What People are Commenting
‘Lunacy,’ Mazzucato & Temperamental Priest
Why Some Vax Kill & Others Don’t?
In this video Dr. Ryan Cole explains in few words why some batches of vaccine kill and others don’t. It is simple and direct.
I recommend you to watch his short video.
In this video Dr. Ryan Cole explains in few words why some batches of vaccine kill and others don’t. It is simple and direct.
I recommend you to watch his short video.
Traveling in the Twilight Zone
Well, here is something interesting. A Bishop in Ireland, namely Bishop Browne, has apologized profusely for the remarks of one of his priests, namely Fr. Sean Sheehy, in the Diocese of Kerry.
What unorthodox views is Fr. Sheehy spouting to deserve the censure of his Bishop in these times when censures are so few? The priest dared to make public condemnations of contraception, abortion and homosexuality and transgenderism.
The Bishop called it a “lunatic approach of transgenderism,” and said Fr. Sheehy’s condemnation of abortion, sodomy and transgenderism “do not represent the Christian position.”
I believe the post Vatican II Church is traveling in the Twilight Zone...
Well, here is something interesting. A Bishop in Ireland, namely Bishop Browne, has apologized profusely for the remarks of one of his priests, namely Fr. Sean Sheehy, in the Diocese of Kerry.
What unorthodox views is Fr. Sheehy spouting to deserve the censure of his Bishop in these times when censures are so few? The priest dared to make public condemnations of contraception, abortion and homosexuality and transgenderism.
The Bishop called it a “lunatic approach of transgenderism,” and said Fr. Sheehy’s condemnation of abortion, sodomy and transgenderism “do not represent the Christian position.”
I believe the post Vatican II Church is traveling in the Twilight Zone...
Pope Chooses Abortionist for the Vatican Academy
Dear TIA,
Pope Francis addressed the fight for women’s equality during a press conference aboard the papal plane to Rome on Sunday November 6 on his return from Bahrain.
Equality, equality, equality – the equality of the French Revolution is what these post-conciliar Popes have preached. Francis insisted it was “a revolution, because women know how to find the right way, they know how to move forward.”
Then he praises the Curia for improving with the presence of women: “I have seen that in the Vatican; every time a woman comes in to do work in the Vatican things get better,” he said. It is the crowning moment of disgust. He praised the abortion rights activist he appointed to a Vatican Council:
He pointed to the appointment of a woman as vice governor of the Vatican City State and the inclusion of women on the Council for the Economy, which he called.
Pope Francis also mentioned, by name, Italian-American economist Mariana Mazzuccato, who he recently appointed a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
The appointment drew criticism because Mazzucato has been an outspoken advocate of abortion rights on Twitter.
The final irony: He calls this woman who advocates murder one who gives humanity to the office:
“And now, I put on the family council Mazzuccato, who is a great economist from the United States, to give a little more humanity to this,” he said.
Since when is promoting the murder of innocents helping humanity?
It is nonsense... like so much today.
May Our Lady’s intervention come soon.
Pope Francis addressed the fight for women’s equality during a press conference aboard the papal plane to Rome on Sunday November 6 on his return from Bahrain.
Equality, equality, equality – the equality of the French Revolution is what these post-conciliar Popes have preached. Francis insisted it was “a revolution, because women know how to find the right way, they know how to move forward.”
Then he praises the Curia for improving with the presence of women: “I have seen that in the Vatican; every time a woman comes in to do work in the Vatican things get better,” he said. It is the crowning moment of disgust. He praised the abortion rights activist he appointed to a Vatican Council:
He pointed to the appointment of a woman as vice governor of the Vatican City State and the inclusion of women on the Council for the Economy, which he called.
Pope Francis also mentioned, by name, Italian-American economist Mariana Mazzuccato, who he recently appointed a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
The appointment drew criticism because Mazzucato has been an outspoken advocate of abortion rights on Twitter.
The final irony: He calls this woman who advocates murder one who gives humanity to the office:
“And now, I put on the family council Mazzuccato, who is a great economist from the United States, to give a little more humanity to this,” he said.
Since when is promoting the murder of innocents helping humanity?
It is nonsense... like so much today.
May Our Lady’s intervention come soon.
