II was turned toward reforming the 1917 Code to fit the progressivist principles of Vatican II. Therefore, it has a disputable authority since it opposed the infallible tradition of the earlier 1917 Code.
Our opinion is that the 1983 Code should be followed in the points in which it reflects the same doctrine of the previous Code, and should be resisted insofar as it reflects Progressivism. The merely bureaucratic rules may be followed as well for the sake of keeping order.
Besides this general authority enjoyed by the canons of the Code of Canon Law, each canon differs in importance from the others according to the matter it addresses. Thus, a canon referring to the Sacraments has much more importance than a canon regulating the admission of a member into a Pious Confraternity.
With this overview of the rich applications of the word canon, you may see which one applies to the case you mentioned and see if it was correctly or wrongly used.
Regarding your request to pass your message to Arch. Viganó, unfortunately we cannot help because we are not in contact with him. Some time ago we sent a few questions to him, but we did not receive the courtesy of an answer.
TIA correspondence desk
Dear TIA Representative,
Christ is Risen! Queen of Heaven Rejoice! Alleluia!
I recently read an article in The Latin Mass of Winter-Spring 2023, Games People Play with the Holy Spirit by Dr. Peter A Kwasniewski wherein he responds to a question from a Newbie Trad on the Novus Ordo.
In a section entitled 'Realism from Church History' he seems to have tread rather brashly where angels may have feared to do so, in not sufficiently caring (my opinion) to ground his distinctions in authoritative references. Has the Church ever ruled on the distinction and weight of categories of canons she pronounces? The very definition of 'canon' would seem to preclude any canon from ever being treated as superficial and irrelevant.
I would like this question also addressed to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano but do not have any way to contact him. Is it possible for you to convey this message to him through one of your numerous contacts or directly perhaps?
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely in the Most Holy Rosary,
TIA responds:
Dear W.C.,
He is truly risen! Alleluia!
The term canon refers to rules, decrees, laws and definitions concerning the Catholic Faith or life. (Cf. Donald Attwater, A Catholic Dictionary, Rockford: TAN, 1997)
The term is used in the Catholic Church with a variety of meanings. Thus, for example:
- Applied to the Bible, it refers to the canonical books that are recognized by the Church as authentic in opposition to those
that are apocryphal;
- Applied to the Faith, the canon of the Faith refers to each one of the truths of the Catholic Faith that a faithful is obliged to profess in order to be considered a Catholic. From here derives the expressions regarding the formulae of the Creed as it became increasingly complete to refute heresies: Canon of the Apostles, Canon of Athanasius etc.;
- Applied to the Mass, the Canon of the Mass, refers to the most important and immutable part of the Mass that is closely related to the Transubstantiation.
- Applied to the recognition of the virtues a person practiced – the canonization which is synonymous with sanctification – the term refers to the rules of the process established to declare a person a saint. Thus, a saint is the one who met all the demands of the canons of that process;
- Applied to the norms that govern the life of the Church, it means one of the canons of the Code of Canon Law.
The canons of the Code of Canon Law as an ensemble enjoy the authority of whoever promulgates it. Now then, The Canon Law of 1917 initiated by St. Pius X and promulgated by Benedict XV was in direct continuity with all the laws and customs of the Catholic Church for her almost two millennia of existence. Therefore, it can be said that it was promulgated by the entire Church throughout History and that it enjoyed the full authority of the Church. Because of this continuity, several grave authors consider that it participated in the Infallibility of the Church.
Differently, the Code of Canon Law of 1983 initiated by Paul VI and promulgated by John Paul II was turned toward reforming the 1917 Code to fit the progressivist principles of Vatican II. Therefore, it has a disputable authority since it opposed the infallible tradition of the earlier 1917 Code.
Our opinion is that the 1983 Code should be followed in the points in which it reflects the same doctrine of the previous Code, and should be resisted insofar as it reflects Progressivism. The merely bureaucratic rules may be followed as well for the sake of keeping order.
Besides this general authority enjoyed by the canons of the Code of Canon Law, each canon differs in importance from the others according to the matter it addresses. Thus, a canon referring to the Sacraments has much more importance than a canon regulating the admission of a member into a Pious Confraternity.
With this overview of the rich applications of the word canon, you may see which one applies to the case you mentioned and see if it was correctly or wrongly used.
Regarding your request to pass your message to Arch. Viganó, unfortunately we cannot help because we are not in contact with him. Some time ago we sent a few questions to him, but we did not receive the courtesy of an answer.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted May 4, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
POINT 1: I have watched Atila's five introductory videos to his monumental work, Eli Eli Lama Sabacthani and I forwarded the links to a Franciscan Superior with the statement: This is possibly the most important analysis of Vatican II so far published.
What makes it so effective is that it bypasses the usual theological analysis of the documents and looks instead at what he calls circumstantial evidence, the animus. This is a legal approach that no one else seems to have employed, and it works beyond all expectations to reveal the real motives behind that Council of Destruction.
I am writing not only to thank and applaud him, but to encourage him to finish that series of videos. As succinct summaries of the books, they are valuable beyond price. Every Catholic, who intends to keep their faith, needs to know what happened to our Church and why, and these videos are an invaluable aid to informing them.
POINT 2: I would very much appreciate if you could inform me if the volumes are readily available in the UK in hard copy, or if not, as downloadable pdf's, and the price.
POINT 3: Please thank Dr Carol Byrne for her 100 article series covering Annibale Bugnini and the whole liturgical revolution in learned detail and with commendable insight. I read them all, over several days, and am both impressed and grateful.
P.D., U.K.
Blessed be the Counter Revolution and its promoters, on this (deleted, moved or superseded) 4th century Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross (May 3rd)!