How to Relate to a Temperamental Priest
I would like to ask for your advice, please. I am a layman, married and with six kids aged 3-16.
My question is: how to relate to a priest with a difficult personality?
Where I live, there is only one parish to go to for the traditional sacraments, where several priests live in community. I am very grateful this parish exists, and my family and I have been going there for years. There is really no where else to turn within a reasonable distance for the sacraments.
Over time, I have witnessed the head priest of this parish exhibit behavior that is quite disturbing. He frequently berates people, loudly and using rude language, in public, including his fellow priests, and even during the Mass. He has mocked me for asking another priest to bless some objects. He might say he was just joking, but it was not friendly. I am writing to you now because today he spoke in an unfriendly manner to my kids (I was not present), and they are now afraid to return to the church for Mass.
I know that we all have bad days. But this has been a pattern over years, and everyone in the parish knows it, and even the priests talk openly with the laity about the head priests' difficult behavior. I know I need to be careful about how I talk about this, because I do not want to detract and I respect the priest's office. But it is very concerning to me that this behavior has a negative effect on the community, and as a parent I am not sure how to react when my kids are the object of this behavior. On one hand, I can see this as an opportunity for patience, and I pray for the priest. On the other hand, I see how destructive the effects are and in particular I worry for the kids.
Because this behavior seems to be habitual, I doubt that confronting him directly would change anything, and in fact I admit I am afraid of negative repercussions if I complain or "raise a fuss". There is really no other parish I can go to.
Am I wrong to be scandalized by this priest's behavior? And is there something I should do?
I am turning to you because I am not sure where to get objective advice, and because as a convert I don't have much experience in relating to priests.
TIA responds:
Hello B.V.,
We suggest you to go to confession with another priest of your choice in that same parish and present your problem to him. Next, ask if he can facilitate you and your family to go regularly to the Mass and Sacraments said and administrated by him.
In the case he agrees, you should make arrangements to know his schedule, if he does not have a fixed hour to say his Sunday Masses.
TIA correspondence desk
I would like to ask for your advice, please. I am a layman, married and with six kids aged 3-16.
My question is: how to relate to a priest with a difficult personality?
Where I live, there is only one parish to go to for the traditional sacraments, where several priests live in community. I am very grateful this parish exists, and my family and I have been going there for years. There is really no where else to turn within a reasonable distance for the sacraments.
Over time, I have witnessed the head priest of this parish exhibit behavior that is quite disturbing. He frequently berates people, loudly and using rude language, in public, including his fellow priests, and even during the Mass. He has mocked me for asking another priest to bless some objects. He might say he was just joking, but it was not friendly. I am writing to you now because today he spoke in an unfriendly manner to my kids (I was not present), and they are now afraid to return to the church for Mass.
I know that we all have bad days. But this has been a pattern over years, and everyone in the parish knows it, and even the priests talk openly with the laity about the head priests' difficult behavior. I know I need to be careful about how I talk about this, because I do not want to detract and I respect the priest's office. But it is very concerning to me that this behavior has a negative effect on the community, and as a parent I am not sure how to react when my kids are the object of this behavior. On one hand, I can see this as an opportunity for patience, and I pray for the priest. On the other hand, I see how destructive the effects are and in particular I worry for the kids.
Because this behavior seems to be habitual, I doubt that confronting him directly would change anything, and in fact I admit I am afraid of negative repercussions if I complain or "raise a fuss". There is really no other parish I can go to.
Am I wrong to be scandalized by this priest's behavior? And is there something I should do?
I am turning to you because I am not sure where to get objective advice, and because as a convert I don't have much experience in relating to priests.
TIA responds:
Hello B.V.,
We suggest you to go to confession with another priest of your choice in that same parish and present your problem to him. Next, ask if he can facilitate you and your family to go regularly to the Mass and Sacraments said and administrated by him.
In the case he agrees, you should make arrangements to know his schedule, if he does not have a fixed hour to say his Sunday Masses.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted November 8, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I was at the doctor’s office this week. I got there a little early and knowing I’d have 20m or so to wait, I brought my fresh copy of Courtesy Calls Again to pass the time.
It was over three hours later I realized the clock had moved a little further than a typical waiting period. Apparently the staff forgot about me. So did I! A good read.